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PM Khan Tweets: RSS is Nazi

Didn't PM Khan invite the Hindu Extremist Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his inauguration?

Or has he only found out a week ago that India is ruled by Hindu Extremists for the last five years?

Cut it. Diplomatic channels were open and it was a diplomatic invitation; unlike Nawaz Sharif who brought him, sajjan jindal and god knows who to his personal residence. Can't say the Sharifs "gave" in return.
Even Cricketers are trying to make sense of this imposed war and bringing race to the question when clearly it is religiously motivated.

What is with his Obsession with race and Nazis and Germany?
If you look at it in the context of nazi Germany . There they are very much obsessed with race and wants to remove the different religions and create a common world order. They even have special centers where blue eyed blond women volenteer for the leaders of the riech to produce genetically best of spring etc .
Well if you compare it with today's India. The symptoms are the very same Rss and their leadership has always admired the philosophy of Hitler and his party.
They want to replicate it. They are obsessed with race and religion other then their and in this context you would find starkingly similar ideology and methods.
Well to be honest..................

There were Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt (later Truman) in World War 2 to stop Hitler/Nazis or Imperialist Japan.

To counter tyrants like Hitler, one needs to be ruthless to the core. And all these leaders were ruthless savages who went to any lengths to stop Hitler/Nazis and Imperial Japan.

Stalin - Probably killed more Russians than Hitler/Nazis did.

Churchill - Just the death toll of Bombing of Dresden, executed on his orders, exceeded hundreds of thousands.

Roosevelt - Just the Bombing of Tokyo death toll was more than a hundred thousand.

Truman - Didn't just stop at nuking Hiroshima but nuked Nagasaki as well 3 days later just to crush the will of Japanese

PM IK needs to be ruthless, to stop Modi and Hindutva terrorists. Be as ruthless as you can be.
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Yes. He believes Modi is best for Pak India peace. He said it as Prime Minister while this Tweet is in private Capacity.

He used to say Modi ka jo Yaar hai Ghaddar hai.

Anything for Power i guess

I see ir propaganda daily. Be thankful that we have a PM who talks boldly about kashmir. Warna agar nawaz hota tu kashmir ka naam bhi moo se nahi leta. I think u ungrateful ppl deserve nawaz n zardari
why does it matter?

who? mehwish Hayat
it matters... they label us terrorist and atankwad day and night, somebody has to highlight their own extreme to the world. and infact that is exactly what indian nationalism has become, a superemacist hindutva ideology with zero tolerance for other rligions and races
Maybe the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters need to learn a few things from the Irish Republican Army. They should start targeting mainland India to take the heat off Srinagar and Baramulla. Take the fight to Delhi and Mumbai

If they don't expect Kashmiris to meet same fate as the rest of minorities in India.

Coming from a Muslim majority which has almost wiped out it's Hindu/Christian/Buddhist populations that is hilarious LOL. Pakistanis like to lie and exagerate their causes - we own Kashmir and will piss on it like we wish. Satyameva Jayathe

Look at this ugly rape creature. He does not even hide his ugly rape face.

We coming for you rape boy. Those nukes aren't for show.
Coming from a Muslim majority which has almost wiped out it's Hindu/Christian/Buddhist populations that is hilarious LOL. Pakistanis like to lie and exagerate their causes - we own Kashmir and will piss on it like we wish. Satyameva Jayathe
no we have not wiped out our minorities . its just the usual propaganda ur dark elders and dark colegues have fed to ur ark piss drinking A@*
Coming from a Muslim majority which has almost wiped out it's Hindu/Christian/Buddhist populations that is hilarious LOL. Pakistanis like to lie and exagerate their causes - we own Kashmir and will piss on it like we wish. Satyameva Jayathe

Oh dear I hope that's not you in that pic.
no we have not wiped out our minorities . its just the usual propaganda ur dark elders and dark colegues have fed to ur ark piss drinking A@*

It is funny the ugly rape boy has the audacity to taunt others about wiping out blah blah when his own RSS elected rape leaders are masters at it.

In India a cow has more respect than actual human beings.
I have already signed up in the register to buy property in Kashmir. I will marry a kashmiri girl do her shuddhikaran and raise kashmiri mountain babies.

LOL before you get blown up to bits and pieces you mean LOL

Ask your soldiers who tried the same.

Don't mistake Kashmiris for helpless Palestinians. We stand with Kashmiris and will break your ugly rape neck. We will nuke you for fun.
I have already signed up in the register to buy property in Kashmir. I will marry a kashmiri girl do her shuddhikaran and raise kashmiri mountain babies.
this post from this ugly creature is enough to prove him troll, no need to reply him again , everyone just report him and get rid of him. @Dubious @waz
The best pathetic Kashmiris can do is throw rocks lol, don't kid yourself. Come back to reality: Kashmir is our bitch and we will do as we please.

Crying to the moderators is all you can do, just like you cry to the UN. Satyameva Jayathe
@Eagle @Dubious @waz
insensitive comments on the matter and regarding kashmiris are not acceptable
please do the needful and take care of this person
his existence is not required on pdf
The best pathetic Kashmiris can do is throw rocks lol, don't kid yourself. Come back to reality: Kashmir is our bitch and we will do as we please.

Crying to the moderators is all you can do, just like you cry to the UN. Satyameva Jayathe

You are pathetic, your ideology is pathetic and we don't need the UN to deal with you. Pakistan will put you guys in place don't worry. The muslims are here to stay and we will rule over you guys like we did in the past when you decided to attack us. Get yourself ready for another 1000 years.
The best pathetic Kashmiris can do is throw rocks lol, don't kid yourself. Come back to reality: Kashmir is our bitch and we will do as we please.

Crying to the moderators is all you can do, just like you cry to the UN. Satyameva Jayathe
Just like your forefathers who were bitches of mughal. Then your forefathers became British bitches. Now you got a little country and you are going to loose it. I guess it's you people's destiny to be a bitch.
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