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Bangladeshis going to India in huge number every day

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Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, SriLanka need to make a union of some sort. I am concerned the subcontinent could get left behind China, US, Russia etc in not so distant future.
I wish that too, if only the kashmir dispute could be resolved.
‘Around 1.5m Bangladeshis visited India in 2018’
Prothom Alo English Desk | Update: 21:46, Mar 23, 2019


Assistant high commissioner of India in Chattogram Anindya Banerjee on Saturday said around 145,000 Bangladeshi nationals visited India last year on tourism, medical and business purposes, reports UNB.

At a press briefing at the assistant high commission's stall of the ongoing 27th Chattogram International Trade Fair, he also said Indian visa application centres have been opened in Brahmanbaria, Cumilla and Noakhali too to facilitate easy access to Indian visas.

Anindya said more Bangladeshi people are getting interested to make foreign trips following Bangladesh's economic advancement and enhancement of their living standard. "India is an ideal place for visit at a cheaper cost," he said.

Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Mahbubul Alam, its vice-president Syed Zaman Ahmed and directors Mostafa Chowdhury, Zahirul Islam Chowdhury and Anjan Shekhar Das were present.

Mentioning that India always provides assistance to Bangladesh as its true and trusted friend, Mahbubul expressed the hope that it will participate in the fair as a partner country in the future and sought assistant high commission's cooperation in this regard.


It was just 1.1 million year previous. This is tremendous growth and 2 million will likely be reached in a year or two.
Pakistan CAN NEVER EVER be part of a union that involves india and/or bangladesh. Truth is, we are ALREADY part of a defacto union with China thanks to CPEC. This can NEVER EVER be changed now.
Well then I guess soon you will achieve the economic, military and technological parity with the rising super power and rivers of gold shall be flowing in Pakistan.

I really wish to avoid comments that goes like .... we will never, we will forever... we are this or that ....etc. Several posters keep claiming their own thoughts and limited wisdom as that of whole nation as if there is simply no diversity in the nation and all people think and act absolutely the without any ability to think different or big.

When so many have so much difficulty getting a grasp of the term 'we', it's obviously gonna be difficult, might never happen as well but I'll try to think positive anyway.
Bangladeshis really consider India their second home. Trust me. Nothing is stopping Bangladeshi to go India every day. Indian BJP may rant on Bangladeshis for cow smuggling and illegal migration but legal migrants are also huge in number. Every day it is increasing. Indians and Bangladeshis are really twin brothers. :cheers:

Bangladeshis going to India in huge number every day


Though the passage of the passport passengers traveling on the pilgrimage trip to Benapole check post Immigration and custom officials from both countries are happy to manage the passengers.

Even after the Eid holiday, every day Bangladeshis going to India from the Benapole checkpost, 5 to 6 thousand passengers every day. Someone is going to visit India for treatment, someone to visit the country, someone to visit relatives. Bangladeshi going to India from different districts after entering the country after the formation of the Benapole checkpost immigration, Indian police set them on line in the no-mansland area for a long time in the passport and bag serial. Indian police have questioned these passenger addresses of long line people, visa tenure, where to stay in India.

Passengers complained that Indian laborers are making money from the passenger and they have the opportunity to enter India by line. As a result, the delayed entry of passengers in India is delayed. Passengers are suffering from this. Women, children, patients and old people are being victimized more.

It takes longer time in India to take the time to seal a passport in Bangladesh. Every day passengers entering the no-man land area to enter India at 8 am, they are entering India at noon. In no-man's land area, passengers are getting sick due to sun and sunset due to no passenger camps.

Benapole Sonali Bank Manager ARM Rakibul Hasan said that on the 6th of June from 9th June, 15 thousand 931 passengers of the country have collected traveler from the bank booths, which amounted to Tk 80 lakh from government revenue.

Read more: Accepting chargesheet in Nusrat murder case, next hearing on June 20

Benapole Check Post Immigration OC Md. Abul Bashar Mia said that after the Eid, every 5 to 6 thousand passengers going to India every day with the Benapole check post. Almost equal number of passengers coming from India. From June 6 to June 9, 3 to 51 minutes, there were 32 thousand 630 passport passengers in India and Bangladesh. Passengers are suffering due to lack of arrangement for the passengers in the No-Mansland area. In Benapole immigration, there is no problem, but due to the slow pace of the Indian immigration authorities, the passengers who arrived in the morning were entering India on noon.


বেনাপোলে ভারতগামী যাত্রীদের ঢল

কাজী শাহ্জাহান সবুজ, বেনাপোল (যশোর) সংবাদদাতা
১৪:৪৯, ১০ জুন, ২০১৯

বাংলাদেশ-ভারত নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ডে যাত্রীদের দীর্ঘলাইন। ছবি : ইত্তেফাক

ঈদের ছুটি শেষ হলেও ভ্রমণ পিপাসু ভারতগামী পাসপোর্ট যাত্রীদের ঢল নেমেছে বেনাপোল চেকপোস্টে। যাত্রীদের সামাল দিতে হিমসিম খাচ্ছে দুদেশের ইমিগ্রেশন ও কাস্টম কর্মকর্তারা।

ঈদের ছুটি শেষ হলেও প্রতিদিন বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট দিয়ে ভারতে যাচ্ছে ৫ থেকে ৬ হাজার পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী। কেউ চিকিৎসা, কেউ বেড়াতে, কেউ বা যাচ্ছে আত্মীয় স্বজনের সঙ্গে দেখা করতে। দেশের বিভিন্ন জেলা থেকে আসা এসব যাত্রীরা ভারতে যাওয়ার সময় বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট ইমিগ্রেশনের আনুষ্ঠানিকতা শেষে ভারতে ঢুকতেই নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ড এলাকায় ভারতীয় পুলিশ তাদেরকে লাইনে দাড় করিয়ে পাসপোর্ট ও ব্যাগ সিরিয়ালে দেখছে দীর্ঘক্ষন ধরে। দীর্ঘলাইনের এসব যাত্রীদের পাসপোর্টের ঠিকানা, ভিসার মেয়াদ, ভারতে কোথায় অবস্থান করবেন এসব নানা প্রশ্ন করছে ভারতীয় পুলিশ।

যাত্রীরা অভিযোগ করেন, ভারতীয় লেবার যাত্রীদের কাছ থেকে টাকা নিয়ে লাইনের পাশ দিয়ে ভারতে প্রবেশের সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করে দিচ্ছে। ফলে লাইনে থাকা যাত্রীদের ভারতে প্রবেশ করতে বিলম্ব হচ্ছে। এতে ভোগান্তিতে পড়েছেন যাত্রীরা। বেশি ভোগান্তির শিকার হচ্ছে নারী-শিশু, রোগী ও বৃদ্ধরা।

বাংলাদেশে একটি পাসপোর্টে সিল মারতে যে সময় লাগে সেখানে ভারতে তার থেকে সময় বেশি লাগে। প্রতিদিন যে সব যাত্রী সকাল ৮টার সময় ভারতে ঢোকার জন্য নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড এলাকায় লাইনে দাঁড়ায় তারা দুপুরের দিকে ভারতে প্রবেশ করছে। নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড এলাকায় কোন যাত্রী ছাউনি না থাকায় রোদ ও গরমে যাত্রীরা অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ছে।

বেনাপোল সোনালী ব্যাংকের ম্যানেজার এ আর এম রকিবুল হাসান জানান, গত ৬ থেকে ৯ জুন দুপুর ৩টা ৪৫ মিনিট পর্যন্ত ভারতগামী ১৫ হাজার ৯৩১ জন পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী এ ব্যাংক বুথ থেকে ভ্রমণকর সংগ্রহ করেছে, যা থেকে সরকারের রাজস্ব আয় হয়েছে ৮০ লাখ টাকা।

এ ব্যাপারে বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট ইমিগ্রেশন ওসি মো. আবুল বাশার মিয়া জানান, ঈদের পর বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট দিয়ে প্রতিদিন ৫ থেকে ৬ হাজার যাত্রী ভারতে যাচ্ছে। ভারত থেকে আসছেও প্রায় সম পরিমাণ যাত্রী। ৬ জুন থেকে ৯ জুন দুপুর ৩টা ৫১ মিনিট পর্যন্ত এ পথে ভারত-বাংলাদেশ যাতায়াত করেছে ৩২ হাজার ৬৩০ জন পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী। নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ড এলাকায় যাত্রী ছাউনির ব্যবস্থা না থাকায় যাত্রীরা কষ্ট পাচ্ছে। বেনাপোল ইমিগ্রেশনে তেমন কোন সমস্যা না হলেও ভারতীয় ইমিগ্রেশন কর্তৃপক্ষের ধীর গতির কারণে সকালে আসা যাত্রীরা দুপুরে ভারতে প্রবেশ করছে।

Why do u not try to merge with with your 2nd home... Drink a glass of piss infront of hindutva Terrorists & u will get indian nationality... :lol:
That's already a thing, it's called SAARC and it does next to nothing.
Not a union. But it can also help. As some people say Kashmir issue being the issue behind the issue. If political and military establishments on both sides can come to a common understanding regarding cooperation in economic and military front and leave the K issue as it is barring their support to extremist elements on either side, border issue will become irrelevant over time to both nations.
Not a union. But it can also help. As some people say Kashmir issue being the issue behind the issue. If political and military establishments on both sides can come to a common understanding regarding cooperation in economic and military front and leave the K issue as it is barring their support to extremist elements on either side, border issue will become irrelevant over time to both nations.

Forgetting Kashmir equals to accepting Indian supermacy if India wants good relations with Pakistan then she should get out of Kashmir
Are not you concerned that the South Asian countries are already 500 years behind other countries? You are talking in the future tense to my surprise.
We can catch up if united or at least become co-operative keeping in view the well being of general folks in the region.
hey retard, you are on a PAKISTANI WEBSITE.

It's like me going to a filed and complaining about Indians shitting in it.
So what , this thread is on indo-bangla. You are needed here , get lost.
As I have said countless times , Bangladesh has shun religion and two nation theory . Bangaldeshi doesn't belive in sepertion for religion but they belive in a seperate state for bengalis.
A seperate state for Bengali or the dream of bengal is incomplete without the merger of two sides of bengal .
And hence the issues you face daily of moving with each other and other stuff .
Pakistan on the other hand is a union and based in religion and two nation theory.
Theories varies from person to person. Shunning of two nation theory would anyway count as an invalidation of the two nation theory.

Yes, we are same people but there are some radical people in Bangladesh and India also who deny the truth because of religious hatred. Other than that Indians and Bangladeshis are absolutely same people. We are Muslims but culturally we belong to Indian sub-group. :-)

Bangladesh will unite with India one day but Bangladesh will not become India but will become a part of Indian union with Nepal and Bhutan under an agreement. Bangladeshis will remain Bangladeshis under an Indian union.
Something sort of USA, just A becoming Asia or South Asia. Separate states, separate laws but having a geographical unity???
Forgetting Kashmir equals to accepting Indian supermacy if India wants good relations with Pakistan then she should get out of Kashmir
You should really just ignore my post, I'll try to ignore yours. Says I am asking for forgetting Kashmir.. Just in a hurry to react with a ready made opinion rather than thinking what's being said or suggested .. If one says people are to have free movement, cultural engagements, economic prosperity, when there will be no barrier of borders, somehow we are forgetting Kashmir. This level of intelligence and wisdom is simply unmatchable. Talks of equality but fails to see from equal point of view, just keeps equating if he is in an inferior or a superior position when we are talking about creating a scenario where the equation will have no need. Like I said before, too many have been conditioned to a state where they just can't or simply refused to think beyond. I am out of wits to explain. Just ignore. Thanks.

@Halls merge India Bangladesh Sri Lanka Nepal and Bhuttan and make United States of south Asia we are not interested
Because you are more concerned with egoism, internal bias or hatred. Personal hatred comes ahead of greater good for overall population of region and human kind. That's a very normal thing for great chunk human species. And you are obviously trying to troll not discuss or counter as I have just realized. I know what to do.
Well then I guess soon you will achieve the economic, military and technological parity with the rising super power and rivers of gold shall be flowing in Pakistan.

I really wish to avoid comments that goes like .... we will never, we will forever... we are this or that ....etc. Several posters keep claiming their own thoughts and limited wisdom as that of whole nation as if there is simply no diversity in the nation and all people think and act absolutely the without any ability to think different or big.

When so many have so much difficulty getting a grasp of the term 'we', it's obviously gonna be difficult, might never happen as well but I'll try to think positive anyway.

Not exactly. The relationship between Pakistan and China is similar to that between Israel and America:


However since the onset of CPEC, The infrastructure and average living conditions in Pakistan have improved dramatically. That is the ground reality in Pakistan as I have witnessed myself only 6 months ago.

india is an existential threat to Pakistan. Always has been always will be. india is Pakistan's eternal enemy. The relationship between Pakistan and india is the same as that between Nazi Germany and Israel.

Are not you concerned that the South Asian countries are already 500 years behind other countries? You are talking in the future tense to my surprise.

What about Pakistan. It was also a part of Hindustan/Delhi since time immemorial until 1947. Thanks to Bengali Muslims that you are living in a separate country. So, how about Pakistan joining its mother country as well?

Irrelevant. Pakistan, parts of Turkey and afghanistan were also once part of the Persian/Safavid empires for the best part of 800 years. That pales in comparison to around 90 years of being a part of the British "Raj". That however DOES NOT mean that Pakistan, Iran, afghanistan and Turkey should become one country.

india was NEVER our mother country, it was the BRITISH Raj under British rule. Hence by your definition, ENGLAND is the mother country.
Because you are more concerned with egoism, internal bias or hatred. Personal hatred comes ahead of greater good for overall population of region and human kind. That's a very normal thing for great chunk human species. And you are obviously trying to troll not discuss or counter as I have just realized. I know what to do.

Everyone in Pakistan have same views about your country and we are not interested in Aman ki aasha etc
Most of the ppl abroad have no idea about subcontinent. People will identify you as a Indian/Srilankan/Pakistani/Bangladeshi based on what they know. Once while renting a car the guy wished me namaste , told me that he likes sharukh khan and asked whether I am from sri lanka. I amusingly said yes sharukh khan is a sri lankan actor.

Hard truth is most of the boundaries are political in nature. ppl will go where they have commonality and can share things with others. It should be no surprise that bengalis on each side traveling across the border. Europe is a good example and irony is that they learnt most o f the stuff by looking at us. Even though we cannot reach that level , we should at least ensure common man can travel across the boundaries without fear and prejudice.

Sad fact is that our physically redrawn boundaries have not only stopped ppl from mingling with each other but also affected animals like elephants, deers which once used to roam the regions.
Wonder what the animals think of us.

Completely irrelevant. I and many other Pakistanis living abroad have also been mistaken for being Iranian, Turk, Arab or even South American by White people. Doesn't mean we are the same. The ability or lack thereof of White people to discern the nationalities of various Brown peoples does not determine the identity of Pakistan or Pakistanis........:lol:

The boundaries are not just physical, they are indeed racial aswell. That's why those boundaries exist in the 1st place. Pathans and other Western tribes in Pakistan who make up at least 35% of our population, are racially, genetically and culturally identical to afghans and Iranians. They have NOTHING in common at all with indians or bengalis. Punjabis who make up around 55% of our population, at most make up around 3% of India's population. So at least 97% of indians have NOTHING in common with Pakistanis and vice-versa. However, due to intermixing amongst various Pakistani ethnicities over the years, most Pakistani Punjabis are now racially different to indian Punjabis.
why do Indian always get butt hurt and bring in Pakistan?

The topic is about Banlaesh and India, and the Bengali poster said you people are the same.

Yet here you foam at the mouth about Pakistan.
Typical low IQ Indian.

Who knows what the "BD poster" real identity is.

BD is way superior than India in long term potential and is a Muslim country. What is the benefit of joining an under performing Hindu India?
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