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Bangladeshis going to India in huge number every day

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You people should unite and become a province of afghanistan , your forefathers were afghans and they made you muslims. If you become a part of them kashmir conflict will end since afghans are our ally.

No intention to troll
But there is a problem,you see both are democratic states and considering Pakistani population of 220 million vs their 50 million,we are still going to dominate everything from Politics to all forms bureaucracy & services,so conflict won't end it will only provide us with extra man power+area:enjoy:

why do Indian always get butt hurt and bring in Pakistan?

The topic is about Banlaesh and India, and the Bengali poster said you people are the same.

Yet here you foam at the mouth about Pakistan.
Typical low IQ Indian.
Leave him,he thinks that 50 million Afghans would act as burnol for them after forming one state with Pakistan,he forgot that out of 50 million Bharati allies are not even 1 million and if even 50 million are their allies still 50 million can't compel 220 million.
Even if you become trillion dollar economy still afghans are your forefathers. They gave islam to you and hence you use their names to name your missiles. You will remain inferior to them, if united they will be your rulers not the other way around.

I don't know inferior or superior for me all humans are equal and in democratic system majority rules not minority
Actually you can not distinguish Bangladeshis from Indians very easily. Its difficult. In abroad Bangladeshis are called Indians unless corrected. I think some Pakistanis also face the problem but almost 99% Bangladeshis face the problem whereas may be 10 to 20% Pakistanis face the situation.

We and Indians are twin brothers. really.
Most of the ppl abroad have no idea about subcontinent. People will identify you as a Indian/Srilankan/Pakistani/Bangladeshi based on what they know. Once while renting a car the guy wished me namaste , told me that he likes sharukh khan and asked whether I am from sri lanka. I amusingly said yes sharukh khan is a sri lankan actor.

Hard truth is most of the boundaries are political in nature. ppl will go where they have commonality and can share things with others. It should be no surprise that bengalis on each side traveling across the border. Europe is a good example and irony is that they learnt most o f the stuff by looking at us. Even though we cannot reach that level , we should at least ensure common man can travel across the boundaries without fear and prejudice.

Sad fact is that our physically redrawn boundaries have not only stopped ppl from mingling with each other but also affected animals like elephants, deers which once used to roam the regions.
Wonder what the animals think of us.
We Pakistanis are not interested in making any type of union with you people
That's the problem. You fail to see the larger picture. You/we fail to set an attainable objective/goal where we want to stand in world after a certain period of time where China and US keep racing so far ahead that we may just have to bow down to their supremacy.

We will keep ourselves divided with this thing called we and you over religion or territory, exactly what they want to keep ahead of us but won't give the greater good a chance.

If I say I hate you, you will say you hate me. If I say, I want friendship, you will still say you hate and want nothing to do with. Rightly conditioned ourselves to benefit others just not our own, so much that we don't even want to think of what we might be able to achieve together.
in democratic system majority rules not minority
Majority rules or majority elects. Because all people can't take all decisions collectively. A system is needed where elected people take decision keeping in view the welfare of all people otherwise democracy will be worthless system.
Bangladeshis really consider India their second home. Trust me. Nothing is stopping Bangladeshi to go India every day. Indian BJP may rant on Bangladeshis for cow smuggling and illegal migration but legal migrants are also huge in number. Every day it is increasing. Indians and Bangladeshis are really twin brothers. :cheers:

Bangladeshis going to India in huge number every day


Though the passage of the passport passengers traveling on the pilgrimage trip to Benapole check post Immigration and custom officials from both countries are happy to manage the passengers.

Even after the Eid holiday, every day Bangladeshis going to India from the Benapole checkpost, 5 to 6 thousand passengers every day. Someone is going to visit India for treatment, someone to visit the country, someone to visit relatives. Bangladeshi going to India from different districts after entering the country after the formation of the Benapole checkpost immigration, Indian police set them on line in the no-mansland area for a long time in the passport and bag serial. Indian police have questioned these passenger addresses of long line people, visa tenure, where to stay in India.

Passengers complained that Indian laborers are making money from the passenger and they have the opportunity to enter India by line. As a result, the delayed entry of passengers in India is delayed. Passengers are suffering from this. Women, children, patients and old people are being victimized more.

It takes longer time in India to take the time to seal a passport in Bangladesh. Every day passengers entering the no-man land area to enter India at 8 am, they are entering India at noon. In no-man's land area, passengers are getting sick due to sun and sunset due to no passenger camps.

Benapole Sonali Bank Manager ARM Rakibul Hasan said that on the 6th of June from 9th June, 15 thousand 931 passengers of the country have collected traveler from the bank booths, which amounted to Tk 80 lakh from government revenue.

Read more: Accepting chargesheet in Nusrat murder case, next hearing on June 20

Benapole Check Post Immigration OC Md. Abul Bashar Mia said that after the Eid, every 5 to 6 thousand passengers going to India every day with the Benapole check post. Almost equal number of passengers coming from India. From June 6 to June 9, 3 to 51 minutes, there were 32 thousand 630 passport passengers in India and Bangladesh. Passengers are suffering due to lack of arrangement for the passengers in the No-Mansland area. In Benapole immigration, there is no problem, but due to the slow pace of the Indian immigration authorities, the passengers who arrived in the morning were entering India on noon.


বেনাপোলে ভারতগামী যাত্রীদের ঢল

কাজী শাহ্জাহান সবুজ, বেনাপোল (যশোর) সংবাদদাতা
১৪:৪৯, ১০ জুন, ২০১৯

বাংলাদেশ-ভারত নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ডে যাত্রীদের দীর্ঘলাইন। ছবি : ইত্তেফাক

ঈদের ছুটি শেষ হলেও ভ্রমণ পিপাসু ভারতগামী পাসপোর্ট যাত্রীদের ঢল নেমেছে বেনাপোল চেকপোস্টে। যাত্রীদের সামাল দিতে হিমসিম খাচ্ছে দুদেশের ইমিগ্রেশন ও কাস্টম কর্মকর্তারা।

ঈদের ছুটি শেষ হলেও প্রতিদিন বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট দিয়ে ভারতে যাচ্ছে ৫ থেকে ৬ হাজার পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী। কেউ চিকিৎসা, কেউ বেড়াতে, কেউ বা যাচ্ছে আত্মীয় স্বজনের সঙ্গে দেখা করতে। দেশের বিভিন্ন জেলা থেকে আসা এসব যাত্রীরা ভারতে যাওয়ার সময় বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট ইমিগ্রেশনের আনুষ্ঠানিকতা শেষে ভারতে ঢুকতেই নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ড এলাকায় ভারতীয় পুলিশ তাদেরকে লাইনে দাড় করিয়ে পাসপোর্ট ও ব্যাগ সিরিয়ালে দেখছে দীর্ঘক্ষন ধরে। দীর্ঘলাইনের এসব যাত্রীদের পাসপোর্টের ঠিকানা, ভিসার মেয়াদ, ভারতে কোথায় অবস্থান করবেন এসব নানা প্রশ্ন করছে ভারতীয় পুলিশ।

যাত্রীরা অভিযোগ করেন, ভারতীয় লেবার যাত্রীদের কাছ থেকে টাকা নিয়ে লাইনের পাশ দিয়ে ভারতে প্রবেশের সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করে দিচ্ছে। ফলে লাইনে থাকা যাত্রীদের ভারতে প্রবেশ করতে বিলম্ব হচ্ছে। এতে ভোগান্তিতে পড়েছেন যাত্রীরা। বেশি ভোগান্তির শিকার হচ্ছে নারী-শিশু, রোগী ও বৃদ্ধরা।

বাংলাদেশে একটি পাসপোর্টে সিল মারতে যে সময় লাগে সেখানে ভারতে তার থেকে সময় বেশি লাগে। প্রতিদিন যে সব যাত্রী সকাল ৮টার সময় ভারতে ঢোকার জন্য নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড এলাকায় লাইনে দাঁড়ায় তারা দুপুরের দিকে ভারতে প্রবেশ করছে। নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড এলাকায় কোন যাত্রী ছাউনি না থাকায় রোদ ও গরমে যাত্রীরা অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ছে।

বেনাপোল সোনালী ব্যাংকের ম্যানেজার এ আর এম রকিবুল হাসান জানান, গত ৬ থেকে ৯ জুন দুপুর ৩টা ৪৫ মিনিট পর্যন্ত ভারতগামী ১৫ হাজার ৯৩১ জন পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী এ ব্যাংক বুথ থেকে ভ্রমণকর সংগ্রহ করেছে, যা থেকে সরকারের রাজস্ব আয় হয়েছে ৮০ লাখ টাকা।

এ ব্যাপারে বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট ইমিগ্রেশন ওসি মো. আবুল বাশার মিয়া জানান, ঈদের পর বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট দিয়ে প্রতিদিন ৫ থেকে ৬ হাজার যাত্রী ভারতে যাচ্ছে। ভারত থেকে আসছেও প্রায় সম পরিমাণ যাত্রী। ৬ জুন থেকে ৯ জুন দুপুর ৩টা ৫১ মিনিট পর্যন্ত এ পথে ভারত-বাংলাদেশ যাতায়াত করেছে ৩২ হাজার ৬৩০ জন পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী। নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ড এলাকায় যাত্রী ছাউনির ব্যবস্থা না থাকায় যাত্রীরা কষ্ট পাচ্ছে। বেনাপোল ইমিগ্রেশনে তেমন কোন সমস্যা না হলেও ভারতীয় ইমিগ্রেশন কর্তৃপক্ষের ধীর গতির কারণে সকালে আসা যাত্রীরা দুপুরে ভারতে প্রবেশ করছে।


We welcome all and more bangladeshis to do legal business and visits to brother country India....and hopefully over time more Indians visit BD too.

There is good cultural contact that only will grow, past the fake-hostility on this subforum.

All pending issues will be sorted out peacefully.
Is their any news in this ???????????
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Pakistan will never accept Indian supermacy and we are not competing with US or China
There will be no superior or inferior one in a union. Can't really call it a union if there is a superior or inferior one. You appear to be in a hurry to just make your point which is obvious while refusing to see point I am trying to make. Not competing against each other but for each other.

My intention is primarily to give strength to our voice on the international stage, to derive economic benefit (will be a tough task), strengthen military strength, no border issue to cause disturbance with formation of union etc .

You may have thought that I am asking to merge other countries in Indian union which is wrong, I have asked to make a union of the said nation's.
All legal tourists are welcome but if you try and come here illegally i do hope BSF shoot you.
It can happen but only if India hands over Kashmir to Pakistan
I give the solution and he still nitpicks and asks and states the same. As I said, they did it really well. Contemplate in free time biggie. :(
I give the solution and he still nitpicks and asks and states the same. As I said, they did it really well. Contemplate in free time biggie. :(

Until Kashmir is under Indian occupation there can never be peace between India and Pakistan
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, SriLanka need to make a union of some sort.

That's already a thing, it's called SAARC and it does next to nothing.

Actually you can not distinguish Bangladeshis from Indians very easily.

That's not an argument, brown people as a whole look vaguely similar.

Also, I'm often able to do so.

I think some Pakistanis also face the problem

Some do some don't.

your forefathers were afghans and they made you muslims.

Your forefathers were from the Indus and made you Hindu.

Why do pakistanis like you come on indo-bangla threads?

Why do Indians like you come to Pakistani forums?
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