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Libya's Khalifa Haftar orders forces to attack Turkish ships, interests

Those Hafta-rats are now probably “destroying” their 5th Turkish drone/plane only in the last week even though no Turkish forces are present in Libya.

Ever since they got their asses kicked by the Government forces (to whom Turkey sells weapons) they are daydreaming. :D

Though it is absolutely in their capability to kidnap some unarmed civilians holding a Turkish passport. Which is an amazing feat indeed.
Those Hafta-rats are now probably “destroying” their 5th Turkish drone/plane only in the last week even though no Turkish forces are present in Libya.

Ever since they got their asses kicked by the Government forces (to whom Turkey sells weapons) they are daydreaming. :D

Though it is absolutely in their capability to kidnap some unarmed civilians holding a Turkish passport. Which is an amazing feat indeed.

Actually, saw some videos from Mitiga International Airport yesterday, showing a Bayraktar TB2 drone landing.

Will see if i can find the video again.
there should be more drones in the air hunting that pig haftar :)
Actually, saw some videos from Mitiga International Airport yesterday, showing a Bayraktar TB2 drone landing.

Will see if i can find the video again.
Post it please if you can find a video like that... I dont think we have that kind of presence in Libya, but lets see. I might be wrong.

Here we have another example of one of the few regional cancers (outnumbered by Arabs on every front by a ratio of 7-10) only being able to meddle in war-torn/civil war hit Arab countries. We see/saw it in Syria, Iraq and now in Libya.

All thinking that they can "win" anything (other than wasting resources, losing men etc.) as seen in Syria and Iraq before.

Meddling directly and expecting 1 of the waring parties (Haftar) not to reply, lol.

I don't even care/support any side in Libya but I find it funny that those guys think that they play any role or will play any role in Libya, lol.

Libyans and only Libyans will decide like seen in Syria and Iraq. As well as do 99.9% of the fighting. Afterwards we will have some of the regional cancers (maybe even Israel will join) proclaim that they control x or y country.:rofl:

Here we have another example of one of the few regional cancers (outnumbered by Arabs on every front by a ratio of 7-10) only being able to meddle in war-torn/civil war hit Arab countries. We see/saw it in Syria, Iraq and now in Libya.

All thinking that they can "win" anything (other than wasting resources, losing men etc.) as seen in Syria and Iraq before.

Meddling directly and expecting 1 of the waring parties (Haftar) not to reply, lol.

I don't even care/support any side in Libya but I find it funny that those guys think that they play any role or will play any role in Libya, lol.

Libyans and only Libyans will decide like seen in Syria and Iraq. As well as do 99.9% of the fighting. Afterwards we will have some of the regional cancers (maybe even Israel will join) proclaim that they control x or y country.:rofl:

Erdogan is a Saleebi
don't you think we should enter to Libya too?? enemy of my enemy...
NO, That is not our fight.

We only can enter politically there or some minor weapon export, I think military presence in Libya is very very big mistake for Iran at this moment.

It would be a cold day in hell if the Turks and Iranians fought together in another country.
Iran already is too busy, Libya is not in main Iran interest list.
I prefer some co work and team up b/w Iran and Turkey in somewhere like Sudan not Libya and that is not again militarily team up some kind of intelligence and financial team up.
Iran already is too busy, Libya is not in main Iran interest list.
I prefer some co work and team up b/w Iran and Turkey in somewhere like Sudan not Libya and that is not again militarily team up some kind of intelligence and financial team up.

Stop acting relevant. You don't register anywhere in the Arab world east of tiny Southern Lebanon. Your small presence in Syria has only been possible due to the Al-Assad dynasty being a long-time ally otherwise you would play zero role in Syria. Iraq the influence is limited to Shia Islam (Wilayat al-Faqih to be more precise) and a few corrupt clerics, traitors like Hadi Al-Amiri and political parties (Shia Islamists) like Dawa. In Yemen smuggling. Nothing to do with Zaydis or Yemen either.

What you two share in common is that you are only able to meddle/showcase any sort of influence through proxies and only in unstable Arab countries (the 3-4 out of 20+ Arab countries that are unstable). Ever wondered why you have zero influence (even though your current influence is very small overall) in every single stable Arab country?

What is worse you cover and use religion. No sane Arab buys this nonsense (it has been decades in your case and Erdogan 10+ years). It is about influence of nation states and nothing else. You Iranians and Turks are not even religious people. Don't want the best for those Arab countries or their people.

Those are internal Arab matters. Mind your own business. At the end of the day you won't have any say.
Libyans and only Libyans will decide like seen in Syria and Iraq. As well as do 99.9% of the fighting. Afterwards we will have some of the regional cancers (maybe even Israel will join) proclaim that they control x or y country.:rofl:
Your problem is that exactly what you said.
Your leaders in Arab world do not believe people decisions.
They all are dictators and do not recognize people votes.

Stop acting relevant. You don't register anywhere in the Arab world east of tiny Southern Lebanon. Your small presence in Syria has only been possible due to the Al-Assad dynasty being a long-time ally otherwise you would play zero role in Syria. Iraq the influence is limited to Shia Islam (Wilayat al-Faqih to be more precise) and a few corrupt clerics, traitors like Hadi Al-Amiri and political parties (Shia Islamists) like Dawa. In Yemen smuggling. Nothing to do with Zaydis or Yemen either.

What you two share in common is that you are only able to meddle/showcase any sort of influence through proxies and only in unstable Arab countries (the 3-4 out of 20+ Arab countries that are unstable). Ever wondered why you have zero influence (even though your current influence is very small overall) in every single stable Arab country?

What is worse you cover and use religion. No sane Arab buys this nonsense (it has been decades in your case and Erdogan 10+ years). It is about influence of nation states and nothing else. You Iranians and Turks are not even religious people. Don't want the best for those Arab countries or their people.

Those are internal Arab matters. Mind your own business. At the end of the day you won't have any say.
I said Iran has nothing to do with Libya period.

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