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What will be Pakistan's response to Israel

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Al-Qaeda Network - greatest threat to world peace in modern times.

Bro, this is wishful thinking. They can strike at, and destroy Pakistan, without any issue. Subterfuge is for the weak.

Take cues from how Trump administration was threatening DPRK back in the days when DPRK was testing its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. Trump administration threatened to vaporize DPRK in a freaking United Nations session. Shall I post videos?

Super-strong will challenge Pakistan head on.

My eyes are open actually. Being a Pakistani, I understand the mentality of fellow Pakistan in drawing room talks, but trust me, nobody is of the opinion that we war-game US. All I see is heightened emotions.

I am sure USA can meet out some damage to Pakistan. But at what cost? Without starting a world war III?
It is not unipolar world anymore, please remember it General.
Cyrus land?
Have you notice one point in A famous Hadees Shareef …… Reference is , "Armies from Our land will help to conquer Isereal " … Now guess the rest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How !!!!!!!!!!! Means of Transportation !!!!!!!!!!! Countries in-between ……….
Recent event make few things very clear to me...………

Here i completed the jigsaw puzzle. Janaab aap kion itni mehnat kar rahe hain? Ye log nahi maanegayn
leave every thing are you ready for 2.5(actually make it 3) front war
Here i completed the jigsaw puzzle. Janaab aap kion itni mehnat kar rahe hain? Ye log nahi maanegayn

After subduing idolaters, the Armies of Haq will sooner or later turn towards Jerusalem. Khaibar has not forgotten the blow it took at the hands of the wielder of Zulfiqar. As long as the disciples of Mawla Ali (A.S) are breathing, the Zionist regime will never sleep in peace. The grudges they hold against Muslims in their wretched hearts are far greater than what they actually reveal.
Some love to talk about this campaign but they conveniently forget about a SMOKE which will wipe all believers from the world. What do you think this SMOKE represent? Some kind of magic? I am afraid that WORLD WAR 3 is being hinted in this case.

Wars do not address CORE ISSUES, and their is much difference between 'perceived reality' and 'actual reality' - we do not know what would be the political structure of the world in year 2100 for instance. Only Allah Almighty knows what will happen in the future.

What happens after Israel (for example) is taken down? Would the world experience lasting peace afterwards? BIG MISCONCEPTION. Most likely, the fate of entire Islamic bloc would be on the line afterwards.

Revelations which we tend to overlook:-

[1] "Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors." (Holy Quran; 2: 190)

[2] Important hadith; endorsed in both Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim compilations.


Muslims are advised to fight for self-preservation, but not to destroy other countries on the basis of 'perceived reality' or worldly gains.

Right now, Pakistan is fighting for self-preservation, and India is being war-mongering under Modi Sarkar although many Indians are against war. This is why Allah Almighty is helping Pakistan, because we are in the right. When Allah Almighty is with us, nobody can touch us. However, we should not give into conspiracy theories without appropriate homework.

It is the responsibility of Government of Pakistan to keep public informed and unmask all conspiring forces with concrete set of evidences. Unless Imran Khan conduct a PRESS CONFERENCE and confirm that US and Israel are actively supporting India in its nefarious designs, we should not jump to conclusions over tweets from some TV personalities.

Over here, some members are very quick to remark that we should strike at this or that entity with nuclear weapons and such. This immature thought process. Pakistan's nuclear weapons program is for self-preservation.

I am sure USA can meet out some damage to Pakistan. But at what cost? Without starting a world war III?
It is not unipolar world anymore, please remember it General.
Nobody will fight US for Pakistan, mind you. I hope you are not one of those retired gernail...

DPRK also learned very quickly that it was on its own when it threatened to strike at US in 2017 (Guam scare).

This is the kind of world we live in, unipolar or bipolar or whatever.
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Some love to talk about this campaign but they conveniently forget about a SMOKE which will wipe all believers from the world. What do you think this SMOKE represent? Some kind of magic? I am afraid that WORLD WAR 3 is being hinted in this case.

Wars do not address CORE ISSUES, and their is much difference between 'perceived reality' and 'actual reality' - we do not know what would the political structure of the world in year 2100 for instance. Only Allah Almighty knows what will happen in the future.

What happens after Israel (for example) is taken down? Would the world experience lasting peace afterwards? BIG MISCONCEPTION. Most likely, the fate of entire Islamic bloc would be on the line afterwards.

Revelations which we tend to overlook:-

[1] "Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors." (Holy Quran; 2: 190)

[2] Important hadith; endorsed in both Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim compilations.


Muslims are advised to fight for self-preservation, but not to destroy other countries on the basis of 'perceived reality' or worldly gains.

Right now, Pakistan is fighting for self-preservation, and India is being war-mongering under Modi Sarkar although many Indians are against war. This is why Allah Almighty is helping Pakistan, because we are in the right. When Allah Almighty is with us, nobody can touch us. However, we should give into conspiracy theories without appropriate homework.

It is the responsibility of Government of Pakistan to keep public informed and inform us in clear terms about the conspirators. Unless Imran Khan conduct a PRESS CONFERENCE and confirm that US and Israel are actively supporting India in its nefarious designs, we should not jump to conclusions over tweets from some TV personalities.

Over here, some members are very quick to remark that we should strike at this or that entity with nuclear weapons and such. This immature thought process. Pakistan's nuclear weapons program is for self-preservation.

Nobody will fight US for Pakistan, mind you.

We do not wish for war but are fully prepared if imposed upon us. This is a doctrine we wish to proceed with.

We also hope that the international community stop being pathetic in their tricks and be atleast creative for a change.

There are 2 Army chiefs in the world threatening Pakistan. We can only ignore the issue to an extent after that whatever Allah has ordained for them will happen.
Nobody will fight US for Pakistan, mind you. I hope you are not of those retired gernail.

DPRK also learned that it was on its own when it threatened to strike at US.

This is the kind of world we live in, unipolar or bipolar or whatever.

I am no general, be rest assured, just an ordinary British of Pakistani descent.
Someone fighting for Pakistan or not remain to be seen. But if they don't what would happen to China and Russia in that case!! Taken out individually over time!!
You see General, world is not such an easy place. Everyone knows that USA/Europe are shit scared from the rise of China. I don't take a short term view. 2 Decades back, in the USA and Europe especially in the UK the phrase was used "next big threat is China". At the time China wasn't the power it is now.
People had to be wary of China's influence and power for decades.
You seriously think China would be pleased to be boxed in and left alone after the destruction of Pakistan!!
USA is only prompting up India because through India it can control shipping lanes in Indian ocean. Remember, the USA wants to control the South China Sea. For that purpose USA has spent lots of money and resources to create hostilities in smaller countries against China.
Game is bigger than just Pakistan. Pakistan hold a very important location for China, and for this purpose for Russia too, though not to the same extent.
The real damage to Pakistan prospect was caused by the corrupt thugs Zardari and Butts.
Nawaz left the important ministry of Foreign Affairs empty for 5 years, heading it himself. He didn't do any work on diplomatic front, leaving us vulnerable. We are overcoming those vulnerabilities.

My comments are never out of mere emotions, I study my friend, deep and long.
Work on your economy and increase Military Size. Establish bases around Israel. Also time to reveal ICBM
shit is getting real!!!

to those in support of recognizing Isreal are living in fools paradise! by recognizing israel Pakistan will have to abandon its identity and our identity is Islam! Israel is our enemy not because we are Pakistan but because we are Muslim Jews are enemy of Islam!!
Re-phrasing your comment, Jews are not the enemy of Islam..they are people of the book. Zionists are the enemy of Islam
Anyways, whatever the reason, Iran is an enemy. As I have always said plenty of times on this forum, Pakistan just cannot engage on multiple fronts. And there is ONLY ONE WAY to take care of the Iran problem very, very quickly.

We need more proof before we can assign blame to our much maligned and isolated neighbor.

Let’s just wait and see, however Pakistan needs to wake up and realize US is no friend of Pakistan and has let their dog India attack Pakistan with a free hand with Israeli help.
Have you notice one point in A famous Hadees Shareef …… Reference is , "Armies from Our land will help to conquer Isereal " … Now guess the rest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How !!!!!!!!!!! Means of Transportation !!!!!!!!!!! Countries in-between ……….
Recent event make few things very clear to me...………

leave every thing are you ready for 2.5(actually make it 3) front war

Regarding the Hadith sharif...I think at that time many countries will be in ruins/chaos - even Istanbul will be occupied by a foreign power so borders might not mean anything by them
Now that it has been established that Israel was part of wicked Indian plan to attack Pakistan which was fortunately thwarted due to timely intelligence and quick response of Pakistani government which made it very clear that Pakistani retaliation Wil be multiplied by factor of three
But was any warnings delivered to Israel?
What will be our response if in future they launch joint attack against Pakistan?
Should we also militarily help enemies of Israel by giving them advance missile technology?

Stop this rabid conspiracies theories and get a life. Learn to help yourself first.
Work on your economy and increase Military Size. Establish bases around Israel. Also time to reveal ICBM

After knowing that Indians are fully supported by Israel. Public display of ICBM capabilities is a must now. We have to send a clear message to Israel and USA that we mean business.
Once again the real enemies of Pakistan are Zardari and But brothers , they have looted Pakistan so badly in last 10 years and left it very vulnerable. Imagine what we could have done if we had financial stability.
Pakistan should know its inner enemies too, they are as real enemies as India and Israel.
Why some misguided people still support these criminals is beyond me.
Regarding the Hadith sharif...I think at that time many countries will be in ruins/chaos - even Istanbul will be occupied by a foreign power so borders might not mean anything by them
Do you know Istanbul will be taken back with in few hours (means some liberals Muslim will be ruling and Muslim papulation of city will help Attacking Muslim Armies and also the armies of the city).. Rest Allah Knows The Best..
\And on topic , I will say again , read news ,, 3rd country was also in range of our Missiles attack.. (simple and easy )
Do you know Istanbul will be taken back with in few hours (means some liberals Muslim will be ruling and Muslim papulation of city will help Attacking Muslim Armies and also the armies of the city).. Rest Allah Knows The Best..
\And on topic , I will say again , read news ,, 3rd country was also in range of our Missiles attack.. (simple and easy )

I’v read that Istanbul will be retaken by a great pious army who will liberate it by reading Takbeer only
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