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What will be Pakistan's response to Israel

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Let me say and I will be the first we did wrong to meddle in middle East and we know better now you should too. It's not about more or less once
delivered it ends every thing. So we should not
Meddle in each other's wars and politics and even geopolitics. Both of us will be safe that way
We can't afford another strong enemy and you can't afford a real existential threat. We can agree to disagree on everything else.
U think Israel will not be meddling just because thy like pakistan or thy have any kind of interests with pakistan? Israel is one of the major weapons suppliers of India, and what you think Israel likes pakistan armed with nukes?
Answer these questions u ill get to the point
Might have been a brand new system rushed to India as America rushed thaad to Israel.
Thaad wasn't "rushed" into Israel, it's a joint drill for EUCOM and Israel.
As for the second part of your sentence, it's pure baseless accusation a.k.a propaganda
Before people think of some thing …… Here is one more hint … That 3rd country is in our Missiles Range ……..

Pakistan reply was Pakistan will hit all three and 3 times what we get ….. Mean if they hit 6 target total in Pakistan , Pakistan will hit 6*3 = 18 in each country ,, mean 18*3=54 targets …………….
Now think the name ……… I don't think Third name will ever make into media....
Cyrus land?
They just wanted to show some drama to their public for votes but our forces decided to act even in response to drama since some of our other neighbors took seriously of this Indian Natak.

You are a kid and I don't argue with ignorant kids....
Its not me rather, it's you are thinking like a 7 years old?
Do u think it's just modis election campaign?
It shows your level of processing the info?
Modis election campaign was one of the, advantages of tht whole plan, but it has deeper, links then that, frist day when Indian airforce came into Pakistan and bombed a jungle type space it was just a chcekup, how some one else can do some other hits?
And still if u think Thts over then ask ur papa to slap u a bit, so u can come to ur senses, cause u are still sleepin with ur school shoeses

Lots of things now started to make sense.
In the light of the facts, we can say we were actually attacked by 4 enemies.
It is funny that Iran is an enemy for USA and Israel, but against Pakistan they are united!!
It had been said for almost two decades that the real target of USA is Pakistan rather than Afghanistan , when USA attacked Afghanistan after what happened in the NY.
It is becoming clear now to an extent USA is also involved, even if it is a tacit approval to the three enemies, which were involved in planning of the attacks on Pakistan.
We have to tread waters careful, it has all the ingredients to start a world war III.
Lots of things now started to make sense.
In the light of the facts, we can say we were actually attacked by 4 enemies.
It is funny that Iran is an enemy for USA and Israel, but against Pakistan they are united!!
It had been said for almost two decades that the real target of USA is Pakistan rather than Afghanistan , when USA attacked Afghanistan after what happened in the NY.
It is becoming clear now to an extent USA is also involved, even if it is a tacit approval to the three enemies, which were involved in planning of the attacks on Pakistan.
We have to tread waters careful, it has all the ingredients to start a world war III.
But the thing is, Pakistan was ready and has the info, before tht KSA prince came over KSAs prince visit was also a part of the plan!
Those so called dialoges with TALIBANs was also a smoke scren
Those who’re licking Israel’s balls and preaching to recognize them as a state even after they’re on your border supporting your eneimes should know that they consider you gentile and 3rd class human being even after you recognize them.
Its not me rather, it's you are thinking like a 7 years old?
Do u think it's just modis election campaign?
It shows your level of processing the info?
Modis election campaign was one of the, advantages of tht whole plan, but it has deeper, links then that, frist day when Indian airforce came into Pakistan and bombed a jungle type space it was just a chcekup, how some one else can do some other hits?
And still if u think Thts over then ask ur papa to slap u a bit, so u can come to ur senses, cause u are still sleepin with ur school shoeses
You don't know me and I don't wants to know you, Yeah I am 7 years old kid as per you but I am 7 years old sane kid nit a middle aged delusional man...so spare me I don't want to engage you any further.
Mian Ahmed.
But the thing is, Pakistan was ready and has the info, before tht KSA prince came over KSAs prince visit was also a part of the plan!
Those so called dialoges with TALIBANs was also a smoke scren

Yeah, we were. The intel came directly from a meeting of Modi. We have moles everywhere. Well done ISI.
Those who’re licking Israel’s balls and preaching to recognize them as a state even after they’re on your border supporting your eneimes should know that they consider you gentile and 3rd class human being even after you recognize them.

Agreed. Any religion which consider human beings as lower just because of their race, religion, color or creed. Has no place in the league of nations.
It is a point to think that why two religions, Hinduism and Jewish religion both consider others as low level human being. Hindus consider people within their own religion "Low Cast" or "Dalit" as less than human. Why then these two religions are not only tolerated, but also supported by the so-called "Civilised" world!!!
When Muslims and especially Muslim countries' ruling elites understand the reasons behind it, our problems would end.
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