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Indian Muslims are out to prove their loyalty once again.

Zakir Naik never criticized Pakistan or promoted war against Pakistan. He was actually threatened by the Indian government and Hindu mobs, so he left to KSA and Malaysia.


Great man and great da'ee for Islam.
He never criticised Pakistan? He do not supprt the creation of Pakistan dear. Anyway i am not against him in at all i have respect for him unlike many in Pakistan who are against him. I was just trying to explain to the clutch that lets not worry about faith of Indian Muslims they have scholars like zakir naik who can explain them if they're doing right thing or not.
If India goes to war against Pakistan..Indian Muslims cannot support or participate in that conflict as they cannot side with a idolatry army or nation. It's the basic tenets of Islam. Ask any practicing Muslim of India and they will say the same. If they don't, then ask them for evidence through the Quran. It's written in black and white.

It's not about Pakistan per say.

I know you don't want to hear this... But it is what it is.

“Let not the believers take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers, and whoever does that will never be helped by Allah in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from them. And Allah warns you against Himself, and to Allah is the final return.” (Al-i Imran 3/28)

We have, of course, the glorious example of your joining hands with the American believers throughout your history. Most illustrative.
Muslims in india dont go around street to street and try to convert hindus ...they only keep those who voluntarily come to them...before some of my indian friends here come and blast me ...yes in parts where the hindus are a minority they pressure them to convert...but unlike christians they dont canvas street to street...and the the most strong point of islam as a hindu i see is that anyone can read their holy books...no discrimination is there...but for a hindu to read his holy books is near to impossible as the brahmins have complete monopoly on this and wont teach others...if you are a hindu want to read hindu holy book on say the supreme female goddess(the holy books name is devi mahathmiyam or the chandi path)...then you have to be brahmin or else they wont teach you...as it needs initiation by a guru to even start reading it...most hindus are mere spectators in their religion...they cant take part actively in the practice of their religion...This is the root of why hindus are weak...even brahmins have over the last generation have dropped their practice...and become "vaishyas"...running after money...the hindu holy texts are dying a slow death...no wonder only 1.3% of vedas only still remain...at this rate the future of this religion is in question...we may be 80% of the population but of this not even 5% are even qualified to be called as hindu.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing.
I know you will be shocked at what I'm about to say, but I feel it is better coming to you from a friend (your rejecting that is not my fault nor my concern).

Muslim Indians do not have Pakistani flags in store, for whatever purpose. I'm sorry to be brutal, but there you are. The truth shall set you free.

I won't care even if they burn my effigy. Let them vent out their frustration.

You see those people here, in this conversation? They are cowering under their beds.

Their favourite victims are never Muslims. They are other Hindus, who don't support their nauseating world-view, women, preferably pregnant women, isolated and vulnerable, and children, preferably pre-teens.

And you judge a nation by these 'specimens'? Before you ask, let me confirm that I am not a pathologist.

So at least you acknowledge the problem exists. But judging Pakistanis and generalising in our case is okay?

Have some shame. My respect for you went down a peg when I read that last statement.

Why I should have shame speaking the truth? I didn't mind you being honest, why should you. Anyways.
He never criticised Pakistan? He do not supprt the creation of Pakistan dear. Anyway i am not against him in at all i have respect for him unlike many in Pakistan who are against him. I was just trying to explain to the clutch that lets not worry about faith of Indian Muslims they have scholars like zakir naik who can explain them if they're doing right thing or not.

He's the kind of Muslim that Indians don't want in their country. You see the connection?

Yes, I agree with you about specific individuals unless they commit open sins such as idolatry.

However, as a dynamic religion which spans the globe, our inclusion and exclusion of particular groups defines the limits of our faith.

There are certain things which a Muslim must not do. The mere act of killing a Muslim on the battlefield in a Kaffir army or invading a Muslim land with a Kaffir army constitutes Kufr.

Regardless of the lies perpetuated by Indian spin masters and their supporters, it is a fact that Pakistan is the strongest Muslim political and military force in the region. Any actions taken against this nation and against its occupied territory of Kashmir is an attack and offense to the Islamic faith itself.

In this region of the world, we are the torchbearers and the progeny of Mujahideen, Ghazis which will brighten the light of Islam in this region.
Seems like "spring" is coming for Indian Muslims and Sikhs. Where Indian media guys would visit the ghettos and prey on every Muslim they see to shove their mics deep down their throats to "convince" them to chant Pakistan "murdabad "

Why iam not surprised Its a usual practice in secular land. The smartest way for these Muslims is to preempt the threat by grabbing any media guy the see and blame him of being a Pakistani agent . That would surely turn the table for a day.

@I.R.A @The Sandman
It's good that it is stabilizing.

How did you average citizens become hardcore trained terrorists? If India patronized Hindu vigilantes they too would be the same. They would have guns instead of their khaki shorts and bamboo sticks.

See the intentional ignorance is apparent. Now you wish to tell me that people living in tribal society are like our common people. Why don't your dead eating Sadhus equate with your average indian living in urban area?

Pakistan fought its war of terror in FATA ........ please do try studying people of that area.

No its not india that would patronize its Hindu vigilantes, it would be Pakistan exploiting and covertly supporting them ........ which unlike our neighbor we did not.

We each compare what we have. I am sorry we cannot produce hardcore terrorists for your examination. Admittedly a sad lack.

Perhaps we are sorry that we didn't try exploiting your extremist, sadistic populace. May be we should have. It is not that difficult you know ........ given we are blamed for honey trapping your serving men.

Seems like "spring" is coming for Indian Muslims and Sikhs. Where Indian media guys would visit the ghettos and prey on every Muslim they see to shove their mics deep down their throats to "convince" them to chant Pakistan "murdabad "

Have you ever seen a lion, a tiger care for what sheep eats or drinks? They know its sheep and will remain sheep.
Muslims in india dont go around street to street and try to convert hindus ...they only keep those who voluntarily come to them...before some of my indian friends here come and blast me ...yes in parts where the hindus are a minority they pressure them to convert...but unlike christians they dont canvas street to street...and the the most strong point of islam as a hindu i see is that anyone can read their holy books...no discrimination is there...but for a hindu to read his holy books is near to impossible as the brahmins have complete monopoly on this and wont teach others...if you are a hindu want to read hindu holy book on say the supreme female goddess(the holy books name is devi mahathmiyam or the chandi path)...then you have to be brahmin or else they wont teach you...as it needs initiation by a guru to even start reading it...most hindus are mere spectators in their religion...they cant take part actively in the practice of their religion...This is the root of why hindus are weak...even brahmins have over the last generation have dropped their practice...and become "vaishyas"...running after money...the hindu holy texts are dying a slow death...no wonder only 1.3% of vedas only still remain...at this rate the future of this religion is in question...we may be 80% of the population but of this not even 5% are even qualified to be called as hindu.

Where did you get your facts, buddy? Hindu religious books today are being sold on streets. And imagine in Bengal, for the last 86 years (yes, you read that right) during Durgapuja whose recitation of Chandi gets played in each and every household, radio and tv sets? Birendra Krishna Bhadra, a non bramhin. And by your sense of taking part in religious practices, Hindus take part in their religion just as any other religion in the world. I am sure you were being sarcastic when you were writing the stuff I quoted.
Now I don't want to sound biased or influenced, but how do you explain:

1. "at least they can eat beef easly. they become atomic power. they are developing jets"..... How much either of these critical factors contributed towards uplift of common man's standard of living ?
2. "they don’t need to worry about anything"? .... when their nation's economy is hanging by a thread , exports are dipping and debt is exponentially increasing, unemployment rate is touching 6%,then why there is nothing to worry about anything?
3. "but we are doing great now"...seriously mate....your government is having tough time securing loans for debt payments, Sword of FATF is hanging over the head, every country in the neighbourhood (besides China) is enemy, reputation of the country and it's citizens in the world is abysmal, value of passport/currency is among the bottom league of nations..I wonder, how we are doing great?
4. "most of all we have pm Ik and they have cahi wala"..... what is Chai wala?
5. "most of all ask kashmiris and palestinians what is worth to have country".... no puns intended, but there are heaps others with similar circumstances, for which we don't raise voice ... referring to Rohingyas, Tibetans, Uighurs, Kurds, .. whose lands were occupied/consumed by larger forces and we ignore them as it doesn't suit us.

being able to eat a beef whooper is a fundamental human right
The mere act of killing a Muslim on the battlefield in a Kaffir army or invading a Muslim land with a Kaffir army constitutes Kufr.
This is just one of the reasons why i avoid and always requests people to not engage in this kind of discussions because than it goes a very very long way buddy and there will almost be no end to this.
Seems like "spring" is coming for Indian Muslims and Sikhs. Where Indian media guys would visit the ghettos and prey on every Muslim they see to shove their mics deep down their throats to "convince" them to chant Pakistan "murdabad "

Why iam not surprised Its a usual practice in secular land. The smartest way for these Muslims is to preempt the threat by grabbing any media guy the see and blame him of being a Pakistani agent . That would surely turn the table for a day.

@I.R.A @The Sandman
I see them as Indians you know as our neighbours but as a fellow people in faith i pray Allah ease their pain and difficulties they face or will face.

In this region of the world, we are the torchbearers and the progeny of Mujahideen, Ghazis which will brighten the light of Islam in this region.
Well so far our "brother nation" is accusing us and threatining us i we're a bit away from becoming torch bearers.
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Where did you get your facts, buddy? Hindu religious books today are being sold on streets. And imagine in Bengal, for the last 86 years (yes, you read that right) during Durgapuja whose recitation of Chandi gets played in each and every household, radio and tv sets? Birendra Krishna Bhadra, a non bramhin. And by your sense of taking part in religious practices, Hindus take part in their religion just as any other religion in the world. I am sure you were being sarcastic when you were writing the stuff I quoted.

Sir there is blowing air from your mouth and then there is a proper way to chant this what we call as chandi path...to learn the correct pronunciations you need a learned person who is available in one community only...playing audio recordings is next to useless...and one needs navakshari mantra intitition to even chant this holy text...pronunciation and navakshari both must for chandi path...if you are non brahmin you wont be able to get the initiation at least in the south that is the case...dont know about north india...i challenge any non brahmin in india to learn say"sri rudram" and try to worship shiva that way...its very very hard only some centers like the sai foundation is teaching it to non brahmins...no sir it is not sarcastic comment...just stating the truth.

Sir just because a holy text like lalitha sahasranamam and vishnu sahasranamam books are available in every street corner doesnt mean the chanter will get full benefit from it...only one community knows how to even correctly pronounce it...99% of people who learn from audio recordings from publishers like giri etc are chanting it wrong...in fact lalitha sahsranamam and vishnu sahasranamam are the two most murdered holy texts on this planet from a chanting perspective...with faulty pronunciations the sound changes and so does the meaning...the formulae for correct pronunciation(yes there is a formulae for even chanting) is not being taught to non brahmins....so they go a temple where the priest does lalitha sahasranama archa to the goddess...but most people cant do it in home as they dont know how to do it correctly....in top of that they say if you chant inccorrectly you will be punished...so they also actively discourage new chanters from even trying to learn this powerful texts and they also wont teach you the correct version.
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nice cartoon

and our christians pilots happily boobed hendooo and their brown hairy arses.

Yeah, but then I don't go opening threads based on ridiculous notions. If it doesn't make them any less Christian, why would it make our citizens any less Muslim?
When you have to prove your virginity, you are surly f*ked one way or the other!

Disgraceful that being Muslim in India is a patriotic crime - and they have to burn Pakistani flags or abuse Pakistan to earn their "permanent residency" back. India has lost it already.

There are Two Nations within India one more time. One has to prove its patriotism with effort and other earns it automatically because they were born Hindus.
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Yeah, but then I don't go opening threads based on ridiculous notions. If it doesn't make them any less Christian, why would it make our citizens any less Muslim?


look who is talking

When you have to prove your virginity, you are surly f*ked one way or the other!

Disgraceful that being Muslim in India is a patriotic crime - and they have to burn Pakistani flags or abuse Pakistan to earn their "tolerated citizenship" back. India has lost it already.

There are Two Nations within India one more time. One has to prove its patriotism with effort and other earns it automatically because they were born Hindus.

it sucks to be a muslim in india
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