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Indian Muslims are out to prove their loyalty once again.

Good job in this thread for detailing the proper belief of Muslims regarding war.

A Muslim who joins a Kaffir army to wage war on another Muslim becomes a Kaffir according to Islamic fiqh. There are no ifs and or buts about it.

If that Muslim joins and supports a Kaffir army invading and occupying a Muslim land brutally (as Kashmir or Palestine,) he becomes a Kaffir as well.

These things take one out of Islam.

As I have detailed in another thread, the kind of 'Muslims' which BJP, RSS, Bajrang Dal, and Shiv Sena promote like Dr. Abdul Kalam are actually Hindus. They are worshipers of idols and followers of Sanatan Dharma.


Worshiping any idol takes one immediately out of Islam, even to please or show respect in a misguided way. You have to renew your shahadah and promise Allah swt not to do it again.

Anything to defend your illegal theft and occupation of a 95% Muslim majority land. Shame on you.

We are watching how you are treating Kashmiris and shaking our heads in shame. Don't act self-righteous.

First tell me, does your formula apply to KSA too? Because they sided with America against another Muslim country during gulf war.
First tell me, does your formula apply to KSA too? Because they sided with America against another Muslim country during gulf war.

We are talking about Kashmir, Indian Muslims, and Pakistan.

I am not going to mudsling any other nation to distract from the topic. I know this is usual for Indians.

What you are doing to Kashmiris are war crimes and human rights violations.
We are talking about Kashmir, Indian Muslims, and Pakistan.

I am not going to mudsling any other nation to distract from the topic. I know this is usual for Indians.

What you are doing to Kashmiris are war crimes and human rights violations.
@Nilgiri :rofl:

Btw, why do you have to mudsling? You must have a comprehensive answer with NO IFs and BUTs.:partay:
Lmao no. He only said obey the law so long as it doesn't contradict Islam, and the country is not harming Muslims.

Muslim Indians are fine, then. India's fight is against terrorists, not against Pakistan, and not at all against Muslims.

Hahaha, this stupid dot-head thinks he has any authority on the matter.

Thank you for your open display of religious bigotry and racism.

Yes it does. You primarily fight Pakistan/Kashmiris, both of which are Muslim.

They happen to be Muslims. They happen to be acting under the goad of nationalism, not according to the precepts of Islam. India is not fighting Muslims, India is fighting terrorists in Kashmir, and India is fighting the Pakistani state that has held the people of Pakistan at gunpoint.

You also mistreat your own Muslims (e.g the lynching, the fact that they're underrepresented in your government, your attempts to make talaq illegal, the Gujarat riots, etc). This means you're fighting against Muslims.

....and, quite unnoticed by you, India also arrests, charges and tries those who do these things. India is not fighting against Muslims; some misguided morons and religious bigots are fighting against Muslims, and they will go to jail for it.

If your Muslim enemies were Khawarij or Munafiqeen, we'd have no issue. But they're not.


It's siding against Muslims because of nationalism, which is completely haram and constitutes kufr.

Incidentally, that is precisely what you are doing.
Buddy what if we just leave this matter to Allah? And not judge who's akeedah is complete and who's is not? There must be muslim scholars in India too right? They've people like Zakir Naik so if they've any doubts they will ask their scholars why are we worrying so much? See the matter of takfir is extremely sensitive and somewhat forbidden just a little mistake in our judgement of someone's faith or fate can land us in a lot of trouble on judgment day. So we should avoid such things at all costs. Just a humble request to you and my fellow Countrymen here.

Zakir Naik never criticized Pakistan or promoted war against Pakistan. He was actually threatened by the Indian government and Hindu mobs, so he left to KSA and Malaysia.


Great man and great da'ee for Islam.
bhai when things get tough and you see @Joe Shearer sir , i have a image in my mind-

Yep he is a sight to see indeed. Anyways I am not so seasoned, disciplined and incisive a knight as he is...and the yawns are starting for me. I retire from this battlefield for some rest and refreshment in the camp and shall check on it later on.

Nitey nite :sleep:
Muslims in india dont go around street to street and try to convert hindus ...they only keep those who voluntarily come to them...before some of my indian friends here come and blast me ...yes in parts where the hindus are a minority they pressure them to convert...but unlike christians they dont canvas street to street...and the the most strong point of islam as a hindu i see is that anyone can read their holy books...no discrimination is there...but for a hindu to read his holy books is near to impossible as the brahmins have complete monopoly on this and wont teach others...if you are a hindu want to read hindu holy book on say the supreme female goddess(the holy books name is devi mahathmiyam or the chandi path)...then you have to be brahmin or else they wont teach you...as it needs initiation by a guru to even start reading it...most hindus are mere spectators in their religion...they cant take part actively in the practice of their religion...This is the root of why hindus are weak...even brahmins have over the last generation have dropped their practice...and become "vaishyas"...running after money...the hindu holy texts are dying a slow death...no wonder only 1.3% of vedas only still remain...at this rate the future of this religion is in question...we may be 80% of the population but of this not even 5% are even qualified to be called as hindu.
Proof? Daily basis .......

OK, weekly digest, if you prefer.

Forget a Muslim, your people here have told other indians to move to Pakistan, just because they spoke the truth.

You see those people here, in this conversation? They are cowering under their beds.

Their favourite victims are never Muslims. They are other Hindus, who don't support their nauseating world-view, women, preferably pregnant women, isolated and vulnerable, and children, preferably pre-teens.

And you judge a nation by these 'specimens'? Before you ask, let me confirm that I am not a pathologist.

Again prove that a common Pakistani will burn another common Pakistani because they don't share the same beliefs. I can post a video or videos of that happening in india. This is a sad reality that indian society appears to be more sadistic, intolerant, superstitious, inferiority complex ridden than Pakistani society

Have some shame. My respect for you went down a peg when I read that last statement.

I think most Pakistanis just feel bad for Indian Muslims.
they are in the lowest socio-economic class.
No one rents appartments to them.
And they are at constant risk of lynchings for various reasons.

They need to condemn Pakistan every morning for fear of reprisals.
Thank God that minorities in Pakistan have no such fear.
Is that right? I guess in Pakistan we get run over my a mob for eating beef. Thank You Jinnah!

No, in Pakistan, you would not get run over by a mob for eating beef. And you thanked someone who liked ham sandwiches. But he was large-hearted and respected other religions. Unlike you.
Just think about it. All Muslim countries in the vicinity - Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, Maldives enjoy warm relations with India - they all have serious issues with Pakistan. The Arab countries look down on Pak and see it as a source of cheap blood to fight their incessant wars. But Pak still sees itself as the flag bearer of Islam. It is more like that Asrani jailer from Sholay. "Aadhe idhar jao, Aadhe udhar jao" - then no one is behind him.

Come on please, few and you start generalizing. Hindu community is struggling I agree but they are not facing total isolation and neglect. On the contrary situation has improved as Pakistan is becoming stable and more peaceful day by day.

So you actually wish to compare ..... conduct of a trained hardcore terrorist with an ordinary indian Hindu? You wish to see similarities and differences between their behavior patterns?

It's good that it is stabilizing.

How did you average citizens become hardcore trained terrorists? If India patronized Hindu vigilantes they too would be the same. They would have guns instead of their khaki shorts and bamboo sticks.
Come on please, few and you start generalizing. Hindu community is struggling I agree but they are not facing total isolation and neglect. On the contrary situation has improved as Pakistan is becoming stable and more peaceful day by day.

Some of you members display a blindness to reality that is astonishing. You have no problem pointing a quivering finger of outrage at others for doing precisely what you do yourselves; the best part is that you are completely unaware of this behaviour.

So you actually wish to compare ..... conduct of a trained hardcore terrorist with an ordinary indian Hindu? You wish to see similarities and differences between their behavior patterns?

We each compare what we have. I am sorry we cannot produce hardcore terrorists for your examination. Admittedly a sad lack.

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