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Why Sindhis were never Indians or Hindus in history

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. You are proud and first amongst the provinces of Pakistan. Sindh is the foundation on which Pakistan was built
It was built on the foundation of the TNT. If a secular pride in Sindh was the major reason for Pakistan, the Hindu and Buddhist rulers of Sindh would be remembered. You are practically an Indian secular only having Pakistani nationality.

Abuse first followed by flawed logic and distorted history.
If Muslims start taking pride in their pre Islamic origins more than their faith, it is the onset of the end times.
Why don’t you get over your hang ups- just identify as a Pakistani Sindhi instead of taking us on a journey through time to eventually prove nothing. Another case of identity crisis.

Why "Pakistani Sindhi", Sindh is only in Pakistan or you want to hijack it as well because Sindh word is mentioned in jana mana gana you adopted as national anthem?
Sindhis being darker than other Pakistanis and looking like indians is not true. This is because most Pakistanis are not familiar with Sindhis and base their opinion on flood victims/sterotypes/dirt poor sun burnt people. I have been to Sindh and many Sindhis are lighter than many Punjabis also many Sindhis resemble Balochs.

As I've said that majority of Sindh is now full with Mujhairs.

You need to go to village sides to meet the real inhabitants

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It was built on the foundation of the TNT. If a secular pride in Sindh was the major reason for Pakistan, the Hindu and Buddhist rulers of Sindh would be remembered. You are practically an Indian secular only having Pakistani nationality.

If Muslims start taking pride in their pre Islamic origins more than their faith, it is the onset of the end times.

There was no Hindu rulers of Sindh

Persian geographer Al Ishtkari and Bin Qasim accounts say this

There were Hindu invaders to Sindh

Agham Lohana was the real leader of Sindh and he was a Buddhist

You're making lies up since if you want to show invaders are originals. I can say India needs be glad that Mughals ran them also
As I've said that majority of Sindh is now full with Mujhairs.

You need to go to village sides to meet the real inhabitants

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There was no Hindu rulers of Sindh

Persian geographer Al Ishtkari and Bin Qasim accounts say this

There were Hindu invaders to Sindh

Agham Lohana was the real leader of Sindh and he was a Buddhist

You're making lies up since if you want to show invaders are originals. I can say India needs be glad that Mughals ran them also
I am glad that Mughals ruled India. I wish they were around today as well.
Neither Hindus nor your beloved Buddhists would have ruled the roost then.
They are referred in Alif Laila wa Laila (1001 nights) as Sindabadis (person of Sindh.) The story takes place in Basra, and it is of one Sindabadi speaking to another Sindabadi of his adventures at sea.


Sindh is one of the most ancient and important regions of the ancient world. Sindhi was world-renowned for its riches and unique culture, seafarers and navigators.


Mohenjo daro

Sindhi culture is a direct derivative of the IVC, and we even have the Priest King statue of Mohenjo daro wearing an ajrak.



This region was also connected to the Umayyad Khalifat in the beginning of the Muslim conquest and the first to embrace Islam in modern day Pakistan.

So Arabs should forget their pre-Islamic past while Prophet Muhammad saws praised the nobility of Arab culture?

Did you know Abu Bakr RA was his historian and had knowledge of the history of all the Arab tribes, hence the Prophet saws took him along on every diplomatic mission.

The same Prophet Muhammad saws who exalted the civilization and knowledge of Persians in warfare which availed the Muslims at Ghazwa Khandaq.

The same Prophet saws who praised the Abyssinians for their spear play and martial prowess, and did not stop their parades and festivities.

Embrace your culture and recognize the beauty which Allah swt has blessed us with. There is no issue as long as you uphold Islam and do not go against it.
Preach brother!!!

As I've said that majority of Sindh is now full with Mujhairs.

You need to go to village sides to meet the real inhabitants

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There was no Hindu rulers of Sindh

Persian geographer Al Ishtkari and Bin Qasim accounts say this

There were Hindu invaders to Sindh

Agham Lohana was the real leader of Sindh and he was a Buddhist

You're making lies up since if you want to show invaders are originals. I can say India needs be glad that Mughals ran them also
Hmmm...sindh needs a population boom. Along with balochistan and kpk, to match the strength of Punjab
Preach brother!!!

Hmmm...sindh needs a population boom. Along with balochistan and kpk, to match the strength of Punjab

Same with Gilgit Baltistan too

Gilgitis/Kalash/Kohistanis/Hunza/Kashmiri also have similar mentality to Sindhis despite being mountain races

Seriously gilgitis need to stand up and preserve this

Do not bring bollywood and mess the area up with a lot of urdu too
Preach brother!!!

Hmmm...sindh needs a population boom. Along with balochistan and kpk, to match the strength of Punjab
Good thing is that Pashtuns and other North Pakistanis have highest Birth rate in the country, it will be good for our federation if Punjabis are maintained at 35%(currently at 36-37%) and Pashtuns increased to 25%(currently at 18-20%), it will ensure a good parity on federal level.
It was built on the foundation of the TNT. If a secular pride in Sindh was the major reason for Pakistan, the Hindu and Buddhist rulers of Sindh would be remembered. You are practically an Indian secular only having Pakistani nationality.
I don't take lessons from Aborginials, whether of Ganga or Dravid variety. I only give. Teach you later. For now have some -

As I've said that majority of Sindh is now full with Mujhairs.

You need to go to village sides to meet the real inhabitants

Don't drag muhajirs here.
Keep your racism to yourself.
If you hate us dont talk about us.
Don't drag muhajirs here.
Keep your racism to yourself.
If you hate us dont talk about us.
I don't hate anybody in reality

I hate that you have MQM leaders that sit in London saying death to Pakistan and then by the millions you Mujhair are drinking from the Indus River. I hate that you try to impose urdu on the population and try to show Sindhi as some inferior village language while living in Sindh. If I lived in Tajikistan, I wouldn't impose Sindhi on Tajik people.

India and Hindu are derived from 'sindh' that says it all really.

Why do you think the hindutva brigade are so desperate to claim linkage to this ancient land.

In all their arguments they are frothing in their mouths like diseased camels desperately claiming this land as theirs and pakistanis are giving it to them on a plate...

No India is from western pronunciation

Greeks and Portuguese use to say India

They also knew Sindh too

Hindu is from Afghans and Persians

Hind is from Turks and Arabs

All of the locations indicate as the ganges river which is not the Indus
I don't hate anybody in reality

I hate that you have MQM leaders that sit in London saying death to Pakistan and then by the millions you Mujhair are drinking from the Indus River. I hate that you try to impose urdu on the population and try to show Sindhi as some inferior village language while living in Sindh. If I lived in Tajikistan, I wouldn't impose Sindhi on Tajik people.

We imposed Urdu on sindhi people?? really?
What about 1972 sindhi language bill? quota system?
It is beacuse you people our province is suffering electing a party like PPP again and again that sucked all money through corruption, made it worse than Mohenjodaro and what about Gm Syed , Hakim Ali Zardari and specially your PPP leaders at the time of Benazir's assasnation chanting slogans of Pakistan Murdabad where is your Paksiatniyat at that time?
And about drinking from Indus river, which city is feeding your people and getting you jobs, every major Sindh government office is filled with sindhis not a single muhajir is found not even in karachi or hyderabad and you are talking about discrimination, what a joke.
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Good thing is that Pashtuns and other North Pakistanis have highest Birth rate in the country, it will be good for our federation if Punjabis are maintained at 35%(currently at 36-37%) and Pashtuns increased to 25%(currently at 18-20%), it will ensure a good parity on federal level.

If you transfer non-ethnic Punjabi population out of Punjab to their respective provinces than Punjabis will be hardly 30%. So, instead of turning wives into baby making machines - it will be much easier way to achieve parity.
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