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Why Muslim nations remain silent as China sends ethnic minorities to re-education camps

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Sep 12, 2017
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Beijing's crackdown on its ethnic Muslim-minority Uyghurs has been met with international condemnation, howeversome very significant voices have remained silent— those of Muslim nations.

The United Nations estimates that up to 1 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other minorities have allegedly been detained in China's far-western Xinjiang province since 2017.

Experts say Muslims nations are keeping quiet due to China's economic and political clout as well as foreign policy considerations.

China policy expert Michael Clarke, from the Australian National University, told the ABC that China's economic power and the fear of retaliation was a big factor in Muslim politics.

"You're dealing with one of the most powerful states in the world," Dr Clarke said.

"It's ultimately a very unfortunate situation the Uyghur people find themselves in."

In contrast, countries including Australia and the United States have publicly denounced Beijing's actions in the region.

The Turkic-speaking ethnic minorities have been detained in 're-education' camps and subjected to political indoctrination, including being forced to learn a different language and give up their faith.

Recent research reveals that the 28 detention facilities have expanded by more than 2 million square metres since the beginning of last year and detainees have been forced to sew clothes for export to a US sportswear company.

A deafening silence
Governments of Muslim-majority nations including Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia have avoided raising the matter publicly.

Pakistan has gone even further by defending China, saying the reporting on the Uyghurs' situation has been "sensationalised" by Western media.

While the Indonesian Government has remained largely quiet on the topic, it finally raised the issue of the camps this week after growing internal pressure from Islamic groups and amid increased media coverage.

"Of course, we reject or [want to] prevent any human rights violations," Jusuf Kalla, Vice-President of Indonesia, told local journalistson Monday.

"However, we don't want to intervene in the domestic affairs of another country,"he said.

The statement is in stark contrast to the stance of Indonesia onother Muslim issues such as the Israel-Palestine conflict and the plight of the ethnic minority Rohingya in Myanmar.

Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iran, Malaysia and others have also repeatedly condemned the persecution of Rohingya Muslims and Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

An economy 180 times bigger
Dr Clarke said China's economyis 180 times bigger than that of a country such as Myanmar, making the latter a far safer target for criticism.

"In Myanmar, you're dealing with a much weaker regional state which is much more open to pressure and international criticism," he said.

Chinese investments and contracts in the Middle East and North Africa from 2005 until this year amount to $144.8 billion.

In Malaysia and Indonesia,it is $121.6 billion over the same period, according to think tank American Enterprise Institute.

Beijing has heavily invested in state-owned oil and gas industries in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and promises continued investments across Asia, Africa and the Middle East with its Belt and Road initiative.

"It [seems] to act as a break on any of those states from openly criticising Beijing," Dr Clarke said.

Beijing's treatment of Uyghurs and other Muslim groups has not deterred Muslim tourists from travelling to China.

Muslim travellers spent more than $US8 billion($11.3 billion)in China this year, a figure that is expected to increase by $US1 billion ($1.4 billion) annually, according to a recent report from market research company Salam Standard.

China's non-intervention stance pays off
Beijing's policy of "non-intervention", whereby it avoids becoming involved in the domestic affairs of other nations, has long been a key part of its foreign policy agenda.

But analysts say it is now paying off with Muslim countries reciprocating the favour.

China has gone as so far as to repeatedly abstain from votes or use its veto power in UN security council meetings on many international interventions, such as proposed sanctions in Syria and in Myanmar.

"Many [Muslim nations] have their own internal issues whether its religious or ethnic minorities … so they are very loathe to criticise Beijing for its handling of its own problems given they have their own problems to deal with," Dr Clarke said.

This case can be made for Turkey, which has spoken out against China on Xinjiang — a move Beijing has not forgotten.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the events in the restive province as "a kind of genocide" while Turkey also provided asylum for Uyghurs fleeing the region.

Beijing had extended an offer of support during this year's economic crisis in Turkey, on the provision that Ankara didn't release any "irresponsible remarks" related to Uyghurs or ethnic policy in Xinjiang — and no comments on the matter have been publicly made since.

"Unfortunately, it all comes down to the calculation of [whether] it's of any benefit to us and our relationships with others more broadly," Dr Clarke said

The Indonesian Government did not respond to requests for comment.


LOL at the Muslims.
Pakistan could influence China. Those other Muslim countries can’t because they don’t have an influence on china.. What is the point of Muslim countries coming together to condone the genocide when the Muslim country next to China is almost cheerleading it. Somebody has to take the leadership for the cause of the Uighur. Pakistan could do something but they don’t and they have their reasons. They are perhaps afraid China would drop them but I don’t think China will drop Pakistan that quickly.
LOL msn.com

India and the West can burn all day long. No one will listen to their BS anymore.

Because Pakistan is in bed with China. What is the point of Muslim countries coming together to condone the genocide when the Muslim country next to China is almost cheerleading it. Somebody has to take the leadership for the cause of the Uighur. Pakistan could do something but they don’t and they have their reasons. They are perhaps afraid China would drop them but I don’t think China will drop Pakistan that quickly.

We are gonna give India a middle finger. Do something about it if you can.

Beijing's crackdown on its ethnic Muslim-minority Uyghurs has been met with international condemnation, howeversome very significant voices have remained silent— those of Muslim nations.

The United Nations estimates that up to 1 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other minorities have allegedly been detained in China's far-western Xinjiang province since 2017.

Experts say Muslims nations are keeping quiet due to China's economic and political clout as well as foreign policy considerations.

China policy expert Michael Clarke, from the Australian National University, told the ABC that China's economic power and the fear of retaliation was a big factor in Muslim politics.

"You're dealing with one of the most powerful states in the world," Dr Clarke said.

"It's ultimately a very unfortunate situation the Uyghur people find themselves in."

In contrast, countries including Australia and the United States have publicly denounced Beijing's actions in the region.

The Turkic-speaking ethnic minorities have been detained in 're-education' camps and subjected to political indoctrination, including being forced to learn a different language and give up their faith.

Recent research reveals that the 28 detention facilities have expanded by more than 2 million square metres since the beginning of last year and detainees have been forced to sew clothes for export to a US sportswear company.

A deafening silence
Governments of Muslim-majority nations including Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia have avoided raising the matter publicly.

Pakistan has gone even further by defending China, saying the reporting on the Uyghurs' situation has been "sensationalised" by Western media.

While the Indonesian Government has remained largely quiet on the topic, it finally raised the issue of the camps this week after growing internal pressure from Islamic groups and amid increased media coverage.

"Of course, we reject or [want to] prevent any human rights violations," Jusuf Kalla, Vice-President of Indonesia, told local journalistson Monday.

"However, we don't want to intervene in the domestic affairs of another country,"he said.

The statement is in stark contrast to the stance of Indonesia onother Muslim issues such as the Israel-Palestine conflict and the plight of the ethnic minority Rohingya in Myanmar.

Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iran, Malaysia and others have also repeatedly condemned the persecution of Rohingya Muslims and Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

An economy 180 times bigger
Dr Clarke said China's economyis 180 times bigger than that of a country such as Myanmar, making the latter a far safer target for criticism.

"In Myanmar, you're dealing with a much weaker regional state which is much more open to pressure and international criticism," he said.

Chinese investments and contracts in the Middle East and North Africa from 2005 until this year amount to $144.8 billion.

In Malaysia and Indonesia,it is $121.6 billion over the same period, according to think tank American Enterprise Institute.

Beijing has heavily invested in state-owned oil and gas industries in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and promises continued investments across Asia, Africa and the Middle East with its Belt and Road initiative.

"It [seems] to act as a break on any of those states from openly criticising Beijing," Dr Clarke said.

Beijing's treatment of Uyghurs and other Muslim groups has not deterred Muslim tourists from travelling to China.

Muslim travellers spent more than $US8 billion($11.3 billion)in China this year, a figure that is expected to increase by $US1 billion ($1.4 billion) annually, according to a recent report from market research company Salam Standard.

China's non-intervention stance pays off
Beijing's policy of "non-intervention", whereby it avoids becoming involved in the domestic affairs of other nations, has long been a key part of its foreign policy agenda.

But analysts say it is now paying off with Muslim countries reciprocating the favour.

China has gone as so far as to repeatedly abstain from votes or use its veto power in UN security council meetings on many international interventions, such as proposed sanctions in Syria and in Myanmar.

"Many [Muslim nations] have their own internal issues whether its religious or ethnic minorities … so they are very loathe to criticise Beijing for its handling of its own problems given they have their own problems to deal with," Dr Clarke said.

This case can be made for Turkey, which has spoken out against China on Xinjiang — a move Beijing has not forgotten.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the events in the restive province as "a kind of genocide" while Turkey also provided asylum for Uyghurs fleeing the region.

Beijing had extended an offer of support during this year's economic crisis in Turkey, on the provision that Ankara didn't release any "irresponsible remarks" related to Uyghurs or ethnic policy in Xinjiang — and no comments on the matter have been publicly made since.

"Unfortunately, it all comes down to the calculation of [whether] it's of any benefit to us and our relationships with others more broadly," Dr Clarke said

The Indonesian Government did not respond to requests for comment.


LOL at the Muslims.

The West and India are all alone in their anti-China campaign.

You are right. The Muslims aren't going to facilitate and support China containment. China doesn't kill nor invade Islamic nations. Those that do are now complaining. They are all alone.

LMAO the West was having wet dreams that Muslim nations were going to condemn China because they believed that their fake anti-China campaign was going to have an effect LOL Keep dreaming. You can't engineer China containment. This isn't Arab spring.
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Because it is not China that's attacking and bombing Muslim countries left and right while supporting an illegal entity that is systematically is trying to wipe out the Palestinian people for 70 years, That would be USofA and it's lap dogs. Also we know what these genocidal Anglo Saxons are trying to do here. These guys think we are idiots, Since the cost of their covert and overt wars against Muslims is raising and on the other hand they have a raising China that threatens their global hegemony and they can't control both, They want us and Chinese to start fighting each other keeping each other weak while the Yankees are watching it safely from the distance and when both side get weak enough they can come back and continue their genocides with much lower cost and force. Save us your crocodile tears here, We won't be a pawn in your games again.


LOL at the genocidal Anglo Saxons.
Because it is not China that's attacking and bombing Muslim countries left and right while supporting an illegal entity that is systematically is trying to wipe out the Palestinian people for 70 years, That would be USofA and it's lap dogs. Also we know what these genocidal Anglo Saxons are trying to do here. These guys think we are idiots, Since the cost of their covert and overt wars against Muslims is raising and on the other hand they have a raising China that threatens their global hegemony and they can't control both, They want us and Chinese to start fighting each other keeping each other weak while the Yankees are watching it safely from the distance and when both side get weak enough they can come back and continue their genocides with much lower cost and force. Save us your crocodile tears here, We won't be a pawn in your games again.


LOL at the genocidal Anglo Saxons.

They are crying rivers. Please Muslim nations. We beg. Please condemn China LOL

The West has forgotten that brown countries, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, haven't forgotten who the colonizers are. China is no colonizer, killer and invader.

Afterall, Ali once said, "No Viet Cong ever called me nigger." Boy oh boy, the West under the leadership of Uncle Sam has some serious catching up to do. These fvckers are still under the illusion that the world revolves only around them. The colored nations now fully grasp this game of deceit.
Simply put, there is no such thing as Umma, only Pakistanis are dumb enough to believe that.

Oh then, why not pakistan raise this issue with China and UN ??? afraid of Chinese will not give loan ??
... because even the Uighurs in education camps get three square meals, warm clothes and a roof over their head. This is a way better lifestyle than what the Uighurs had before (living as tribals in desert oases) and better than the vast majority of Muslim societies from Central Asia to Southeast Asia to Arabia.
Then Muslim shall also not silent on Kashmir , American destruction of Muslim countries like Libya and Syria... Why only on China? Plus why the Muslim problem occurs only in uyghur Muslim and not Hui Muslim. Maybe they don't considered them as Muslim if they obey CCP.
@Topic. Because Xinjiang problem is fake propaganda and has nothing to do with islam or muslims. Its a terrorist/seperatist demand by Turkic Ethnic minority for Nationalistic seperare home land called truk-istan based on their cultural and linguistic differences with other parts of china. These people are just using name of islam and muslims to get some legitimacy. I am a pakistani kashmiri who lived in xinjiang for 6 years and goes back frequently .

There are no camps its a propaganda to divide china and make china a weak nation.

Muslim groups in china don't support turkistan concept only a few uyghur nationalists like the idea.

Muslims of china are very happy as china is. They have equal oppertunities as all other religions. Only problem is communist party is afraid of any sort of religious gathering so they say keep ur religion amd faith inside ur houses not in public places. No preaching no gathering as CCP is afraid of F long gong, islam, christianity jewish faith budhism jainism. CCP says be chinese first then anything else.

Xinjiang is not a Muslim problem but a turkic nationalist problem. No one should dare speak on internal matters of another country.

Muslim nations like turkey, iran, syria have kurdistan problem, indonesia malaysia have their own christian province sepetism going on, india has atleast 5 different seperatist movements .

These are all nationalistic movements don't take name of islam as none of todays muslims are truely muslims. Muslim law says all muslims are one nation if u follow this rule then there should he no border between muslim countries but sadly we folow rules of soverign countries hence we cannot speak against chinese or other countries internal matters.

I repeat again its a nationalist seperatist movement in china to divide china and make it weak. It has nothing to do with Islam or Muslim nation period.

If anyone is so concerned about muslims please first help Kashmir, chechniya and palistine first . otuerwise every muslim will say This is just Bull Crap. Propaganda.

Also its an official stand by pakistani government, we pakistaniz and kashmiriz stand by our government. We know western propaganda when we see one. We also sent our religious freedom ministers to xinjiang they go every 3 months. We didn't find any evidence of grivences. Just a load of western bullcrap.

Go to xinjiang see for urself.
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