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Eid Milad Un Nabi (S.A. W) Mubarak


Apr 10, 2015
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Eid Milad Un Nabi (S.A. W) Mubarak to Every One. Lets celebrate the arrival of Rahmatulil Aalemeen. Jis Suhani Ghari Chamka Taiba KA CHAAND us dil afroz Sa'at pay lakhon Salaam.
Recite Darood, send Salaam to Our Holy Prophet (S.A. W).
Illuminations in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.




Salamu Alaikum

I have a few questions for people who celebrate the Mawlid (please don't become hostile or take them the wrong way, I'm genuinely curious):

1. Why do you celebrate it if none of the Salaf (i.e the first three generations of Muslims, which a hadith in Sahih Bukhari says are the best of Muslims) did?

2. Why do people call it an Eid when a hadith in Sahih Bukhari says that Muslims only have two Eids?

Wa alaikumussalam

You don't want to celebrate Mawlid ? .. Don't do it ... it's your choice, bro
You don't consider it "Eid" ?, You are entitled to your opinion

As for textual evidence form primary and secondary Islamic sources (for celebrating Mawlid), there is enough.
Salamu Alaikum

I have a few questions for people who celebrate the Mawlid (please don't become hostile or take them the wrong way, I'm genuinely curious):

1. Why do you celebrate it if none of the Salaf (i.e the first three generations of Muslims, which a hadith in Sahih Bukhari says are the best of Muslims) did?

2. Why do people call it an Eid when a hadith in Sahih Bukhari says that Muslims only have two Eids?

Walaiku Salam,

1. There is nothing wrong with it, it is a way we respect our prophet. Here in Indonesia is a holiday. Its the way we show the respect. Maybe the analogy just like how Abu Bakr perform Taraweh prayer in jamaah while prophet never do it. Doing something new is not necessary false, but of course it doesnt mean that any thing new after prophet is permissible either. My position is in the middle, I never celebrate it by performing shalawat in masses at mosque but still respect the one who did it. And as a Muslim I want to have the day as a national holiday just like the way we have in Indonesia and Pakistan.

2. In Indonesia we call it as Maulid Nabi.
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