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How Subramaniam Swamy got IMF bailout for India in 1991

He is not a terrorist. As I said he is an idiot who loves to hear himself talk. And he loves to get under everyone's skin - if you think his comments are limited to Pakistan, you are mistaken. He hates Jaitley - a BJP minister. He hates Kejriwal. He obviously hates the Gandhis after they threw him out of his inner circle. If I remember correctly, he managed to overthrow the Vajpayee govt in 1998 by one single vote thru some underhand tactic. He is stupid and harmless.
U got it all wrong.
It is beyond doubt that the guy is intelligent,,,n definitely not stupid or harmless.
Afterall he has manuevered n thrived in Indian politics.
Held positions in different govts. for diff parties.
Brought down opponents,,exposed thr scandals,,litigations,,what not.
Brought down govts.
Apparently is very hindutva but has a muslim son in law n close christian frnds.
He is just a cunning desi politician,,a troll,,loves attention n knows how to get it,,,probably doesnt even believe in half the stuff he says.
No bhikari. As usual, you are wrong.
"Dr. Rajan was the Chief Economist and Director of Research at the International Monetary Fund"
Source - https://live.worldbank.org/experts/raghuram-rajan

Looks like bhikari can't stop lying and making an utter fool of himself.

Comic relief provided by bhikari so fae

1. Not an economist
2. Can't tell difference between World Bank and IMF
3. Claims to be an Indian.


Come one jackoff , stop your mental masturbation. Its embarrassing to see you flop around digging yourself new graves.

Do you know Raghuram Rajans educational credentials ?

He has MBA Finance and did ad Phd in FINANCE, not ECONOMICS :lol:

His thesis was on the effect of Banking on industry and Nation.


And unlike "social sciences" which has no basis in any actual sciences (which is probably what you did), Modern Economics is rooted in Mathematics and Raghuram Rajan has never studied that.

RR was Chief COUNSELOR in IMF since the do not even have the post of a Chief economist. :lol:

All the Lies in the world cannot make a Economist out of a Banker.

Your fake laughter just makes it all that much worse for you.
Dr. Swamy was first made Member of Rajya Sabha from Uttar Pradesh, elected on a Jan Sangh party ticket. :lol:

Later on Jan Sangh became Janata party after Emergency declared by CONgress.

During Emergency, when Vajpayee was arrested and in Jail and when Dr. Swamy escaped to the US to fight against the Emergency, Vajpayee wrote a letter to Dr. Swamy asking him to surrender to the police and apologize for speaking against the Emergency.

Dr. Swamy took this shocking letter to Nanaji Deshmukh who advised him to destroy the letter and not surrender.

Which is why when Vajpayee later formed the BJP from the Janata party he kept three KEY people out of BJP to cover up his own shame.

1. Dr. Swamy.
2. Nanaji Deshmukh.
3. Dattopant Thengadi (who had selflessly developed the Jan Sangh's labour wing, the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh).

These are the Facts of the case.

So Dr. swamy was the Genius who refused to bow down to political expediency like a "good politician like Vajpayee". And as they say, No Good Deeds goes unpunished.
As i said you are not correct in chronology of swamis political history, you are not fully aware of his carreer .pl learn about him again .
As i said you are not correct in chronology of swamis political history, you are not fully aware of his carreer .pl learn about him again .

LOL...why don't you correct me and prove me wrong ?


WHEN the Morarji Desai-led Janata government came to power by defeating the Congress, many expected that I (Dr. Swamy) would get a cabinet berth for my outstanding resistance to the Emergency. But, Atal Behari Vajpayee interfered and spoiled it. Just to get out of the prison on parole, Vajpayee had given a letter of apology to Indira Gandhi and had created a bad precedence. But he had the 91 MPs of the Jan Sangh under his control. He could not stomach the fame I got as an 'Emergency hero'. Further, he was desperately trying to cover the humiliation of his all-out surrender before Indira. He tricked Morarji Desai into giving me just a minister of state...

"As the then external affairs minister, Vajpayee tried his best to prevent me from visiting China and he indeed succeeded for a year. However, in 1978, Morarji paved the way for my China visit. Morarji accepted only my ideas about China and totally rejected Vajpayee's readings. Vajpayee's only concern was to please the Soviet Union. His continuation as the external affairs minister was based on his having 91 Jan Sangh MPs under his thumb and only because of this numerical strength he was not removed from the foreign office...

"Though Charan Singh got a bad name for pulling down the Morarji government, the real culprits are Vajpayee and Ramakrishna Hegde. They deliberately engineered a duel between Charan Singh and Morarji and in the process pushed down Morarji. It was Vajpayee and Hegde who met the president with the letter claiming support of 279 MPs. Out of this 23 MPs' signatures were forged. Investigative agencies alerted the president and he made it public. A shocked Morarji resigned and withdrew from the public life. In fact, on that day Hegde and Vajpayee should have quit public life."
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Come one jackoff , stop your mental masturbation. Its embarrassing to see you flop around digging yourself new graves.

Do you know Raghuram Rajans educational credentials ?

He has MBA Finance and did ad Phd in FINANCE, not ECONOMICS :lol:

His thesis was on the effect of Banking on industry and Nation.


And unlike "social sciences" which has no basis in any actual sciences (which is probably what you did), Modern Economics is rooted in Mathematics and Raghuram Rajan has never studied that.

RR was Chief COUNSELOR in IMF since the do not even have the post of a Chief economist. :lol:

All the Lies in the world cannot make a Economist out of a Banker.

Your fake laughter just makes it all that much worse for you.


You can continue to spew lies and make me laugh - hahahahahhaa - it is obvious you are out of your depth here. Did you figure out that IMF and World Bank are not the same?

Often called the Chief Economist of the IMF, "the job is one of the most prestigious in the field, and has been held by some of the most prominent academic researchers in international economics.

Now go through the list bhikari


Everyone is wrong but Swamy and his bhikari bhakt know more....hahahahhaha

You can continue to spew lies and make me laugh - hahahahahhaa - it is obvious you are out of your depth here. Did you figure out that IMF and World Bank are not the same?

Often called the Chief Economist of the IMF, "the job is one of the most prestigious in the field, and has been held by some of the most prominent academic researchers in international economics.

Now go through the list bhikari


Everyone is wrong but Swamy and his bhikari bhakt know more....hahahahhaha

Yeah, IMF had economists too, only Raghuram Rajan was not one you idiot :lol:

He was never trained as an economist. He was always a Finance guy.

Now give us that Fake hysterical laughter once again. It's a sure sign of dementia :P
Yeah, IMF had economists too, only Raghuram Rajan was not one you idiot :lol:

He was never trained as an economist. He was always a Finance guy.

Now give us that Fake hysterical laughter once again. It's a sure sign of dementia :P
LOL - did you figure out that the IMF and the World Bank are not the same yet? Hahahahahaha
My style may be crude but my primary argument in that post is right on the money ;)

My statement was for your intellect only . No one gives a shit about your style.

You know what's the most sad part : Loads of muslims in this very forum have the same mindset. People.. Such cheap, little people arguing about fairer skins, superior race bullshit under the clock of anonymity.
The funny thing is there exist also some redneck uneducated dude in united states or britan who thinks the same about iyou and your kind.
Funny how all the dumbfucks have similar though process innit?
My statement was for your intellect only . No one gives a shit about your style.

You know what's the most sad part : Loads of muslims in this very forum have the same mindset. People.. Such cheap, little people arguing about fairer skins, superior race bullshit under the clock of anonymity.
The funny thing is there exist also some redneck uneducated dude in united states or britan who thinks the same about iyou and your kind.

Funny how all the dumbfucks have similar though process innit?

Below is my post

The same loser who got owned by General Hameed Gul once in an interview. He also stated 4 years ago that india will conquer Pakistan in next two years. He's one of those Hindutva guys who's a bit educated about history and hence just can not bear the utter humiliation hindus faced at the hands of superior Muslims. Now he sees the same Muslims erasing hindus from their ancestral homelands of Pakistan and Bangladesh, and increasing in number within the remaining india---and he gets aggravated, understandably so. He essentially yearns for a "hindu" state like tens upon tens of Islamic/Muslim states all over the world from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia to Iran to Egypt to Malaysia to even Indonesia. He wants similar level of public domination and influence of Hinduism in india as Islam enjoys throughout Islamic world and even beyond (Sharia-esque Muslim majority lands of Russia for example)

Sorry for him but this has ONLY been achieved by Islam globally, and no other religion even comes close---especially in the era where secular hedonism destroyed pretty much every other religion except Islam. Hinduism is a punny, defeated amalgamation of myths (not even a religion). It can never achieve the same civilizational heights and outcomes as Islam. Swamy knows that. So he urges Hindus to atleast use Hinduism as a unifying identity marker because when it comes to public practice and influence of hinduism---hindus couldn't give any less shits about it.

Poor guy is trying to build Ram Mandir for DECADES and still hasn't been able to. Can you imagine struggling to rebuilt your holy site in your only remaining homeland in the world? LOL

Now where exactly you see anything that I said wrong or dishonest? Stop being a doofus. Reply with some substantiative input or stop quoting me
Why would us refuel its planes far away from iraq when it can use entire gulfs airbases and pakistan was secondary option refueling from india have no strateigical comon sense guy is lying
Why would us refuel its planes far away from iraq when it can use entire gulfs airbases and pakistan was secondary option refueling from india have no strateigical comon sense guy is lying
god knows why ? But they asked for it.
Is that the best you can do ? :P

So tell us , how does humiliation taste ? like an old friend ?
Lol. You would know how humiliation tastes considering it is your staple diet bhikari.
So, do you know the difference between the IMF and the World Bank? Hahhahahhahaha

Why would us refuel its planes far away from iraq when it can use entire gulfs airbases and pakistan was secondary option refueling from india have no strateigical comon sense guy is lying

It was given for about a month and a half.

And then withdrawn
Lol. You would know how humiliation tastes considering it is your staple diet bhikari.
So, do you know the difference between the IMF and the World Bank? Hahhahahhahaha

It was given for about a month and a half.

And then withdrawn
I remember it, there was great uproar in parliament by Congress members.

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