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Afghan,Pak forces clash on Durand Line

BROTHERS?? These Afghans are not even brothers to themselves. These scum of the earth
BUT ,,,, but ,,,, but ,,,, your (our) whole elite (including every one) thinks they are our brothers.......

Joke of the century "Pakistani Elite"....................................................

Kick all refuges out including bdeshies............. Fence the border (that include iran border) and then get ready for war , which every one can see coming for Pakistan but our elite..........

My head is spinning since yesterday. You lose mind when you know the guys and someone so dear in the line of fire. We need to counter it next time rather pre-planning needed.
Don't worry about the ones died , they are not Pakistanis,,,,,,,, and afghnis are our brothers , we take oath to protect them.
These PashtuNazis in Afghanistan have always usurp the rights of Tajik. Uzbeks of AFghanistan. It is time the majority should rule in Afghanistan

The northern alliance, Tajiks and Uzbeks have been ruling Afghansitan since 9/11. Nothing has changed in that hell hole, vicious cycle of vengeance and retribution. And this has been going on for centuries, the divide between north and south. Its laughable when these namak harams try to give impression as if there is one nation called Afghan!
Afghanistan doesn't recognize Durand-line right?

This is Afghanistan according to Afghan
yes they didnt recognize even during the time of united India. if we were still a one country then you would have been cursing them instead of acting like a troll pest
yes they didnt recognize even during the time of united India. if we were still a one country then you would have been cursing them instead of acting like a troll pest
If we were still one country you wouldn't have bowed & gave China part of Kashmir territory because of their b.s ancient Chinese land claims, So don't talk about some non existent patriotism in geopolitics
Time for some serious "fire assaults" across Durand Line,,,LOC style
@Signalian @Ulla @DESERT FIGHTER @Maarkhoor @Arsalan
Already done when they refuse to handover bodies and captured soldiers, after good @ss beating they rose white flags and ready to handover bodies and soldiers.

Pre-planned attack by Afghan locals and ANA on behest of their masters to halt the construction of fence.
yes they didnt recognize even during the time of united India. if we were still a one country then you would have been cursing them instead of acting like a troll pest
This "if" is bigger than "if" of "if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle!""

beware of the hindus

they will come to your house and make two brothers fight with each other.
Don't worry there are hardly any hindu left in 97.5% pure Pakistan.

Real Story: updates. Routine Fencing was in progress. Pakistani soldiers were on home side of the border carrying White Flag clearly indicating no intention of confrontation but going routine. Afghan side along with terrorists had hidden snipers in houses ...and fired upon our soldiers. Three embraced shahadat. Flag meeting was already held with Afghan army before thisn they were informed in advance but Afghan army being a gang of terrorists does not follow professional international protocols of engagement.
So how the bodies were found in afghanistan side ? Do you mean to say they moved the dead bodies of pakistani soldiers to theri side of border.
If we were still one country you wouldn't have bowed & gave China part of Kashmir territory because of their b.s ancient Chinese land claims, So don't talk about some non existent patriotism in geopolitics
Begging for the British Raj I see.
Don't worry there are hardly any hindu left in 97.5% pure Pakistan.

Women in India should go to the UN and start appealing for a separate country due to the systematic rape problem indian men have. Rapistani !
Women in India should go to the UN and start appealing for a separate country due to the systematic rape problem indian men have. Rapistani !
Lol coming from child pornistan where an entire country is busy with making **** films of each other's daughter.
Lol coming from child pornistan where an entire country is busy with making **** films of each other's daughter.
Does not look nice when it comes from the rep of the rape capital of the world.

This "if" is bigger than "if" of "if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle!""

Don't worry there are hardly any hindu left in 97.5% pure Pakistan.

So how the bodies were found in afghanistan side ? Do you mean to say they moved the dead bodies of pakistani soldiers to theri side of border.
We will see about that later, you should be worried about your starving bsf, run BAT is coming.

BUT ,,,, but ,,,, but ,,,, your (our) whole elite (including every one) thinks they are our brothers.......

Joke of the century "Pakistani Elite"....................................................

Kick all refuges out including bdeshies............. Fence the border (that include iran border) and then get ready for war , which every one can see coming for Pakistan but our elite..........

Don't worry about the ones died , they are not Pakistanis,,,,,,,, and afghnis are our brothers , we take oath to protect them.
In every thread you drum roll about civil war, what is your problem, what else you do apArt from eating benefits.
Does not look nice when it comes from the rep of the rape capital of the world.

We will see about that later, you should be worried about your starving bsf, run BAT is coming.

In every thread you drum roll about civil war, what is your problem, what else you do apArt from eating benefits.
you have any problem........... cry to mods ,, you afghnai alien
Lol coming from child pornistan where an entire country is busy with making **** films of each other's daughter.
pulling out lies and fake stories out of your back side like your entire country $hits on the road side every morning.

Shinning INDIA the rape capital of the world :omghaha:

The only one in uniform is the one in the middle. Could be stolen. Been done before.
I am not sure if anyone on the thread has clarified the above pic yet, but that is from an incident in Sep 2017 where local Afghans dismantled the structure and took down flags from a post on the Durand line. It was not manned at the time


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