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"Fear of a Chinese Planet"

no i dont think so,U.S will b atleast 3 decades ahead of their nearest rival in terms of technology,and closing that gap will surely take more than a century,U.S did not reach at this position within just some 30-40 yrs or by virtue of just god's blessing's,they have centuries of hard work behind them

and speaking about their nearest rival in terms of tech,china is no where near it,forget India

China has the worlds highest technological standing, followed by the USA, then Germany and then Japan.

Move Over U.S. – China to be New Driver of World’s Economy and Innovation

The 2007 statistics show China with a technological standing of 82.8, compared to 76.1 for the United States, 66.8 for Germany and 66.0 for Japan. Just 11 years ago, China’s score was only 22.5. The United States peaked in 1999 with a score of 95.4.

Want more evidence? China has the best education system in the world

As evidence

This is the most world famous programming contest in the world

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the past 11 years

Russia has won this contest 6 times
China has won this contest 3 times
Poland has won this contest 2 times

Now lets move on to mathematics

China = 1st place
Russia = 2nd place
India = 36nd place

If you look at the USA team 4/6 of USA team is CHINESE
Now lets move on to Physics


China = 1st place
India = 3rd place

Nanotechnology Papers by country

China's scientific breakthrough's that the western world is unable to replicate

China Teleports Photons 10 Miles, Surpasses U.S./European Record


China has built the worlds first 10 bit quantum computer

CAS Researchers Make Breakthrough in Hyper-Entangled Schrdinger Cat State, Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences - NanoTechWire.com - The online resource for Nano Technology And Research

China has high density sodium-sulfide battery, only Japan and China have this technology.

CAS Institute Produces Battery with High Energy Density---Chinese Academy Of Sciences

Chinese scientists have created first worlds metamaterial blackhole

Chinese scientists create metamaterial black hole

China has cloned mouse from skin only

Chinese researchers clone Tiny the mouse from skin cells - Times Online

China genetically engineer the worlds smartest mouse

China has built the worlds first SUPERCONDUCTING TOKOMAK (Do not confuse with ordinary Tokomak) Chinese scientist solves nuclear fusion problem that stumped western countries for 40 years

Wan Yuanxi: The father of the 'artificial sun'

Great scientific achievements usually come from bold thinking. Tokamak devices had always been circular. After years of theoretical study and numerous experiments, Wan Yuanxi and his colleagues felt that a non-circular Tokamak device might perform better for the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction. In 1997, Wan together with a group of outstanding scientific colleagues, drew up a plan for building a non-circular experimental superconducting Tokamak.

Its very novelty in the field meant that a non-circular Tokamak device would require state-of-the-art technologies. As the initiator of the plan, Wan Yuanxi would face huge personal embarrassment if he failed. However Wan said, "What is more important is that failure would mean that our nation would not only incur a significant financial loss but would also see its scientific reputation suffer."

China may be behind in aerospace and military, but they dominate nanotechnology, and quantum physics and quantum computers and are the world leaders in green technology and nuclear fusion. The only thing about China is that they have the extremes, they have many people that don't have running water but they also have many people building quantum computers.
If you look at the USA team 4/6 of USA team is CHINESE

Heh this is funny. You consider foreign born asians of Chinese descent Chinese nationals?

I know a couple. They know no Chinese, are purely Western, and their loyalties lie completely with the country they're born in. Not to mention they were not born in China.

Race != nationality.
Heh this is funny. You consider foreign born asians of Chinese descent Chinese nationals?

I know a couple. They know no Chinese, are purely Western, and their loyalties lie completely with the country they're born in. Not to mention they were not born in China.

Race != nationality.

How nice of you to speak for me and other chinese-canadians. Just because they don't talk to you about it doesn't mean they don't have opinions. I never talk politics with my friends and I suspect a lot of other ethnic Chinese don't either.

Oh and since you're new here, I'll tell you now Chinaownseverything is the china defence resident troll
Well if you don't talk to them about politics, your loss.

Oh and since you don't seem to know, look up pronoun. You might be surprised to learn that when I said "they" it does not mean all Chinese-Canadians, or most Chinese-Canadians, or even you ;).
Well if you don't talk to them about politics, your loss.

Oh and since you don't seem to know, look up pronoun. You might be surprised to learn that when I said "they" it does not mean all Chinese-Canadians, or most Chinese-Canadians, or even you ;).

You've not caught me on anything. You're using your friends as a representative sample of the Chinese community (after all that is generally why people say "I have Jewish, black, Indian, Arab friend who____). As a member of this community, it's crap.
Heh this is funny. You consider foreign born asians of Chinese descent Chinese nationals?

I know a couple. They know no Chinese, are purely Western, and their loyalties lie completely with the country they're born in. Not to mention they were not born in China.

Race != nationality.

That is the key. You don't know all of them. Many of them were brought up very orthodoxly by their parents. About their loyalties, do you remember why Japanese-Americans were put into detention camps during the WW II? Even though that was not a moral or right thing to do, but it was the correct thing to do at that time.
Heh this is funny. You consider foreign born asians of Chinese descent Chinese nationals?

I know a couple. They know no Chinese, are purely Western, and their loyalties lie completely with the country they're born in. Not to mention they were not born in China.

Race != nationality.

In USA, Chinese-Americans are not considered real Americans.
In Foreign countries , local Chinese are considered foreigners.

Only China recognizes Overseas Chinese as Chinese.
You've not caught me on anything. You're using your friends as a representative sample of the Chinese community (after all that is generally why people say "I have Jewish, black, Indian, Arab friend who____). As a member of this community, it's crap.

Or, perhaps I was issuing a counter example to Chinaownseverything by showing one example of foreign born Chinese who do not consider themselves Chinese nationals or even Chinese. Given of course, that I quoted him, and he was talking in the context of nationality ;). Where is your outrage against him, who assumed that all foreign born Chinese represent Chinese national interest rather than their home country?

Perhaps you need to learn the meaning of context :china:
Can't wait till China is a Super Power, i will be dancing in the streets with a Chinese Flag, don't care what country i'm in I will do it.

Or, perhaps I was issuing a counter example to Chinaownseverything by showing one example of foreign born Chinese who do not consider themselves Chinese nationals or even Chinese. Given of course, that I quoted him, and he was talking in the context of nationality ;). Where is your outrage against him, who assumed that all foreign born Chinese represent Chinese national interest rather than their home country?

Perhaps you need to learn the meaning of context :china:

No, my point was that countries like the USA rely heavily on attracting eastern talent. And that as China keeps rising this talent is going to return back to China, in other words USA's tech lead is due to brain drain which china is beginning to reverse.

Would you not agree that the average Asian American would be more likely to take a research position in China compared to the average European/African/Hispanic American?

China's Reverse Brain Drain - BusinessWeek

But now, China's economic boom and surging government investment in research are making mainland university posts more attractive. A decade ago, only 1 in 100 leading Chinese scientists in the U.S. would have considered returning, says Rao Yi, a former Northwestern neuroscience professor who is dean of Peking University's life sciences school. Today, he says, half would. "Now, there is a chance of recruiting the rising stars of Harvard," says Rao.
Or, perhaps I was issuing a counter example to Chinaownseverything by showing one example of foreign born Chinese who do not consider themselves Chinese nationals or even Chinese. Given of course, that I quoted him, and he was talking in the context of nationality ;). Where is your outrage against him, who assumed that all foreign born Chinese represent Chinese national interest rather than their home country?

Perhaps you need to learn the meaning of context :china:

Can you see we are trying to ignore him really hard?
This's the problem of immigration, especially when one immigrates from China, a country with an ultra long history and strong cultural/racial identity, to lands which are described as multi-culti melting pots.

Of course there're extreme cases where Chinese (racially) who do not consider themselves Chinese ( in whatever sense) anymore after immigration (one or multi -generations).

A more representative case however is that most Chines immigrants will consider themselves Chinese, racially and culturally, no matter which passports they hold for however long period, but only non-Chinese legalitywise from nationality pov. Even in this case, many south-east Asain overseas Chinese I know, Malaysians in particular, strongly indentify themselves as Chinese (almost in sense of nationality) living overseas in spite of multi-generations.

Many countries in the world have dual nationality practice to solve the dilemma of which county, ancestral or host one, a non indigenous immigrant is loyal to. In fact most of them are loyal to both.

China should therefore allow overseas Chinese to apply for dual nationality.
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