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Donald Trump slams Pakistan for lies and deceit

Increase the toll.. no need to cut the supply lines..

And if they decide to use the alternate route through Iran (if Iran agrees.. a big question mark), then let the Taliban control the situation, who control more than 60% of Afghanistan, specially roads from Afg/ Iran border to Kabul..

Mentality of making few dollars out of toll or other means in exchange for strategic interest is just despicable. No self respecting nation would exchange its strategic interest for money. That is where Pakistani establishment specially one in uniform needs to do soul searching.

Iran will NEVER give US any transit.
Mentality of making few dollars out of toll or other means in exchange for strategic interest is just despicable. No self respecting nation would exchange its strategic interest for money. That is where Pakistani establishment specially one in uniform needs to do soul searching.

Iran will NEVER give US any transit.

Our interest now is to hurt US only in Afghanistan and we want them to remain there for a few more years otherwise the mission will not be fully accomplished... US is fighting an already lost war and a few more years may result in a Russian like situation... So why not squeeze some more dollars out of her to make up for the losses incurred in the last 15 years? To the world, we can always say that we haven't pulled our support, it's just that we want justified money to maintain our infrastructure and fight any insurgents' influence crossing over into Pakistan

We have already won against US/ Indian stooges on our soil.. No interest now except we want another superpower engaged for a few more years.. And we want another TO-BE-SOOPER-DOOPER power increase its investments so that Afgsans can make use of them in coming years..
Pakistan can take two immediate steps..

  1. Ban and arrest Khadim Hussien Rizwi..
  2. Ban and arrest Mujahiden al Aqsa - newly formed terrorist group.
  3. Improve law and order situation across cities..as of now Police, courts, LEA are all banana agencies.
Pakistan can take two immediate steps..

  1. Ban and arrest Khadim Hussien Rizwi..
  2. Ban and arrest Mujahiden al Aqsa - newly formed terrorist group.
  3. Improve law and order situation across cities..as of now Police, courts, LEA are all banana agencies.

Khadim Rizvi for foreign secretary. Khadim is a bad boi!
Pakistan can take two immediate steps..

  1. Ban and arrest Khadim Hussien Rizwi..
  2. Ban and arrest Mujahiden al Aqsa - newly formed terrorist group.
  3. Improve law and order situation across cities..as of now Police, courts, LEA are all banana agencies.

what are you smoking these days ? :D that shit seems crazy :P
Plans been there since raheel sharif ,who knew at some point USA will try to bully us , so its all.been planned only thing we have to keep in chcek is the terrorism inside by paid stooges like lulbhushans , & thiet political masters like mehmood achkzais ?
I think was it musharrafs and our strategists fault to allow usa in afghanistan it was like allowing a monster in our backyard.

Infact there was no unsc resolution that authorized the usa invasion of afghanistan their resolutions only stated that usa will act in self defence , even this was not specified what sort of action it will be. Even the binding part of un resoultuion did not require pakistan to bow down before usa to allow our territory to be used for attack
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Yea it was basically this topic thread opened by another poster i had tagged u in @Irfan Baloch but that thread had gotten merged into huge trump thread.

Our interest now is to hurt US only in Afghanistan and we want them to remain there for a few more years otherwise the mission will not be fully accomplished... US is fighting an already lost war and a few more years may result in a Russian like situation... So why not squeeze some more dollars out of her to make up for the losses incurred in the last 15 years? To the world, we can always say that we haven't pulled our support, it's just that we want justified money to maintain our infrastructure and fight any insurgents' influence crossing over into Pakistan

We have already won against US/ Indian stooges on our soil.. No interest now except we want another superpower engaged for a few more years.. And we want another TO-BE-SOOPER-DOOPER power increase its investments so that Afgsans can make use of them in coming years..
This is the biggest smoke screen usa has created before public that they have lost in afghanistan. Maybe in some early decades of invasion us wanted a full control but even if it doesnt happen it doesnt bother them , they have established a significant presence their to prevent talibans from once again completely taking over coutnry and they are already controlling those areas they wanted to like poppy fields.

Many talib leaders mainly haqqani group elders were ready for talks with americans but after agreeing to negotiate with them usa killed them and their families.

Usa could have achieved some common ground with these afgahn talib and haqqani groups had she wanted. But they always decimated any such geniuine efffor after making a whole brouhaha of negotiations. Pakistanis are so deluded when they think usa has lost this war. Lost which war? That usa didnot want to win and needed as an excuse to stick around in the region . Usas aim of afghanistan invasion was to denuclearize pakistan and send it to rubbles. And they did make efforts in the process, and as per their gameplans ,they estimated to have achieved their aims by now but Allah really protected pakistan.
It is highly unwise of us to allow them use of supply routes. And also if we cut those rputes usa will try using it as an excuse to take some action against us. I seriously wnat our routes denied to them.
If Pakistan plays a double game and US let it happen than it means its a Double side Double game, and if US didn't know that Shut and Seal the door of Panty-Gon for the good .. cause if a Country size of Pakistan can make a Super power engage in a remote country like Afghanistan , than its humiliation for America ... in Pakistan as well call it " Lakh di Laanat tere mun te " and , " Taala maar de hun Pentagon pe "

I am waiting for USA to completely break ties with Pakistan, and announce the cut to all sort of Aid, and start fencing the Pak-Afghan Border for the protection of their soldiers :usflag:
wont happen our military and political leader ship wants that bribe

Mentality of making few dollars out of toll or other means in exchange for strategic interest is just despicable. No self respecting nation would exchange its strategic interest for money. That is where Pakistani establishment specially one in uniform needs to do soul searching.

Iran will NEVER give US any transit.
every country in world takes transit fees
do you think a poor nation like Pakistan is going to fix roads ?

poor mentality is taking a fix blank CSF which is bribed money without any audit
US to announce further action against Pakistan within days: White House

WASHINGTON: The White House on Tuesday said it wanted to see Pakistan do more to fight terrorism and that it would likely announce actions to pressure Islamabad within days.

"Our goal is that we know that they can do more to stop terrorism and we want them to do that," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters.

"In terms of specific actions, I think you’ll see some more details come out on that in the next 24 to 48 hours."

US to continue withholding $255m military aid to Pakistan

The announcement comes amid a period of heightened tensions between the two nations, after the US president said that Washington had foolishly given Pakistan more than $33 billion in aid over the last 15 years.

In a tweet on Monday, US President Donald Trump accused Pakistan of giving nothing but lies and deceit, thinking US leaders to be fools.

"They give safe havens to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!" he had said.

Haley accuses Pakistan of 'playing double game for years'
Minutes earlier, US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced that the US was withholding $255 million in aid to Islamabad, accusing Pakistan of failing to cooperate fully in the fight against terrorism.

"The administration is withholding $255 million in assistance to Pakistan. There are clear reasons for this. Pakistan has played a double game for years," Haley told reporters at the United Nations on Tuesday.

"They work with us at times, and they also harbour the terrorists that attack our troops in Afghanistan," she said.

"That game is not acceptable to this administration. We expect far more cooperation from Pakistan in the fight against terrorism," she added.

"The president is willing to go to great lengths to stop all funding from Pakistan as they continue to harbour terrorists."

Last month, Pakistan joined more than 120 countries to defy the US president and vote in favour of a United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution calling for America to drop its recent recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

But Haley said the Pakistan aid issue was not connected to the vote on Jerusalem, adding, "It is entirely connected to Pakistan's harbouring of terrorists."

"However, as I said earlier in December, we won't forget the Jerusalem vote," she added.

Trump tweet negates 'decades of sacrifices by Pakistanis'
Trump's tweet on Monday was followed by strong reaction from Islamabad, with Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif saying that the US President's 'no more' holds no importance.

NSC decides not to take measures in haste post Trump statement

Pakistan also summoned the US ambassador in a rare public rebuke after Trump's allegations.

Earlier in the day, a high-level huddle of the Pakistani civil-military leadership expressed disappointment over the US president's anti-Pakistan statement, however, decided not to take measures in haste in reply to US allegations.

Trump's comments "struck with great insensitivity" and "negated the decades of sacrifices made by the Pakistani nation", read a press statement issued after the National Security Committee (NSC) meeting in Islamabad.

It said that Pakistan can not be blamed for failures in Afghanistan and accusing allies will not lead to the establishment of peace in the neighbouring country.
They are himilated by Muslim world
Khadim Rizvi for foreign secretary. Khadim is a bad boi!
Trump di p@n di siri...lolss

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