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Donald Trump slams Pakistan for lies and deceit

Yeah yeah. The same thing was said when salala, OBL and raymond davis took place. And "ehtajaaz" on the drone strikes. Also the first step is not Humiliating you publicly then? That does not count as the "first step" ?

So drone strikes in Fata and elsewhere are ok? They killed 28 of your soldier in salala. You did not do anything then what's changed now?

OK there will a core commander confrence, after which an "alamiya" will be issued. Your parliament will pass another resolution. Gafoor will hold another press conference. Last time he went cray on saad rafique, lets see who will be the scape goat now....

In the meanwhile you will accept all the money which comes from America and provide them with the infrastructure.

P.s This PIR of sayal and Rizvi are ganging up again. 4th both meet and on 9th its dharna time again in Pakistan... This news will be long forgotten.
drones in Fata , were in our own , intersts , we gave the intell to take out our enemies ,& that's was clever there is no doubt about it .
then dharas are all part of our political culture , it's not that those dharNas are not in favour , of trump ????
belive me once , these dharna leaders told that pakistani state is going to stand against trumps stupid wars , against whole muslim world then instead , then the same dharna people's will be willing to enlist for a jihad into afghanistan with the Talibs ,will that I'll help surrounded US troops ?????
think before u speak ,& know pakistan better , for dharna people's I'm with them too ,cause they stand for right causes !
Emerging power India gives more aid than it receives

In the last three years, India has provided more aid to foreign countries, than it has received.

In the financial year 2015-16 India gave Rs. 7719.65 crores as aid whereas it received Rs. 2,144.77 crore in aid from foreign countries and global banks.

Bhutan for years have received the biggest chunk of Indian aid with Rs. 5,368.46 crores in 2015-16, primarily aimed at developing hydro-electric power in the Himalayan Kingdom. In the same financial year, the second largest recipient of the assistance was post-conflict Afghanistan where India has been constructing Parliament building, cricket stadium among other things. It is followed by Sri Lanka where India is undertaking the construction of houses for rehabilitation of Tamil population displaced by nearly three decades long war.

india should give aid to , it's slum dogs in its bigger cites cause they still lack , the public toilets ???lolzz
Emerging power India gives more aid than it receives

In the last three years, India has provided more aid to foreign countries, than it has received.

In the financial year 2015-16 India gave Rs. 7719.65 crores as aid whereas it received Rs. 2,144.77 crore in aid from foreign countries and global banks.

Bhutan for years have received the biggest chunk of Indian aid with Rs. 5,368.46 crores in 2015-16, primarily aimed at developing hydro-electric power in the Himalayan Kingdom. In the same financial year, the second largest recipient of the assistance was post-conflict Afghanistan where India has been constructing Parliament building, cricket stadium among other things. It is followed by Sri Lanka where India is undertaking the construction of houses for rehabilitation of Tamil population displaced by nearly three decades long war.

Listen slumdog, India has more poor than all of Sub-Saharan Africa. Go fix your poverty in your country first.
drones in Fata , were in our own , intersts , we gave the intell to take out our enemies ,& that's was clever there is no doubt about it .
then dharas are all part of our political culture , it's not that those dharNas are not in favour , of trump ????
belive me once , these dharna leaders told that pakistani state is going to stand against trumps stupid wars , against whole muslim world then instead , then the same dharna people's will be willing to enlist for a jihad into afghanistan with the Talibs ,will that I'll help surrounded US troops ?????
think before u speak ,& know pakistan better , for dharna people's I'm with them too ,cause they stand for right causes !

Yeah yeah.... Like how the NSC has responded to TRUMP. This is clearly NOT 'begariti' !Ofcourse everything happens because You wanted it. Which other same govt allows Predators from another country to come and bomb its own people? And even the Salala happens. I encourage these Dharnas, Suparco can go to hell, but Rizvi saab will lead you to greatness. Also you have the BUM. You are an AATMI taakat.
we don't suck d*** to destroy Pakistan, If russian president is visiting India to get FGFA deal done is he sucking Indian d***, what nonsensical mentality pakistanis have. Indians are Unlike Pakistanis who are obssesed with Ghazwa e Hind, Kashmir ki Fateh, Independent Kashmir and all the BS.

you can select next super power?Just wonder if India thrashes Pakistan and gives route to US. It may happen, but we are sane people we don't like third parties around. But Pakistanis have no option except to sell their strategic location as your economy is doomed.
Listen Indian rat, what about Kulbhushan the terrorist. India is a terrorist state, not Pakistan.
You didn't answer my question, please let us know forex reserve in pakistan? You don't know !
Its 8 billion dollar. SBP fudges the figures to include deposits made in private accounts as reserves with SBP. They will approach the IMF in the next 3-4 month and hence their NSC could not even condemn what TRUMP had to say.
Forex reserves hit record USD 404.92 bn in India


Kindly let me know about pakistan?

@Iqbal Ali



India has 60.4 per cent people without access to toilet: Study
However, since 1990, access has improved by 22.8 percentage points, putting India at seventh out of eight countries for improvement in South Asia.
By: PTI | Kochi |Published: November 19, 2015 5:33 pm



Noting that the resulting health crisis is a serious matter, the report said that more than 140,000 children younger than five years die each year in India due to diarrhea.
Around 60 per cent of Indians do not have access to safe and private toilets, a new study has claimed.

A report titled ‘It’s No Joke – State of the World’s Toilets’ by WaterAid states that “If all 774 million people in India waiting for household toilets were made to stand in a line, the queue would stretch from Earth to the moon and beyond.”

According to the study released on the occasion of World Toilet Day on Thursday, the world’s second most populous nation has 60.4 per cent of its people without access to safe and private toilets.

“Since 1990, access has improved by 22.8 percentage points, putting India at seventh out of eight countries for improvement in South Asia. In South Asia, Nepal has seen the most improvement, followed by Pakistan and Bhutan,” the report stated.

Noting that the resulting health crisis is a serious matter, the report said that more than 140,000 children younger than five years die each year in India due to diarrhea.

“Nearly 40 per cent of India’s children are stunted; this will affect both their life chances and the future prosperity of India. India also has high rates of maternal and newborn mortality linked to sepsis,” the report said.

The equipment necessary to prevent infection during and after child birth is simple and inexpensive, but requires clean water and soap along with clean surroundings, which are difficult to achieve in an environment contaminated by open defecation and without good hygiene practices such as handwashing with soap by clinic staff and midwives, it said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given the sanitation issue a top political priority, and last year launched Swachh Bharat (Clean India) Mission.

Commenting on Swachh Bharat, which aims to ensure a toilet for every household by 2019 and to educate people about the long-term health and economic benefits of using a a proper sanitation system, the report said that “by simply building the toilets won’t be enough.”

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“What will be absolutely crucial is getting local, state and national government to make this a priority, and creating the cultural shift that will ensure that once the toilets are built, they are used by everyone,” it added.

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    Anand Monickam
    Nov 13, 2017 at 1:35 pm
    This issued needs to be addressed urgently if our heatlh indicators need to progress.
  3. U
    Nov 5, 2017 at 2:26 pm
    People do not use public toilets because they are so dirty and unclean .They prefer to go to nearby railway track or if sea is nearby ,they in the sea .
  4. picture

    Naceem Rafique
    May 4, 2017 at 3:32 pm
    And they have nukes
    1. photo.jpg

      Shank Sisodia
      Nov 23, 2017 at 6:05 am
      wanna talk about pakistan toilet problems? which is greater than that of india? but your govt have no time to even talk about it.
  5. R
    Apr 21, 2017 at 10:52 am
    No proper toilet . inspite of having such toilet one should do anywhere in corner of toilet room
  6. T
    Apr 14, 2017 at 9:03 am
    There is no boundry between toilets, many times people highlight other and make fun of them in many places like malls,colleges,hospitals etc. Above seems all money of building is save by not having some tiles boundry between toilets.
  7. Load More Comments

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do you want more of these , india can't give toilets to its citizens ,how can it gives aid to others ,while it's citizens don't even have the basics of life ??????
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India is a top consumer of gold in the world
Largest oil refinery in the world is not in Saudi,china or US, but in India
Indian now becomes second largest producer of major commodity like cement,steel,coal
Largest remittance figure in the world
Largest software outsourcing and standing around 155 billion dollar,55% market share
Stock market total market cap at 3.35 trillion dollar and one of the largest in the world
Now becomes 5th largest Automobile production overtaken Korea
3rd largest producer of electricity in the world
One of the largest road/rail network in the world
One of the largest metro rail construction in the world
Largest FDA approved pharma products in the world after US
Richest man in Asia is now not in China, but in India
Biggest producer of milk and many agricultural products in the world
One of the largest arms importer in the world.

Yes my dear India is a very poor country...
You still ignored my question on poverty.
You know the truth. India's poverty is among the worst in the world.

You know that, and by posting other statistics will not make the poverty go away.
India is a top consumer of gold in the world
Largest oil refinery in the world is not in Saudi,china or US, but in India
Indian now becomes second largest producer of major commodity like cement,steel,coal
Largest remittance figure in the world
Largest software outsourcing and standing around 155 billion dollar,55% market share
Stock market total market cap at 3.35 trillion dollar and one of the largest in the world
Now becomes 5th largest Automobile production overtaken Korea
3rd largest producer of electricity in the world
One of the largest road/rail network in the world
One of the largest metro rail construction in the world
Largest FDA approved pharma products in the world after US
Richest man in Asia is now not in China, but in India
Biggest producer of milk and many agricultural products in the world
One of the largest arms importer in the world.

Yes my dear India is a very poor country...

Save your breath Mr Nair. You can't out compete them. And after going through the NSC responses, there is abound to be some pent up anger. After all they showed their 'DISAPPOINTMENT".
India is a top consumer of gold in the world
Largest oil refinery in the world is not in Saudi,china or US, but in India
Indian now becomes second largest producer of major commodity like cement,steel,coal
Largest remittance figure in the world
Largest software outsourcing and standing around 155 billion dollar,55% market share
Stock market total market cap at 3.35 trillion dollar and one of the largest in the world
Now becomes 5th largest Automobile production overtaken Korea
3rd largest producer of electricity in the world
One of the largest road/rail network in the world
One of the largest metro rail construction in the world
Largest FDA approved pharma products in the world after US
Richest man in Asia is now not in China, but in India
Biggest producer of milk and many agricultural products in the world
One of the largest arms importer in the world.

Yes my dear India is a very poor country...
but still after all indian citizens doesn't have toilets to use , where all that gold been kept ???lol
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