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Khalistan Commando Force (KCF) chief Paramjit Singh Panjwar, alias Malik Sardar Singh, shot dead by "unknown men" in Johar Town, Lahore.

I greatly underestimated R&AW before joining this forum. They are no less than MOSSAD.
Do you really think it is RAW ? I dont think they are so much capable . but, i just hope it is RAW, which wud deter any indian criminal getting safe haven in Pakistan. if they are so good, why are they unable to take Davood Ibrahim ??
I greatly underestimated R&AW before joining this forum. They are no less than MOSSAD.
RAW's operations in Pakistan are minor at best, pretty much on the same level as ISI is active within India at the moment.
That's why they can plink smaller targets like this, but not exactly larger ones like Dawud Ibrahim etc

Do you really think it is RAW ? I dont think they are so much capable . but, i just hope it is RAW, which wud deter any indian criminal getting safe haven in Pakistan. if they are so good, why are they unable to take Davood Ibrahim ??
exactly my thoughts
ISI is only good at youtube

may allah have mercey on pakistan
Stop blaming Army, man...

This is RAW.
don't over estimate RAW's capabilities . Till today no one knows who this Paramjit Singh Panjwar is nor he is a big fish to take risk.
Probably he is ISI asset, gone rogue or became double agent ...and got eliminated
If RAW can do it,it would already taken down a Dawood or hafiz saeed ,atleast for sake of BJP IT cell propaganda

Rouge militery Generals at it again. They'd do anything to please their white European master race.
sorry chaps these people are of the most disgrace and cursed on this planet. The 1 doller brigade Generals have hijacked the entire millitery and nation.
RAW foot print. Period.

Even after ten years, this is the first time that our weak foreign minister has attended a SCO meeting in india. Even when India ignored Pakistan, it still met with Bilawal despite the fact that he said in his statement that Modi was a Gujart Butcher. There is an issue in which India is concerned about China's cooperation with Pakistan. Despite what we have right now, we brought back the CPEC talks to the table and also made the indian worry about the deployment of the Pakistan army along the LAC for exercises and so forth. I believe that this is going to force India to have a talk with PakistanI believe that this is going to force India to have a talk with Pakistan. In return for the five soldiers in the Kashmir indianArmy who died, they have given us something in return. In a nutshell, it is an agency war. There is a need for us to strike the Indian fault lines more frequently. This elephant is going mad, so keep it under control, boys.
Pak Generals are too weak and scared to attack india. 20 years have gone by india has mastered their game plane and killed thousands of Pakistanis through their proxies.
Pakistan in return 'still love the neighbour as we are brothers" the truth is the evil neighbours wants you dead or converted to Hindu dharam.

RAW is running rampant in Pakistan. What is ISI going to do about it?
Pakistan lost the intelligence war decades earlier with india as they were able to manipulate and control the situation at every level.
Thousands of Pakistanis including soldiers and police have been murdered in the most horrific manner without Pakistan able to control the situation. Rather we celebrate the downing incident of an indian pilot 4 years earlier which has become boring old news. Indian intelligence has won the war. Pak Generals have become rouge and started to hunt Pak patriots.
if ISI was so good we never had so many people killed in TTP attacks

The finest example of best agency is mossad, that had assured israel protection against adversaries on all sides and have gone beyond the borders for threat neutrilization before it emerges
I greatly underestimated R&AW before joining this forum. They are no less than MOSSAD.
No, they might be shit... but ISI is the shittest! Only good at supporting crooks, and kidnapping and killing Pakistanis, that's ISI.
While india protects every little twitter poster, terrorists and whoever goes against Pakistan.
Pakistan is so lame that cannot protect such important assets.
What a shame.
Till we have cantonment areas in Pakistan, Pakistan will never be a safe country. These cantonments give a sense of security to the elite, and the rest can go to hell.

We got to kill this VIP culture.

Umm... You're also one of those who are extremely critical of posh areas as well?
ISI has been hijacked by traitors like Nadeem Anjum and Dirty ugly Faisal Naseer.
They have also knocked off Kashmiri Mujahid leaders as well.

Till we have cantonment areas in Pakistan, Pakistan will never be a safe country. These cantonments give a sense of security to the elite, and the rest can go to hell.

We got to kill this VIP culture.

Till we have lawlessness in Pakistan, Pakistan will never be a safe country. There is no sense of security which is why bullet proof vehs and security convoys are used for movement.

Public has encouraged VIP culture themselves.

I greatly underestimated R&AW before joining this forum. They are no less than MOSSAD.
RAWs budget is monumental.

RAW foot print. Period.
Skeptical here.
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