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JF-17, a First-rate Fighter Jet -- Admits IAF chief

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May 19, 2009
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The story was published in Hindustan Times under title of China bigger threat to India than Pakistan: IAF on May 23, 2009

During an interview IAF chief admits JF-17 is a first-rate fighter jet (highlighted in BLUE) :victory:.

To all Indian’s friends who constantly maintain argument of "harmless fighter", this would be a real eye opener as you are NOT MORE EXPERT than your IAF chief.

Interesting to note that Pakistan will be major operator of JF-17 fighter air crafts around 250 and first squadron will be fully operational soon. He mentioned JF-17 along with J-10/FC20, which will be inducted into PAF as well. F-16 blocks 52 are also on schedule. Not far away from today, PAF will be "THREATENING FORCE" again and a nightmare for enemies.

Here goes the article :enjoy:

Rahul Singh, Hindustan Times
New Delhi, May 23, 2009

Taking China’s dramatic military expansion seriously, the Indian Air Force chief has said China poses a more real and potent threat to India than Pakistan, which remains caught in a vortex of conflict and instability.

Talking to HT, Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major said India was rapidly upgrading its fighter bases in the country’s northeast to boost its military deterrence against China.

“China is a totally different ballgame compared to Pakistan,” the air chief said. “We know very little about the actual capabilities of China, their combat edge or how professional their military is…they are certainly a greater threat.”

The comments are bound to lend urgency to the new government’s China agenda and the need to understand the security implications of the rapidly modernising Chinese military.

The Chinese air force is ridding itself of obsolete platforms from the 1960s such as the J-6 and J-7 (equivalent to MiG-19s and MiG-21s). The People’s Liberation Army Air Force is pushing full steam ahead with the induction of first-rate fighter jets such as Sukhoi-30s, JF-17 Thunder light combat aircraft, J-10 strike fighters, airborne early warning aircraft and midair refuellers to expand the operating radius of its fighter jets.

“The way he (China) is growing, he definitely has the capability. But we should neither put China on a pedestal and say it will chew us up nor lose sight of the fact that they have (acquired) huge capabilities,” Major said.

Sit back and watch. With JF-17 block-2, the MIGHTY FORCE of JF-17 (Made in Pakistan :chilli:) is yet to come after induction of first 50 block-1 planes. :cheesy:

:pakistan: :cheers: :china:
The story was published in Hindustan Times under title of China bigger threat to India than Pakistan: IAF on May 23, 2009

During an interview IAF chief admits JF-17 is a first-rate fighter jet (highlighted in BLUE) :victory:.

To all Indian’s friends who constantly maintain argument of "harmless fighter", this would be a real eye opener as you are NOT MORE EXPERT than your IAF chief.

Interesting to note that Pakistan will be major operator of JF-17 fighter air crafts around 250 and first squadron will be fully operational soon. He mentioned JF-17 along with J-10/FC20, which will be inducted into PAF as well. F-16 blocks 52 are also on schedule. Not far away from today, PAF will be "THREATENING FORCE" again and a nightmare for enemies.

Here goes the article :enjoy:

Rahul Singh, Hindustan Times
New Delhi, May 23, 2009

Taking China’s dramatic military expansion seriously, the Indian Air Force chief has said China poses a more real and potent threat to India than Pakistan, which remains caught in a vortex of conflict and instability.

Talking to HT, Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major said India was rapidly upgrading its fighter bases in the country’s northeast to boost its military deterrence against China.

“China is a totally different ballgame compared to Pakistan,” the air chief said. “We know very little about the actual capabilities of China, their combat edge or how professional their military is…they are certainly a greater threat.”

The comments are bound to lend urgency to the new government’s China agenda and the need to understand the security implications of the rapidly modernising Chinese military.

The Chinese air force is ridding itself of obsolete platforms from the 1960s such as the J-6 and J-7 (equivalent to MiG-19s and MiG-21s). The People’s Liberation Army Air Force is pushing full steam ahead with the induction of first-rate fighter jets such as Sukhoi-30s, JF-17 Thunder light combat aircraft, J-10 strike fighters, airborne early warning aircraft and midair refuellers to expand the operating radius of its fighter jets.

“The way he (China) is growing, he definitely has the capability. But we should neither put China on a pedestal and say it will chew us up nor lose sight of the fact that they have (acquired) huge capabilities,” Major said.

Sit back and watch. With JF-17 block-2, the MIGHTY FORCE of JF-17 (Made in Pakistan :chilli:) is yet to come after induction of first 50 block-1 planes. :cheesy:

:pakistan: :cheers: :china:

typical statements made by ACMs of all air forces to get funds for newer platforms - i woudnt read too much into this report/comments!
typical statements made by ACMs of all air forces to get funds for newer platforms - i woudnt read too much into this report/comments!

Doesn't make sense though. The MRCA competition would work out pretty good for them. Whatever they get out of that deal would definitely be better than whatever we have to offer. We all know that J-10's aren't coming any time soon for us so why would he make such a statement?
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Doesn't make sense though. The MRCA competition would work out pretty good for them. Whatever they get out of that deal would definitely be better than whatever we have to offer. We all know that J-10's are coming any time soon for us so why would he make such a statement?

so , what's your thinking on it , why he make such a statement?
The Chinese air force is ridding itself of obsolete platforms from the 1960s such as the J-6 and J-7 (equivalent to MiG-19s and MiG-21s). The People’s Liberation Army Air Force is pushing full steam ahead with the induction of first-rate fighter jets such as Sukhoi-30s, JF-17 Thunder light combat aircraft, J-10 strike fighters, airborne early warning aircraft and midair refuellers to expand the operating radius of its fighter jets.

The above sentence says: First Rate fighter jets such as Sukhoi-30s, (comma) then other jets including airborne early warning aircraft and refuellers(these are not Fighter Jets)
I think he is stating Sukhoi-30's as first-rate only.
To get more funds for the MRCA and increase it to 200 and more funding for the LCA development programme. Also more funding for the different early warning platforms and Infrastructure development. Funding for training aircrafts and land based air defense infrastructure. Because the guy sitting in the top is a civvie.
The above sentence says: First Rate fighter jets such as Sukhoi-30s, (comma) then other jets including airborne early warning aircraft and refuellers(these are not Fighter Jets)
I think he is stating Sukhoi-30's as first-rate only.

If agreed to your interpretation, J-10 also don't fall into "first rate" fighter jets. Right?

No time to dig into grammar usage of "such as". The article clearly states that "........the induction of first-rate fighter jets such as Sukhoi-30s, JF-17 Thunder light combat aircraft, J-10 strike fighters and ...........".

How come you fitted "then" in-between beyond comprehend?
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Well it's all good for us and bad for our enemies so lets not say that india is our enemy unless they want to be one and have a piece of us. Pakistan will bring way too many surprises pretty soon just **** back and watch :)
Updated at: 1315 PST, Sunday, May 24, 2009
NEW DELHI: India faces a greater threat from China than Pakistan because New Delhi knows little about Beijing's combat capabilities, India's air force chief told a newspaper in an interview published on Sunday.

The world's two most populous nations fought a brief but brutal war over their 3,500 km (2,200 mile) Himalayan border in1962, and both sides claim the other is occupying big but largely uninhabited chunks of their territory.

India has also been pursuing closer relations with the United States, something that worries China. China has a standing army almost three times the size of Pakistan's, according to official figures and defence industry estimates, but it is the lack of knowledge about China's military that concerned Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major.

"Weknow very little about the actual capabilities of China, their combat edge or how professional their military is," Major told the Hindustan Times newspaper. "They are certainly a greater threat."

India air force chief says wary of China's military
Uncle Sam would be so proud from their Indian Friend. He couldnt have got happier than this.
please correct me if i am wrong but PLAAF is not inducting any JF-17s if i know my basics....but then again i could be wrong....so he is just being MODEST and is trying to tell the new government don't you dare undermine our projects....typical fear tactics used by all military chiefs of the world......
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