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  • Hello buddy, how are you doing these days, haven't seen you posting online here on this forum.
    How's it going with you?
    I agree with you about libertarianism. In politics, an idea may sound good, but if you can just implement half of it, then the result may even become destructive to your goals. I have similar thoughts about Milton Freedman's ideas and austrian school of economy. I believe that it's too soon for the human race to implement libertarian politics and Freedman economy.
    I will step back from online forums for a while, but I will visit sometimes just to chat with my friends. Online forums take the time that I need to read and do exercise. Besides, except for a few people like yourself, there are no educated members who have the knowledge to talk about politics, ...
    It was nice to talk with you. I saw that you have added a website as your homepage. I'll definitely visit your website from time to time. Have a nice day!
    Decloaking from lurker mode eh? Haha! Hey our favorite Japanese member seems to have been seduced by the "dark side"'of the force. I wouldn't be bothered by it except having a rational conversation with him can be hit or miss at times. Ah well.
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    I was specifically tagged by jhungary, one of the handful of users to whom I still respond. Regarding Nihonjin1051, he's not Japanese. I don't know what made him go off the rails so violently, but it's no longer worth wasting time on his posts.
    Trying to join your forum but I've yet to receive an activation email. :/
    Hey, I was wondering perhaps you have the ability to create a pm chat, wanted to ask a couple of things.
    Unfortunately, that privilege is reserved for titled users (Think Tank Analysts, Professionals, etc. and above). Do you frequent any other forums?
    Thəorətic Muslim
    Thəorətic Muslim
    Seems you have a better view of the fields than me. Let me know of some forum with more liberal policies.
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