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Hamid Mir attacks army

u know very well
whose baji runs away
every now and then
defending them,....
you dont think a video of massi mussebath can come out? you were soooo sure about niazi video, but just like a tooi wal. completely forget your own kartoot!
you dont think a video of massi mussebath can come out? you were soooo sure about niazi video, but just like a tooi wal. completely forget your own kartoot!

keep claiming social benifits, its good for your health..
Suna Tha, Sub Zakhmi Eik Hi Hospital Mein Dakhal Hotey Hain.....

Idar Sub Chor aur Haram Khor, Eik Sath Jama Hain....

Suna Tha, Sub Zakhmi Eik Hi Hospital Mein Dakhal Hotey Hain.....

Idar Sub Chor aur Haram Khor, Eik Sath Jama Hain....

View attachment 748982
In Sab kay baap ko Malik Riaz who funds every bullshit needs to be checked.
Suna Tha, Sub Zakhmi Eik Hi Hospital Mein Dakhal Hotey Hain.....

Idar Sub Chor aur Haram Khor, Eik Sath Jama Hain....

View attachment 748982
Look at mulana's tummy filled with diesel......
Achi baat hai that under one umbrella. So if we have to dispose them we won't have to find em and have several different operations. Eik qaumi operation and these haram khors will be Past history and no one will shed a tear for this bunch.
well ... we can meet at sarot------------ get the issue setteled
If I ask you about any positive things about Pakistan what that would be? Can you list a few..?
Oh shit cowboy standoff dammnnn that would be some sight one on one fight :victory::victory::enjoy:
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So those gunshot wounds were self-inflicted to miss all vital organs? Is that really the conclusion you've arrived at?

Have you seen a single picture of the actual bullet entry and exit wounds of the two journalist scum?

One was giving an interview in the car without any blood on his clothes whilst claiming a bullet went through him, missing all his organs, only a few minutes ago and the other had a bandage over his t-shit. Any proof you have of the bullets entry and exit wounds?

Ever fired a firearm - do you think ISI uses .30cal TT pistols for assassination attempts, as that is the only bullet at close range shot that would exit somewhat cleanly due to high velocity! 9mm would leave a much bigger exit hole than entry (if it even exits) and hollow point 9mm not only doesn't exit but expands inside the body. LEAs do not use .30cal, and intelligence agencies don't even touch this cal!

I am baffled by your stupidity!
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I am sure that Hamid did it in co-ordination with some foreign embassies.
American dollars in flow ............ Democrats and Hamid Mir have long links....... Sala phir khalway ga goli. Shayed Allah ko yehi manzoor ha kay he gets overwhelmed with haramkhori towards his own brothers. AFTER ALL SOME PPL ARE OUGHT TO BE HELL BOUND let them be....
Not a single Pakistani respects him
He sounds like he knows everything in this country when he doesn't even know what his own family is doing. Khabar jhaaan ki itni rakhi par ghar ki Khabar nahi.
So ironically all the injuries are restricted to just his arms , no one touched his face, mouth, head, back or legs.... i guess so he could walk up to any staged gatherings and mouth off all the nonsense he can bark.
ISI must be losing their touch because even when common folks don't follow SOP during restrictions these days, even police whack them on their buttocks and legs.
Some bright minded accomplice of these haramkhors must have told them, only showing bare arms would make for day time viewing.
American dollars in flow ............ Democrats and Hamid Mir have long links....... Sala phir khalway ga goli. Eik air kafkr bound goli banani par a y gi ugggg expensive these days ...Shayed Allah ko yehi manzoor ha kay he gets overwhelmed with haramkhori towards his own brothers. AFTER ALL SOME PPL ARE OUGHT TO BE HELL BOUND let them be....
Not a single Pakistani respects him
He sounds like he knows everything in this country when he doesn't even know what his own family is doing. Khabar jhaaan ki itni rakhi par ghar ki Khabar nahi.
So ironically all the injuries are restricted to just his arms , no one touched his face, mouth, head, back or legs.... i guess so he could walk up to any staged gatherings and mouth off all the nonsense he can bark.
ISI must be losing their touch because even when common folks don't follow SOP during restrictions these days, even police whack them on their buttocks and legs.
Some bright minded accomplice of these haramkhors must have told them, only showing bare arms would make for day time viewing.
Bright minded,?? Seriously bright usi waqat hotay hain jab bottle hoti ha . You take away the bottle and watch them and they will act worse than dogs licking your feet kissing your ***.....
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