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6 Turkish Germans tourists arrested for suspected rape in Spain

As I said clearly only educated skilled secular people with thorough background check should be given entry in these secular civilised societies . No jahil extremist from third world at any cost should be allowed to enter in white world .

All terrorists criminals extremists should be expelled immediately , let only civilised secular tolerant culture live in white world , all others should be deported by ships immediately to their third world shit hole .

Stop stealing Western jobs. You Indians shouldn't steal white jobs.
All terrorists criminals extremists should be expelled immediately , let only civilised secular tolerant culture live in white world , all others should be deported by ships immediately to their third world shit hole .
You're the biggest shithole country than Muslim world
Why an arab dalit is speaking for whites ? :D :D :D

It looks i have put my foot on your tail ?
Dude. You are a foreigner on this forum. You really don't belong here.
Mistake of one guy doesn't means whole community is bad turkish guyz girls are sweetest nicest people
Yeah but when some allegedly "French and Swiss" raped a woman in Spain in the summer @Muhammed45 blamed the entire European community about not protecting women.
Because i want to live in a civilised secular tolerant world free from terrorists who are ready to blow the world for their religious privileges .
And who called you terrorists??? They destroy their country for no reason and capture minerals they are evil they kill more human since ww2 than so called your terrorists killed white supremacist lol
They are good students of western culture.
Wow,that's your excuse. What about all the rapefugees who come from Somalia,Tunisia,Algeria,Afghanistan,Pakistan and Bangladesh to Europe? Were they good students of eastern culture?

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