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The No. 1 figure in Ryukyu (Okinawa) is preparing to visit China, and Chinese FM Qin Gang’s reminder is very clear: Ryukyu is not Japan’s territory

That's king of wishful thinking. I mean, wasn't that's what Russia is thinking? That Donbas is an independent sovereignty outside Ukraine and they have the right to interfere with its matter, see how far the Russian goes??

As I said, if China support separatism in Okinawa, then it's China who need to defy any international convention. Not Japan. And China aren't in the position to call shots at international matters, especially you were thinking you want to do this after China "recover" Taiwan......

On the other hand, even if such thing exists, that wouldn't be Chinese issue, how are you going to make it Chinese? As I said before, what's the playbook move for China to make it a Chinese matter? Again, do you even have a playbook to go with? Or you are just going by the thinking of Okinawa is sovereign state??

No. Donbas wasn't independent, nor was it ever under international trusteeship. You know what it means by that? It's not a matter of China calling the shots, but what the procedure of international trusteeship are legally. You can't just annex the territory and pretend the issue is resolved.

Who says its Chinese matter. China just needs to help Ryukyu regain its independence, and Chinese government is finally moving in that direction, after tolerating Japan for so long. First step is obviously to raise the legal issue of the kingdom's status, and help support and fund those who seeks independence. Like some have already pointed out, sentiment can change. Just wait and see. China has plenty of time. While you care not what happens 50 or 100 years in the future, Chinese does. And that's the difference between China and your country.
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No. Donbas wasn't independent, nor was it ever under international trusteeship. You know what it means by that? It's not a matter of China calling the shots, but what the procedure of international trusteeship are legally. You can't just annex the territory and pretend the issue is resolved.

Russia would disagree with you

Who says its Chinese matter. China just needs to help Ryukyu regain its independence, and Chinese government is finally moving in that direction, after tolerating Japan for so long. First step is obviously to raise the legal issue of the kingdom's status, and help support and fund those who seeks independence. Like some have already pointed out, sentiment can change. Just wait and see. China has plenty of time. While you care not what happens 50 or 100 years in the future, Chinese does. And that's the difference between China and your country.

lol do you even know what you said? Helping Okinawa to regain independence IS making it a Chinese Issue. You are like saying US helping Taiwan defence itself is not making it an US matter.....When you dove into a complete different Sovreign, you are making that matter your issue. Even by saying Okinawan should have its own sovereignty is making this a Chinese issue, because when you are taking side to an issue you don't belong, it's making it your issue......

Also, you still need to flip people into seeking independence whether or not it makes it your issue, because right now only a small percentage of Okinawan people are looking for independence which is less than 15%. How are you going to flip Okinawan into going against Japanese establishment. Again, what's your playbook is on dealing the movement? How to amplify the movement?
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Only 3% of Ryukyu population think they are completely Japanese:

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Under international law, In 1952, Japan signed the Treaty of San Francisco and admitted the control of Okinawa by the U.S. government.

Japan only administer Ryukyu. Japan does not have sovereignty.

It is not unlike colony, or Japanese encroaching Ryukyu.

BTW US does not have sovereignty of Ryukyu, so when US handover Ryukyu to Japan, US cannot handover sovereignty.

Do you people really believe Okinawa are going to separated??

You do know the last poll these people made in 2017, 82% of Okinawan said they considering themselves as Japanese??

I mean Hawaii independence movement have more support than that.....
Russia would disagree with you

lol do you even know what you said? Helping Okinawa to regain independence IS making it a Chinese Issue. You are like saying US helping Taiwan defence itself is not making it an US matter.....When you dove into a complete different Sovreign, you are making that matter your issue. Even by saying Okinawan should have its own sovereignty is making this a Chinese issue, because when you are taking side to an issue you don't belong, it's making it your issue......

Also, you still need to flip people into seeking independence whether or not it makes it your issue, because right now only a small percentage of Okinawan people are looking for independence which is less than 15%. How are you going to flip Okinawan into going against Japanese establishment. Again, what's your playbook is on dealing the movement? How to amplify the movement?
in fact. Australia's sovereignty has always been controversial.

Does Australia really belong to Australians? We need to ask Aboriginal Australians
in fact. Australia's sovereignty has always been controversial.

Does Australia really belong to Australians? We need to ask Aboriginal Australians

Under international law, Australia sovereignty is quite solid.

Ryukyu status of Japan sovereignty is not.
Public opinions can always change, check out what happened in Taiwan for the past 40 years. it's all about how the government and media teach them.
Another very solid claims under international law is Spratly Island belongs to China.

The West are very sht stirring in a way that, in Spratly issue, they no long discuss about international law, but keep barking Spratly is nearer to Vietnam and Philippines. Meanwhile they keep quiet when UK go all the way to invade Marinas (Falkland)
PRC's obsession over Taiwan To the point of declaring use of force makes it hard to have friendly relations with PRC.

It may backfire on them.

PRC's obsession over Taiwan To the point of declaring use of force makes it hard to have friendly relations with PRC.

It may backfire on them.

View attachment 927228
China wats Japan to instigate a fight. That’s what you don’t get. China is by far the most powerful force in the region despite the presence of US based there and there is a lot of unresolved historical baggage with Japan. China wants Japan to invite it for a showdown.
PRC's obsession over Taiwan To the point of declaring use of force makes it hard to have friendly relations with PRC.

It may backfire on them.

View attachment 927228

PRC is the most peaceful superpower today. Since PRC founding, she fought only against imperialism.

The West go all the way out murdering innocent Muslims, Vietnamese, Ukrainian....etc
PRC's obsession over Taiwan To the point of declaring use of force makes it hard to have friendly relations with PRC.

It may backfire on them.
lol. does Japan have any friends in its immediate neighborhood? China, Russia, North Korea, South Korea? there's a heavy cost to be an US lackey.
lol. does Japan have any friends in its immediate neighborhood? China, Russia, North Korea, South Korea? there's a heavy cost to be an US lackey.
It’s astounding how isolated Japan is. If the US leaves the region, Japan will literally be mutilated. I guess that’s why they support the DPP so much because Taiwan is the only friendly neighbor it has.

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