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Man you're full of shit. A cultist and immi tit sucker. You literally ban people for having a difference of opinion while the rest of your PTI lackeys go around abusing and degrading people. Go eat shit and drown in your spit. What a waste of sperm you are.
ok, let me clarify on the warning....
you were given 2 infractions for continuously hurly abuses and personal attacks against a senior and respectful member of the forum....the guy you were trying to educate on Police and LEA has literally been the principal of that school.....if you don't know know who RR is then humbly and politily ask and we can explain....in short you got infractions for insulting forum member
Alright. Apologies.

I will rectify my behaviour.
"Army rule would work well but the problem is making the rest of the world accept the Pakistani military as the ruler of Pakistan."

Army need a proxy as ruler.
Hi, saw your post about birth control.
Firstly there is no sure fire way of preventing pregnancy, even condoms etc can fail, but it is highly unlikely. To just count the cycle is very risky and could result in pregnancy. I would not reccomend doing that. Birth control tablets do cause some women discomfort and hormonal changes, so if your wife is not happy with them, i suggest the best thing to do is stop using them.
Unfortunately the most effective method is the rubbers, which i know obviously impact the level of pleasure, but it's a price one has to pay to have the highest degree of assurance against pregnancy. Coils can work too, again they are not fool proof and come with their own low level risks. Again if by disruption of periods your wifes hormones are being negatively impacted, the coil may have the same impact too.
Dear sir as you are a senior member of PDF, can you tell me who owns this site and who funds this site. I shall be eternally grateful if you answer my query.
Dear Webmaster can you tell me who funds this site and the staff running it. I will be eternally grateful if you answer my query. Many thanks
you banned me again for nothing my friend!!

ill keep criticizing fraud fauji mafia who facilitate smuggling, are actively involved in land grabbing, murder,corruption and destruction of My country thats not fauji land but Pakistan!

keep banning me!
All my Negative Ratings have came from the Same Guy.

Please do something about him , he's just ruining the Rep sorrounding my accounts.
You would die of laughter if i showed you the first Post he gave me negative on wasn't even related to him
Bro can you link the post please, copy and paste it.
@Foxtrot Alpha, why is his name-calling doesn't warrant a warning? You seem to be giving me warnings when I respond to him but I don't see you taking a action when he is starting the name-calling, Why is there a double-strandard here? Why didn't you stop the guy from calling me "pirate" or making fun of the famine?

@waz @LeGenD @PDF
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