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Zulfikar Mirza did what ....

Lahoris give Zulfiqar Mirza ‘thumbs up’

LAHORE - Viewers in the city were glued to their TV screens on Sunday to see Sindh Senior Minister Dr Zulfiqar Mirza deliver a fiery press conference in which he resigned from his party office, ministry and legislative seat. A majority of the public gave a ‘thumbs up’ to Mirza’s fiery speech with some claiming that the truth has finally been revealed. The fed-up Mirza had transformed in to a hero after a two hour press conference becoming the talk of the town and an Internet sensation. All social networking sites, including Facebook and Twitter, were flooded with comments and remarks even during the memorable speech.

It was something never seen by the public before. A politically enriched and influential man, Zulfiqar Mirza, frequently placing the Holy Quran on his head during his speech and making allegations against the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Interior Minister Rehman Malik in a live press conference from the Karachi Press Club, was something new for the public.

One of the top comments came from a twitter account of Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, “Emergency meeting at the Foreign Office. Thanks Uncle Zulfiqar Mirza.”

Other comments were “Mirza missile launched”, “Dr Zulfiqar Mirza Khappy”, “long live Zulfiqar Mirza”, “Zulfiqar Mirza spoke very openly, straightforwardly & left nothing confusing and gave a solution to the Karachi ongoing killings”, “Zulfiqar Mirza sb. This was certainly not the ideal time for all this as awam are eyeing celebrating eid”,

“Major TV debate.. starts NOW… Major killing .. starts now … all “political killers” will BLAME each other BUT Karachiites will DIE”, “Apart from some unnecessary personal/family details and praise for ISI-army, it was an effective & daring press conference ”

“Zulfiqar Mirza did not leave his party members from criticism. Will Haider Abbas Rizvi do the same? Would Farooq Sattar have the guts?”, “I have no doubt that whatever Zulfiqar Mirza said in today’s press conference was exactly what President Zardari wanted him to say,” “Did Zulfiqar Mirza just openly accuse Rehman Malik of failing to protect BB?” “Zulfiqar Mirza may be honest but there are more productive ways to expose gangsterism in Karachi. This is pure incitement.”

“Uglier times ahead in Karachi. Stay strong, folks”, “I hope Karachi doesn’t burn in response to Zulfiqar Mirza’s rant on telly… again”, “What Zulfiqar Mirza broadcasted today will change Karachi forever :/”, “Was going to thank Zulfiqar Mirza for saving Sun afternoon from boredeom of anticlimactic”, “Waiting for blasphemy fatwa on Zulfiqar Mirza for doing what he did to that Quran”, “From Zero to Hero; one small step for Zulfi Mirza, one giant leap for politicians’ credibility!”

Pakistan Today

Let us pray that Farooq Satter etc start calling spade a spade .. I am not holding my breath on it though .. it takes guts to speak the truth .. not for everyone ..
i belive what he told is truth but i also belive that its half a truth there has to be more from that come from
First time I like Miza he exposed the traitor Altaf Army should take action now and take on Altaf and hang him in public
Many people of Karachi blindly supports MQM because they are being illuded that MQM is a party of poor , its the only party which gives poor a chance to take part in politicians without understanding that this is the party comprising of goons and culprits, they are kinda brainwashed by this stuff , they are not ready to agree that MQM is just a black spot on the name of Pakistan .

The followers of MQM has so much hate towards other ethnicity and other provinces, specially towards Punjab, Take out any MQM follower and he will spit poison against Punjabis . Even some areas under the control of MQM are a death zone for Punjabis

A party who is formed on ethnic basis , a party whose motto is " The partition of sub-continent is the biggest blunder in the history of Pakistan" This statement by MQM directly contradicts to Mr.Jinnah and to every patriotic Pakistani , then how can you expect from them to do some good work for Pakistan or follow Mr.Jinnah .

A party whose leader is not allowed to enter Pakistan, A leader who never had been in Pakistan for so long , he never felt the pain of people here , he spend a big chunk of his life in London , then how a person in sane mentality can even think of him being patriotic and loyal of Pakistan? A person who has never been among the people of Karachi , never felt them . how can he work for their welfare?

For him Pakistan is just a way to run his bloody game , even if today GOD forbid Pakistan is dis-integrated or destroyed , what will this altaf hussain loose? nothing coz his home is not Pakistan rather London , He has not a single stake in Pakistan
i am very happy that atleat zulfiqar cleared his stand that his family is married into urdu speaking and he has nothing against urdu speaking!!

rest i believe each and every word he said! and if he is lying with a quran in hand Allah will handle him.
Yes, he knew that Rangers gonna show each and everything before Supreme Court about today's discovery of weapons / torture cells. So he did this drama to become innocent and mazloum. He is badmash wadera, since majority of members here are MQM haters and they have to choose one from ZM / MQM, so they will definitely ignore ZM's doings.

Nice story..Bhai will send you his ashirwad..once he is released from hospital...Very nicely you conclude that most of the people are MQM hates..I want to ask you..are Pakistanis a savage nation who only know hate x , y and Z just because some wadera / sardar / choudhry asked them to?? Your logic is ridiculous..are we supposed to love MQM when they extort thousand of rupees in the name of mohallah committe or bazar security funds??
Nice story..Bhai will send you his ashirwad..once he is released from hospital...Very nicely you conclude that most of the people are MQM hates..I want to ask you..are Pakistanis a savage nation who only know hate x , y and Z just because some wadera / sardar / choudhry asked them to?? Your logic is ridiculous..are we supposed to love MQM when they extort thousand of rupees in the name of mohallah committe or bazar security funds??

Bro - intially I thought these folks are in denial but now it is safe to say that some of them may be ignorant too. Although in a different context but it is clearly stated in the Holy Quran, Surah Al Baqarah, "Deaf, Dumb and Blind, they shall not return"

This is why I always keep praying that Allah guide them in the right path. Ameen

Also - I hear strong indications that post AH scenarios are being discussed by some MQM leaders .. end is nigh for Altaf, insha'Allah
Those who conspire against ISI or Army or the existence of this motherland will not be spared.............Geo Dr.Zulfiqar Mirza
Pakistan Zindabad!!!:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 PM ----------

Those who conspire against ISI or Army or the existence of this motherland will not be spared.............Geo Dr.Zulfiqar Mirza
Pakistan Zindabad!!!:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
When ZM speech about MQM and Abdu-r-Rehman.
he is very trusty about her speech.
Zm says about Malik if you are call to Malik,Malik eat apple but you are asked that malik what you eat he says i eat Banana.
Malik is lier man Clubfoot.
Bro - intially I thought these folks are in denial but now it is safe to say that some of them may be ignorant too. Although in a different context but it is clearly stated in the Holy Quran, Surah Al Baqarah, "Deaf, Dumb and Blind, they shall not return"

This is why I always keep praying that Allah guide them in the right path. Ameen

Also - I hear strong indications that post AH scenarios are being discussed by some MQM leaders .. end is nigh for Altaf, insha'Allah

Now by quoting religion, you will also be accused of being a jamati along with wadera..bwahhaha..the power of hypocrisy and denial :partay:
Confessions of a ‘Patriot’

Photo illustration by Hasaan Haider / Dawn.com
How many of you feel closer to personally knowing senior-minister-not-anymore Zulfiqar Mirza after his confessions yesterday? We now know about how much faith he has in the Holy Quran. We know how many siblings he has, their marital status and we know he’s got a healthy blend of relatives from various ethnic backgrounds. No reason to think that’s too much information – or too unnecessary for that matter. After all Mirza was trying to make a point – that he’s such an open, genuine guy – he couldn’t help but roll off completely irrelevant information before he got to the juicy bits.

Countless Pakistanis went through (and some still are) temporary amnesia ever since the self-proclaimed Patriot spoke yesterday. The praise and glory being bestowed upon Mirza is a classic example of the saying “chal, kaha suna maaf”. All of a sudden we forget he’s the man behind countless irresponsible statements made in the recent past, we forget his excess energy and love for the spotlight that got him so carried away that he ended up flaring a gunbattle in Karachi only last month.

Statements are a plenty in Pakistan. Outcomes are often murky. Where some question if the fiery Patriot would have still launched his tirade if there was no Lyari operation, others wonder what was the final push to the awakening of the great conscience. But before the son-of-the-soil Patriot finally said the magic words against those-who-must-not-be-named, he chose to attack Google Satellite Maestro Rehman Malik first.

Mirza breathed fire as he swore over the Quran that Malik is “hand-in-glove” with terrorists, he is a “compulsive liar” and is embarrassed to admit he eats apples. The clever Patriot knew there is no going wrong when it comes to involving the Holy Book. So that’s what he did. He swore on it, exposed the liars while vowing to speak nothing but the truth and then in case someone missed the patriotic hand lying on the Quran, he also put it on his head – he meant business.

Knowing Karachi burns at the slightest rift between political parties, the impulsive Patriot still took a chance and went ahead with his outburst. He was on a mission – a mission to save Pakistan from all the enemies, liars and fruit-eaters. But why now? Did you stop and think? No, of course not. All Pakistan needs is a hero anyway.

The short-sighted Patriot took a chance and said the magic words which almost turned his reputation around overnight. The Patriot took a shot at MQM, calling it a “terrorist organisation” – and immediately his bravery was celebrated. Other not-so-important patriots have often claimed “we need someone to call a spade, a spade etc. etc.”, but then when a Patriot comes galloping across the city to speak this truth, the city burns and bleeds. But perhaps Mirza the Patriot had had enough. He was not going to let any kind of pressure dictate him anymore, and for that if the city bled again, so be it!

Now as he simmers, a lot of things are coming to light. For starters, what will the Patriot’s “brother and friend” President Zardari do? He along with the apple of his eye Rehman Malik had been working hard to engage MQM in talks… Oops? How does that pan out now? Also, how does PPP continue to hold a façade of solidarity when such statements are being hurled across by its senior party members and there comes along such an evident gap between stances within the party?

Is “brother and friend” Zardari going to call Mirza again for a scolding? Malik has already forgiven him by dismissing his outburst and calling Mirza his younger brother. Like all families, here too, we see the younger brother’s carelessness being dismissed (so what if it has mass-scale violent reactions)… “chota bhai hai aakhair”. And then they say Pakistan lacks brotherhood!

But the most important question that comes now is: who benefits? The Patriot? The Brotherhood? Those-who-must-not-be-named? Alas, the show must go on.
Let’s play: 20 questions for Zulfiqar Mirza

August 29, 2011

During TV interviews he made personal attacks against journalists and politicians, making references to their facial features and appearance. However, his emotional outburst left lots of questions on the policy of the government unanswered. :tdown:

A few questions I would like to ask Mr Mirza are:

1) If you claim to be so truthful, why have you never made these revelations before?

2) According to you, Rehman Malik does everything on the discretion of President Asif Ali Zardari. Why then is Rehman Malik accused of conspiring against the People’s Party and not President Zardari?

3) Is the president of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari a fool to not understand the shrewdness of Rehman Malik?:P

4) Mirza Sahab, why did you never raise your voice in 2001 (or afterwards) when you got to know that MQM chief Altaf Hussain wrote a letter against the ISI?

5) What exactly made you speak up after the discovery of the torture cells and ammunition from Lyari? :coffee:

6) You acknowledge that Rehman Malik is a “good politician and a good human being” but maintain that he is also a compulsive liar. What does this mean? :cheesy:

7) You placed the Holy Quran on your head and said that MQM has a false mandate in Karachi and Hyderabad. How many petitions have you filed in court about this? :police:

8) Why are superior courts, Pakistani forces and Pakistani law enforcement agencies not taking any action on the MQM’s alleged crimes? Is the MQM really that powerful? :hitwall:

9) CPLC recovered most of the kidnapped people from Lyari. Is this the reason why the CPLC chief, Ahmed Chinoy, has suddenly turned into a villain? lol

10) You seem to be very worried about the people of Sindh. Why are you obsessed with Karachi only? Has karo-kari, dacoity and corruption ended in interior Sindh?

11) How many hospitals and schools have you built in your own constituency?

12) You say that you will fight against the criminal elements of Karachi in your private capacity. Is this legal?

13) Keeping in mind that a civilian cannot take the law into his own hands, how would you decide who is a criminal and who is not?

14) You claim that you haven’t recruited any MQM worker in the Sindh Police, and that recruitment in the police department was done on merit only. If this is so, then why does corruption and incompetency still prevail in the Sindh Police?

15) Why are the ISI chief and Army Generals not taking action on your “substantiated evidence”?

16) When are you going to the Supreme Court to submit this evidence?

17) How exactly have President Asif Zardari and the late Benazir Bhutto helped you in acquiring such a huge amount of money, villas, cars, sugar mills and thousands of acres of lands?

18) You alleged that during a meeting in London, the MQM chief Altaf Hussain had told you that America and other world powers had decided to ‘break’ Pakistan, and that Altaf Hussain had supported their idea. Since when has Altaf Hussain started sharing such secrets with you? :lol:

19) If America wants to break Pakistan up, according to you, then why did you go to the enemy country for a 40-day vacation? :eek:

20) Sir, do you still stand by your slogan “Pakistan na Khappay” (We don’t want Pakistan)?
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