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Zulfi Bukhari should be sued for $1billion amid spread of COVID in Pakistan


Mar 31, 2007
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Imran Khan regime and mainly Zulfi Bukhari actively took part in keeping Taftan border open, ever since COVID pandemic broke out in Iran.

Was it not obvious and common sense that thousands of travelers /students coming from virus ridden Iran to Pakistan are going to bring virus to Pakistan, risking lives of a nation with 200 million inhabitants!?

I think, Imran Khan and his godly drivers cum advisers shall be prosecuted and punished accordingly for their obvious role in spread of pandemic in Pakistan, they shall not only be jailed, but as well fined.
To partially off set the loss to Pakistan's economy and expenditure poor tax payers of Pakistan has incurred, in process. Imran Khan and team must be charged with $1billion as minimum.

Pak rupee is all time low, business is at stand still, people are dying and suffering all because of which can be fairly described as an attempt of genocide.
There failed plan was apparently more nefarious than that of Kulbhoshn Yadev.
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This is not the time to play politics. Corona was going to come to the country one way or another. If not from Iran then from Saudi or from China or from the dozen or so countries where large Pakistani disaporas exist.
This is not the time to play politics. Corona was going to come to the country one way or another. If not from Iran then from Saudi or from China or from the dozen or so countries where large Pakistani disaporas exist.
Or from Timbuktu.... that could be one argument in favor of Imran Khan advisers.... still all shall be taken to courts and shall be asked to explain their individual positions.
If Pakistani courts are suspected of being partial and enslaved by THE mafia, than matter must be taken to International courts.

Please share all evidence and pieces of hints, which reflect state was negligent or conspiring against Pakistani public. Specially those who are selected people of Imran Khan. We all know, who they are.
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In Pakistan, COVID-19 is as much a political and economic problem as it is a battle to obtain an individual test. The best way to fight an individual illness is through a community of friends and family and a robust healthcare system. The same is true of a political fight and I think Zulfi took the best decision according to the nature of the relationship with Iran. We can’t afford to stay “quarantined” in Iran's "no-man" border from the political struggles ahead. Eventually, our public spaces will again be ours to strengthen against this Daranda Seefeth Khooni Virus .
In Pakistan COVID-19 is as much a political and the economic problem as it is a battle to obtain an individual test. The best way to fight an individual illness is through a community of friends and family and a robust healthcare system. The same is true of a political fight and I think Zulfi took the best decision according to nature of relationship with Iran . We can’t afford to stay “quarantined” in Iran "no-man" border from the political struggles ahead. Eventually, our public spaces will again be ours to strengthen.

As well, I can credit Imran Khan for restoring hundreds of Mandir in his short rule, but what has he done to build hospitals in same time?
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Do you know the difference between 'shall' and 'should'?

Shall: would mean Mr. Zulfi is going to be sued.

Should: would imply your undying hatred for PTI & would like to see them sued.

Just letting you know that it would be wise to change the Title of the Topic so as to not throw off people. That's what people do for 'click-bait'.

@waz @The Eagle

Do you know the difference between 'shall' and 'should'?

Shall: would mean Mr. Zulfi is going to be sued.

Should: would imply your undying hatred for PTI & would like to see them sued.

Just letting you know that it would be wise to change the Title of the Topic so as to not throw off people. That's what people do for 'click-bait'.

@waz @The Eagle

He hates zulfi cause zulfi was the one who was able to bring proof about aven field.

@BATMAN Imran Khan is going to spare no one and even his party members are being investigated under sugar and flour jit. But I know why you are hurt today. Cause zulfi also demanded to investigate the 22 billion in subsidy to sugar industry by PMLN.

Do you know the difference between 'shall' and 'should'?

Shall: would mean Mr. Zulfi is going to be sued.

Should: would imply your undying hatred for PTI & would like to see them sued.

Just letting you know that it would be wise to change the Title of the Topic so as to not throw off people. That's what people do for 'click-bait'.

@waz @The Eagle

You are least concerned with crime of century but trying to knit pick.
He shall be does not imply he's going to be sued.. it imply he must be sued.
However no one in this country is honest with Pakistan otherwise the loss Pakistan incurred to bring in holy Fighters in state protocol, just to prove a point that serving Iran comes with influence in state of Imran Khan.
He hates zulfi cause zulfi was the one who was able to bring proof about aven field.

@BATMAN Imran Khan is going to spare no one and even his party members are being investigated under sugar and flour jit. But I know why you are hurt today. Cause zulfi also demanded to investigate the 22 billion in subsidy to sugar industry by PMLN.

Thanks for the information that he brought proof of aven fields, but was it really that hard to find out where does NS lives?
May be you should explain, what was his interest in bringing address of NS.
At least i know, UK don't allow any one buy property without proof of funds?

Once Imran Khan is done recovering $22billion subsidy which Nawaz Sharif give while Imran Khan was PM.
Than investigate export and re-import of Sugar and those who enjoy wasting $billions.. a bigger crime than giving subsidy to export... which is a routine in export business, because regime has already charged taxes, which principally shouldn't be levied on export item.
Next investigate export of wheat and than re-import at higher price. After that investigate, import of expensive gas and not making contracts, when both oil and gas when prices were rock bottom in international market.

I'm pointing at Zulfi's role in sending militants in and out of Iran dodging immigration process, which is a crime, at least he was requested for it by some of his relative.
Still, I was not the one breaking the news, it was Chief minister of Balochistan.

Hate is when people are target killed in Pakistan because they demand implementation of proper immigration process and neutral staff at Taftan border. Also because they speak about what Imran Khan and aides try to hide.
Captain who captured Kulbhoshan Yadeve was killed... no one in Pakistan was bothered. Custom inspector who arrested Ayan Ali was killed... shows the mafia who practically hurting Pakistan and profiting $billions.
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This is not the time to play politics. Corona was going to come to the country one way or another. If not from Iran then from Saudi or from China or from the dozen or so countries where large Pakistani disaporas exist.

For you its a call of nature to pull Saudi in everything.
People who come from Saudi Arabia, come with COVID test from a certified lab.
There wasn't much COVID in KSA and they did the lockdown drill, which is enough measure.

Pakistan kept its dodgy border open with Iran, while Iran was simmering with COVID and whole world even Iraq had closed it's border with Iran as early as beginning of January.
What was the pressure on Pakistan to keep the border open for months, while no one knows for how long border was closed or it was really closed, but soon after it was officially re-opened.

Until mid year, virus was seen as deadly and uncontrollable, but still gang of regime put 200 million Pakistanis at risk.
Imran Khan, didn't allowed students from China for months, but kept pushing zairin into Iran, what exactly were they planning if not planning to creating a situation of chaos, so that that those left Pakistan without passport stamps, can be brought back!!!!
Zulfi Bikari must be investigated along with Sheriyar Afridi who being interior minister, was in-charge of FC, FIA.

Imran Khan and team is a gang, working on principle of you scratch my back and i scratch yours. In the process they are selling present and future of Pakistan.
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and the money should go to Nawaz Shariff maybe then his platelets will go up
and the money should go to Nawaz Shariff maybe then his platelets will go up

Keep public distracted from real issues, but i'm wrong horse.
There are many more billions to be recovered, your only life line is that you gang getting rid of Maryam Nawaz. If you fail, than expect case being opened against you.
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