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Zionazi Crusade Against Islam


Jan 22, 2009
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“The picture of Muslim soldiers advancing with sword in one hand and the Qur’an in the other is quite false,” - A.S. Tritton in ‘Islam’, 1951.

“History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths the historians have ever repeated,” - De Lacy O’Leary in ‘Islam at the Crossroads’, 1923.

“Jews found their Golden Age in Muslim Spain (711-1492),” - Dr. Bernard Lewis (a Jew Orientalist).

“The principle of Islam that ‘there is no compulsion in religion’ is well known”, - K.S. Ramkrishna Rao in ‘Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam’, 1989.

“Muhammad was the leader (religious and political), who affected the humanity the most,” - Michael Hart in ‘The 100′.

“Perhaps the greatest leader of all times was Muhammad, who combined all the three functions. To a lesser degree Moses did the same,” - Jules Masserman (a Jewish historian) in ‘Who were Histories Great Leaders?’ in TIME magazine, July 15, 1974.

“Islam’s great Caliph Omar Ibn al-Khatab gave Islam’s teachings a practical shape by showing justice and manifesting respect for other faiths. When Caliph Omar conquered Jerusalem from Christian Byzantine in 638 CE, he insisted that the three faiths of Abraham coexist. He refused to pray in the Holy Church of Sepulcher when he was escorted around the city by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch. Had he done so, he explained, the Muslims would have wanted to build a mosque there to commemorate the first Islamic prayer in Jerusalem. The Jews found their new Muslim rulers far more congenial than the Byzantines. The Christians had never allowed the Jews to reside permanently in the city, whereas Omar invited 70 Jewish families back. The Byzantines had left the Temple Mount as a garbage dump. Omar according to variety of accounts, was horrified to see this desecration. He helped clear it with his own hands, reconstructed the platform and build a simple wooden mosque on the southern end, site of Al-Aqsa mosque today,” - Karen Armstrong (a former Nun), in ‘Islam: A Short History’ - reported in TIME magazine, April 16, 2001.

Muslim Arabs invaded Spain in 711 CE and liberated Jewish Serf (slaves), who were treated like animals by the Church and the Christian elites. Muslim rulers provided them free education, land, and homes to live in. Within a span of 100 year - many Jews became part of Spanish elites with access to the Royal Court.

It was in 1186 CE, when Sultan Salahuddin allowed Jewish families to settle in Jerusalem afterthey were expelled by the invading Christian Franks in 1099 CE.

During 1940s, when Zionist leaders were forcing governments in Britain, United States, and Canada - not to allow Jewish immigration from countries under Nazi occupation - Turkish diplomats helped helped 100,000 European Jews to escape Nazi persecution - an act of Muslim kindness for which Turkish PM Erdogan was honoured in 2005 by no other than the president of Jewish Lobby, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Abraham Foxman.

Historically, Jewish elites were found to be disloyal to the very societies in which they lived. This was main reason that Jews were expelled from almost every European country in the past - the longest being from England when King Edward expelled them in 1290 CE and they were allowed to return after 350 years. In 2007, ADL conducted a survey in six western countries among 3,000 participants and the results as reported by Israel daily Ha’aretz on November 28, 2007 - that 50% of Brits believe that Jews are more loyal to Israel than Britain - while 61% in Hungary, and 50% of participants from Ausria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland had similar opinion on Jewish loyalty toward Israel. A similar poll in the US showed that 31% out of 2,000 Americans surveyed - believe that American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the US.

Many readers would be surprised to learn that the only couple, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed for treason against the US in peace-time in 1953 - were Jewish. So is the longest jail serving spy, Jonathan Pollard. The only known Congressman, Samuel Dickstein (D. NY), who spied for Russia, was also Jewish. In fact, most of spies both in the US and Russia happened to be Jewish. George Koval (d. 2006), whom Russian president Putin gave highest Russian award to a Soviet agent , who penetrated America’s Manhattan Project to build the nuclear bomb - was also Jewish.

Jews love to create and live in myths. Famous Israeli writer, Uri Avnery in his article On Jewish History ridicules some of Jewish myths. For example the Exodus from Egypt: “Thousands of Egyptian documents deciphered in recent years leave no room for doubts: the exodus of masses of people as described in the Bible, or anything remotely like it, just never happened.”

Some of Zionist myths abouts Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are refuted here:

Myth: Muhammad ordered 900 Jews killed

Myth: Islam preaches terrorism

Myth: Holy Qur’an is anti-Semite

Myth: Ten wise Jews wrote Holy Qur’an

Israeli professor Israel Shahak was of the opinion that “Jewish Talmud is the most hateful religious literature in the world.” To understand what he meant by that - one has to listen to Talmudic Zionist leaders.

Watch this Zionazi propaganda *****, entitled Islam, what the West needs to know:

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