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ZIA: The thankless role in saving democracy in Bangladesh

Let me be clear-I do not blame Jamaat for their moral support to Pakistan.I have issues with those who actively supported Pakistani troops who killed and raped people.Supporting Pakistan and Supporting murder are different issues.There was a Bihari muktijoddha from Bogra.His explanation was,'Yes I supported Pakistan but there was be-insaf in this war so I fought for the Bangalis against the Pakistan army.'That is my point of view.If West Pakistanis at that time were not kept in the dark and actually knew what was happening I think that a vast majority of them would speak against the Army's violence.

I have issues with those who actively supported Pakistani troops who killed and raped people.
Forty yrs. of RAWAMY/BHARATI lies could only manage some thieves, rapists, divorcees and arsonists to go to court with cooked up evidence against JI leaders that fell flat on their faces during interrogation and got exposed of lies, damn lies and statistics. JI leaders were the proven honest people even in MUA/FUA's lenses, who tried by all means to catch them but failed. They didn't even have a GD against them let alone accusation of murder and kill throughout their lives. If they really raped and killed then that habit would be seen afterword as those sinful acts weren't 'Discrete human nature' but continuous. But why there wasn't even a single accusation against them before or after the creation of BD? OTH, RAWAMY dalals have been scoring centuries of rape, murder, looting, sabotaging and what not. Then why are they getting portrayed as 'Muktijhudder Shapakkher shakti'? Was 'MUKTI JHUDDHO' being fought to establish worse rule than 'Iamme Jaheliah' or with the promise of lots of Mula? BTW, Were any of those delivered? Before 71, East PAK was the 'Namuna' or 'Model' of the developing world? When was the last time BD got per with it? Establishment of 247 mills/Industries from 2 mills (Mohini and Komudini), Multiple Medical, Engineering Colleges and universities; vast infrastructure development were fruits for being East Pakistani of 23 yrs. And that too happened after a country was born from almost having no skills of running its affairs. Imagine what would it be once all the five and 10 yrs. of planning were to take motion. Afsos that we fell prey of chanakyaism and made ourselves orphan as Muslims. JI leaders foresaw that BDIANS would be less of Muslims, slave of Indians if PAK was to be broken. Now tell me if that's not the case?
I was actually talking about AL-BNP perspective....Have to agree on the Americans' knowledge of Geography and History though!

Have to agree that the way Mujib is treated by usa. It just compare himself with the glorious leaders like stanly, fidel castro, che, hugo chevez,ahmedinezad.........
It clearly proves his position & what he was for.
Forty yrs. of RAWAMY/BHARATI lies could only manage some thieves, rapists, divorcees and arsonists to go to court with cooked up evidence against JI leaders that fell flat on their faces during interrogation and got exposed of lies, damn lies and statistics. JI leaders were the proven honest people even in MUA/FUA's lenses, who tried by all means to catch them but failed. They didn't even have a GD against them let alone accusation of murder and kill throughout their lives. If they really raped and killed then that habit would be seen afterword as those sinful acts weren't 'Discrete human nature' but continuous. But why there wasn't even a single accusation against them before or after the creation of BD? OTH, RAWAMY dalals have been scoring centuries of rape, murder, looting, sabotaging and what not. Then why are they getting portrayed as 'Muktijhudder Shapakkher shakti'? Was 'MUKTI JHUDDHO' being fought to establish worse rule than 'Iamme Jaheliah' or with the promise of lots of Mula? BTW, Were any of those delivered? Before 71, East PAK was the 'Namuna' or 'Model' of the developing world? When was the last time BD got per with it? Establishment of 247 mills/Industries from 2 mills (Mohini and Komudini), Multiple Medical, Engineering Colleges and universities; vast infrastructure development were fruits for being East Pakistani of 23 yrs. And that too happened after a country was born from almost having no skills of running its affairs. Imagine what would it be once all the five and 10 yrs. of planning were to take motion. Afsos that we fell prey of chanakyaism and made ourselves orphan as Muslims. JI leaders foresaw that BDIANS would be less of Muslims, slave of Indians if PAK was to be broken. Now tell me if that's not the case?

Let me ask you a question.Do you deny that there was a genocide and mass-rape committed by the Pakistani Army?

Have to agree that the way Mujib is treated by usa. It just compare himself with the glorious leaders like stanly, fidel castro, che, hugo chevez,ahmedinezad.........
It clearly proves his position & what he was for.

He was an anti-US marxist ideologist........ofcourse they hate him!'71 is a forgotten genocide because the US was on the wrong side........they get to do anything they want about our history.........they control everything!
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's role in the Independence of Bangladesh is not mentioned in the history books that are used in middle schools here in the US......My cousin goes to one and said the teacher even didn't know who Sheikh Mujib was.The US already favors BNP.

What kind of school? I wasn't aware that American school teach Bd history?
Just dont troll here. Its about time. Take preparation.
Burn some transports damage properties. Kill or bit some police. Its party time man, enjoy;)
Look at who really damages transports and properties in the following videos...

1. Sheikh Selim Confesses Setting Fire on Bus Part 1 - YouTube

2. Sheikh Selim Confesses Setting Fire on Bus Part 2 - YouTube

And then read the following interview to justify by yourself who might be guilty..

বিবিসিকে দেয়া সাক্ষাৎকারে ড. মাসুদ
সরকারি এজেন্সীর লোক দিয়ে অগ্নিসংযোগ করে আমাদেরকে বিতর্কিত করা হচ্ছে

সংগ্রাম ডেস্ক : আজকের হরতাল প্রসঙ্গে বিবিসি রেডিওকে দেয়া এক সাক্ষাৎকারে জামায়াতে ইসলামী ঢাকা মহানগরীর সহকারী সেক্রেটারি ড. শফিকুল ইসলাম মাসুদ বলেন, সরকার তার নিজস্ব এজেন্সীর কিছু লোক দিয়ে বাসে অগ্নিসংযোগ-ভাংচুরের মতো ঘটনা ঘটিয়ে আমাদের নেতৃবৃন্দকে হেনস্থা করছে। এবং রাজনৈতিকভাবে আমাদেরকে বিতর্কিত করতেই এ ধরনের কর্মকান্ড পরিচালনা করছে। তিনি বলেন, হরতালের মতো কর্মসূচি আমরা নিতান্ত বাধ্য হয়েই দিয়েছি। কারণ আমরা তিনটি দাবিতে প্রতিবাদ কর্মসূচি দিয়েছিলাম। প্রথমত: আমাদের শীর্ষ নেতাদের মুক্তি, ২য়ত: সরকারের নির্যাতনমূলক কর্মকান্ড এবং অবৈধ ও প্রশ্নবিদ্ধ ট্রাইব্যুনালে আমাদের নেতৃবৃন্দকে আটকে রেখে যে প্রহসনের বিচার করার চেষ্টা চলছে তা বন্ধ করা। এই কর্মসূচিতে সরকার অনুমতি না দেয়ায় সারা দেশে হরতাল কর্মসূচি দিয়েছি।

বিবিসি : শোনা যাচ্ছে যে, আন্তর্জাতিক অপরাধ ট্রাইব্যুনালে আপনাদের নেতৃবৃন্দের বিরুদ্ধে যে বিচার চলছে তার দু'একটি মামলার রায় হয়ে যেতে পারে যে কোন সময়। তা সামনে রেখেই আপনার হরতাল ডেকেছেন।

মাসুদ : এ সরকার আসার পর থেকেই তো ট্রাইব্যুনাল ছিল না। তখনও কিন্তু আমরা কর্মসূচি দিয়েছি। দ্বিতীয় হচ্ছে ট্রাইব্যুনালে তারা যা করছে, আমরা বরাবরই বলে আসছি। ট্রাইব্যুনালের মাধ্যমে তারা তথাকথিত বিচারের নামে একটা প্রহসন করছে। তারা প্রথমে বলেছে এটা যুদ্ধাপরাধের বিচার। তারপর হঠাৎ স্ট্যান্ড চেঞ্জ করে বললো যে, এটা মানবতাবিরোধী অপরাধ কর্মকান্ডের বিচার। আমরা তখন থেকেই বলে আসছি। তারা এ ডাবল স্টান্ডার্ড করে মূলত ফাঁক-ফোঁকর দিয়ে জামায়াত নেতৃবৃন্দকেই শুধুমাত্র সাজা দিতে চায়।

বিবিসি : আপনারা বলছেন, আপনাদের ওপর দমননীতি চালানো হচ্ছে। শান্তিপূর্ণ কর্মসূচি পালন করতে দেয়া হচ্ছে না। পত্র-পত্রিকায় প্রায় দেখা যাচ্ছে, এই বিচার প্রক্রিয়ার বিরুদ্ধে জামায়াত বা শিবিরের মিছিল থেকে পুলিশের ওপর আক্রমণ করা হচ্ছে। এ ব্যাপারে আপনাদের বক্তব্য কি?

মাসুদ : আমরা বাংলাদেশে একদিকে রাষ্ট্রীয় সন্ত্রাসের শিকার। আবার তথ্য সন্ত্রাসেরও শিকার। ঢালাওভাবে বলবো না যে, সব মিডিয়াই আমাদের বিরুদ্ধে লিখছে। তবে কিছু মিডিয়া আছে যারা সরকারের মদদপুষ্ট হয়ে আমাদের রাজনৈতিক শান্তিপূর্ণ কর্মসূচিগুলোকে বিতর্কিত করার জন্য অতি উৎসাহী হয়ে কিছু লেখা ও ফুটেজ প্রচার করছে।

বিবিসি: টিভিতে তো ছবিও দেখা যাচ্ছে। সেগুলো কি ভুল?

মাসুদ : সেগুলো ভুল বলছি না। বরং তা জাস্টিফাই করার জন্য আপনাদেরকেও অনুরোধ করবো। আমাদের প্রত্যেকটি কর্মসূচিতে পুলিশ, র*্যাবসহ অন্যান্য আইন-শৃক্মখলা বাহিনী অতর্কিত হামলা করে। এক পর্যায়ে আমাদের লোকেরা স্থানীয় জনগণকে সাথে নিয়ে প্রতিরোধ করে। আর প্রতিরোধ করা তো গণতান্ত্রিক অধিকার। এই প্রতিরোধের ছবি হয়তো কোন মিডিয়া প্রচার করে।

বিবিসি : কিন্তু এই যে, গাড়িতে বা বাসে আগুন দেয়ার ঘটনা ঘটেছে। এই গাড়ি যাদের তারা কি আপনাদের ওপর আক্রমণ করেছিলেন?

মাসুদ : যেখানে সাধারণ একটা মানববন্ধন কর্মসূচি পর্যন্ত করতে দেয় না সেখানে আমাদের লোকেরা এই ভাংচুর, অগ্নিসংযোগের ঘটনা ঘটাবে কী করে? এটি একদম পরিষ্কার যে, সরকার তার এজেন্সীর কিছু লোকদেরকে দিয়ে আমাদের বিরুদ্ধে মিথ্যা মামলা দেয়ার ক্ষেত্র প্রস্তুত করতেই ছাত্রলীগ ও যুবলীগের কিছু কর্মী অথবা এজেন্সীর কিছু লোকেরা এসব অপকান্ড করে আমাদের নেতৃবৃন্দকে হেনস্থা করারও রাজনৈতিকভাবে আমাদেরকে বিতর্কিত করার জন্য এ ধরনের কর্মকান্ডগুলো পরিচালনা করছে
. . .
Let me ask you a question.Do you deny that there was a genocide and mass-rape committed by the Pakistani Army?!
I do and if U can probe any of those accusations then I would hang myself by my balls otherwise all the lying-fukcing-Bharatis, their stooges in this forum along with BDESHI territory would, deal?
I do and if U can probe any of those accusations then I would hang myself by my balls otherwise all the lying-fukcing-Bharatis, their stooges in this forum along with BDESHI territory would, deal?

I am not asking about the Jamatis.....I am asking about the genocide by the Pakistani army,Do you deny it?
I am not asking about the Jamatis.....I am asking about the genocide by the Pakistani army,Do you deny it?
I can read English and I have consciously asked U to probe PAK army's phantom genocide and mass rape. Can U or the lying-fukcing-Bharatis or their stooges in this forum or in Bdesh judicially do it in neutral court? If U can't then concede all of UR balls to be hung, will ya?
1. BNP will come in to power next year.

2. The Americans are not happy with Hasina and her regime including the harassment of Yunus.

3. The west will not accept further harassment of Yunus by Hasina and her regime and they have decided to accept that.

4. Khaleda Zia, though far less aggressive and foul-mouthed than Hasina, is not that educated.

Both major parties are not that important for the development of Bangladesh.

The private sector, military, NGOS (BRAC, Grameen etc) Deobandi ulama all have a big say in how the country is run irrespective of whichever of the two corrupt mafia-parties is in power.

Bangladesh will continue to work for attaining 8% to 10% economic growth.
I am not asking about the Jamatis.....I am asking about the genocide by the Pakistani army,Do you deny it?

Pak army and Bihary did all the genocide, Jamat helped them did the rest. Nobody in the world can deny it.

1. BNP will come in to power next year.

2. The Americans are not happy with Hasina and her regime including the harassment of Yunus.

3. The west will not accept further harassment of Yunus by Hasina and her regime and they have decided to accept that.

4. Khaleda Zia, though far less aggressive and foul-mouthed than Hasina, is not that educated.

Both major parties are not that important for the development of Bangladesh.

The private sector, military, NGOS (BRAC, Grameen etc) Deobandi ulama all have a big say in how the country is run irrespective of whichever of the two corrupt mafia-parties is in power.

Bangladesh will continue to work for attaining 8% to 10% economic growth.

Its true but in the mid what happen??
Pak army and Bihary did all the genocide, Jamat helped them did the rest. Nobody in the world can deny it.

Its true but in the mid what happen??

1. Saudi Arabia is more pro-BNP than pro-Jamat.

Notice how Saudi has done very little for the Jamati thugs in prison, even though Jamati thugs on this forum such as Luffy50 and Al-Zakir were gloating some time ago over the possibility that Bangladeshi workers in Saudi might be expelled.

Also Turkey has learnt to shut up over its support for Jamatis, and now the AKP regime in Turkey are silent over these thugs and have learnt it is unacceptable for them to interfere in internal Bangladeshi affairs (some Bangladeshis held a demonstration outside the Turkish embassy in London a few weeks back).

So Jamatis have been abandoned, even by Muslim regimes.

They are weak and even the BNP (party of true nationalists) know what Jamatis are really like and dislike them, but are only forced to work with these thugs to form a coalition. The BNP could care less what happens to the Jamati leadership (remember BNP leaders come from people who fought for Bangladesh independence whilst Jamatis fought against Bangladesh and many in the senior BNP hate Jamat).

So Jamat's ability to make trouble and cause havoc is limited.

2. Hasina is not in an ability to sabotage democracy in Bangladesh as her children have homes in the US and Canada and the west can take legal cases against them for corruption if she doesn't behave herself.

3. The US also has the military card (Bangladeshi military) against the Hasina regime and the prospect of another 1/11.

4. Will hartals etc continue?

Well Jamat are limited in what they can do in terms of violence and thuggery when even Saudi and Turkey whom even Jamati thugs on this forum were looking to for help don't care about them.

The BNP are a generally more responsible and less violent party than the violence-obsessed and hartal-obsessed Awami League so I think they will only carry out a major wave of hartals in the few months preceding scheduled elections. Both senior BNP and Awami leaders are friends and buddies socially and interested in money more than anything else. They do not want too many hartals to disrupt the economy and thus their profits, so they will ensure the economy is not damaged.

Hasina will have to give up power anyway as the pressure on her will become unbearable i.e. Bangladeshi people, Bangladeshi social media (facebook, twitter), Bangladeshi ulama, American government, EU, Bangladeshi military etc.

Ultimately if Hasina was to misbehave too much she could face a similar fate to her father or other south Asian leaders such as Rajiv Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, Zia ul Haq, Liquat Ali Khan etc.
1. Saudi Arabia is more pro-BNP than pro-Jamat.

Notice how Saudi has done very little for the Jamati thugs in prison, even though Jamati thugs on this forum such as Luffy50 and Al-Zakir were gloating some time ago over the possibility that Bangladeshi workers in Saudi might be expelled.

Also Turkey has learnt to shut up over its support for Jamatis, and now the AKP regime in Turkey are silent over these thugs and have learnt it is unacceptable for them to interfere in internal Bangladeshi affairs (some Bangladeshis held a demonstration outside the Turkish embassy in London a few weeks back).

So Jamatis have been abandoned, even by Muslim regimes.

They are weak and even the BNP (party of true nationalists) know what Jamatis are really like and dislike them, but are only forced to work with these thugs to form a coalition. The BNP could care less what happens to the Jamati leadership (remember BNP leaders come from people who fought for Bangladesh independence whilst Jamatis fought against Bangladesh and many in the senior BNP hate Jamat).

So Jamat's ability to make trouble and cause havoc is limited.

2. Hasina is not in an ability to sabotage democracy in Bangladesh as her children have homes in the US and Canada and the west can take legal cases against them for corruption if she doesn't behave herself.

3. The US also has the military card (Bangladeshi military) against the Hasina regime and the prospect of another 1/11.

4. Will hartals etc continue?

Well Jamat are limited in what they can do in terms of violence and thuggery when even Saudi and Turkey whom even Jamati thugs on this forum were looking to for help don't care about them.

The BNP are a generally more responsible and less violent party than the violence-obsessed and hartal-obsessed Awami League so I think they will only carry out a major wave of hartals in the few months preceding scheduled elections. Both senior BNP and Awami leaders are friends and buddies socially and interested in money more than anything else. They do not want too many hartals to disrupt the economy and thus their profits, so they will ensure the economy is not damaged.

Hasina will have to give up power anyway as the pressure on her will become unbearable i.e. Bangladeshi people, Bangladeshi social media (facebook, twitter), Bangladeshi ulama, American government, EU, Bangladeshi military etc.

Ultimately if Hasina was to misbehave too much she could face a similar fate to her father or other south Asian leaders such as Rajiv Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, Zia ul Haq, Liquat Ali Khan etc.

Fairy tale by known awami thug who still can not provide proof of his earlier claims. This thug does not even know Bangladesh well and typing up stories.
1. Saudi Arabia is more pro-BNP than pro-Jamat.

Notice how Saudi has done very little for the Jamati thugs in prison, even though Jamati thugs on this forum such as Luffy50 and Al-Zakir were gloating some time ago over the possibility that Bangladeshi workers in Saudi might be expelled.

Also Turkey has learnt to shut up over its support for Jamatis, and now the AKP regime in Turkey are silent over these thugs and have learnt it is unacceptable for them to interfere in internal Bangladeshi affairs (some Bangladeshis held a demonstration outside the Turkish embassy in London a few weeks back).

So Jamatis have been abandoned, even by Muslim regimes.

They are weak and even the BNP (party of true nationalists) know what Jamatis are really like and dislike them, but are only forced to work with these thugs to form a coalition. The BNP could care less what happens to the Jamati leadership (remember BNP leaders come from people who fought for Bangladesh independence whilst Jamatis fought against Bangladesh and many in the senior BNP hate Jamat).

So Jamat's ability to make trouble and cause havoc is limited.

2. Hasina is not in an ability to sabotage democracy in Bangladesh as her children have homes in the US and Canada and the west can take legal cases against them for corruption if she doesn't behave herself.

3. The US also has the military card (Bangladeshi military) against the Hasina regime and the prospect of another 1/11.

4. Will hartals etc continue?

Well Jamat are limited in what they can do in terms of violence and thuggery when even Saudi and Turkey whom even Jamati thugs on this forum were looking to for help don't care about them.

The BNP are a generally more responsible and less violent party than the violence-obsessed and hartal-obsessed Awami League so I think they will only carry out a major wave of hartals in the few months preceding scheduled elections. Both senior BNP and Awami leaders are friends and buddies socially and interested in money more than anything else. They do not want too many hartals to disrupt the economy and thus their profits, so they will ensure the economy is not damaged.

Hasina will have to give up power anyway as the pressure on her will become unbearable i.e. Bangladeshi people, Bangladeshi social media (facebook, twitter), Bangladeshi ulama, American government, EU, Bangladeshi military etc.

Ultimately if Hasina was to misbehave too much she could face a similar fate to her father or other south Asian leaders such as Rajiv Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, Zia ul Haq, Liquat Ali Khan etc.

Yeah you actually tried to figure out a general condition. But it can go complex or worse. I have no problem with BNP. But this Govt should ensure some death of jamat leaders. Its really important.
Recently there is a tone of awami leaders bothers me a lot. They say they will do rest of judgement if we re-elect them.
Term of this Govt is way too good than others in terms of economic growth.
But they failed in matter of chatro-league and not to handle well with the law-enforcement.

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