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Zelenskyy calls nato a weak organization

Cash GK

Sep 20, 2015
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Who told this idiot USA and Nato will protect his country. They wanted to use his country to hurt Russia economically militarily and Diplomaticalty. They have got what they wanted. This idiot let his country used by American. He does not know his country was just a pawn. I feel sorry for Ukrainian. They were used against their on cousins just because of this idiot. USA is fighting for its world order. If Ukrainian fall then USA will be history. For that china has to act if they really wana be king of this world. Otherwise their dream to rule this world may be late for next 40 years
All this genius had to do to prevent this situation was say that Ukraine would not join NATO. In the end Ukraine only received token assistance from NATO and his country is ruined.
Yeha. If you have watched very recent interview of Henry Clinton. She said we must use Ukrainen way we used Afghans n pakistanis against soviet. She did not realized what cost pakistanis n Afghans had paid. Social n economic system were destroyed. Whole generation got Radicalized. If this war goes on whole Ukrainen new generation will be Radicalized. Only because of this idiot
All this genius had to do to prevent this situation was say that Ukraine would not join NATO. In the end Ukraine only received token assistance from NATO and his country is ruined.

He said not an inch of Ukrainian land will be ceded to Russia and every Ukrainian male between 18-60 years will be forced to fight Russia.

His vocal discontent with the support being provided by NATO clearly shows he had much higher expectations.

The more disillusioned he grows, the more he is likely to buckle during negotiations with the Russians.
He is right. NATO- No Action Talk Only.
Its all good and nice, until its your citizen being dragged into some 3rd countries war.

People can sustain economy warfare for some time but imagine from now 2x or 3x of current price for 1 year for electricity , gas and petrol how will people behave than against governments

At the end we will pay wether we like or not.
Selensky, the leader of the free world against the russian-mongolian barbarians:


Who told this idiot USA and Nato will protect his country. They wanted to use his country to hurt Russia economically militarily and Diplomaticalty. They have got what they wanted. This idiot let his country used by American. He does not know his country was just a pawn. I feel sorry for Ukrainian. They were used against their on cousins just because of this idiot. USA is fighting for its world order. If Ukrainian fall then USA will be history. For that china has to act if they really wana be king of this world. Otherwise their dream to rule this world may be late for next 40 years
NATO strong only against third world countries.
USA and NATO has help Ukraine greatly, the reality is that no one wants to fight in someone else war. He should be greatful instead.

Giving economic sanction to Russia and supplying Ukraine with expensive weapon like ATGM and others should be enough.
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USA and NATO has help Ukraine greatly, the reality is that no one wants to fight someone else war. He should be greatful instead.
He is a politician..........He must blame some else and not his own stupidity. In the end he will be living in Paris next to the Panjshir resistance leaders.
He is a politician..........He must blame some else and not his own stupidity. In the end he will be living in Paris next to the Panjshir resistance leaders.

If the bombing is too much, he should use different strategy. Leaving the capital and start doing guerilla war will make the bombing stop and will bleed Russia in the long run.

This is what Indonesian independence fighters did after British bombarded our second biggest city for 10 days, in the end Indonesia win despite it needs about 5 years of fighting.
Selensky, the leader of the free world against the russian-mongolian barbarians:

Oh you mean Germany is free country. Funny . Tell me when American soldiers will leave Germany. They are stationed since world War 2 right? Say thanks to Afghans and Pakistanis who fought soviet and you guys got unification of Germany. Otherwise east Germany could have been there under soviet.lol
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