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Zardari Resigning on 29-02-2010

it is a conform reporter that Zardari is Resigning because of C.J Iftekhar and Gellani and P.P.P is ready to give same place to Dr. Qadeer Khan on 29-02-2010

H ha..gud one..:lol:

at first i didnt notice that too....:azn:
Go Zardari Go,

This is last year of Zaradari , i guess

My Guess result uptill 100%, I guess for TaimiKhan become TT, which was true lolzzzzzzzzz
When will this guy hand up his boots ..
He has brought us international shame !
he makes crises himself and than takes a u turn saying i have averted and solved a national crises !
haha good joke..... for 1 second i was victim of this joke but then i recalled my memory and found out its not a leap year

Don't interfere with Zardari let him finish his term and next election just vote .....

Why can't ppl vote - its simple you vote and you remove him :hitwall:
Is it possible to make this year a leap year and remove the extra day from february in 2012?

Don't interfere with Zardari let him finish his term and next election just vote .....

Why can't ppl vote - its simple you vote and you remove him :hitwall:

who to vote? PPP, PML-N,JUI,MQM,MMA, IK who? all looks same to me, just name changes specialty changes. e.g. PPP has specialty in corruption, breaking promises etc, PML-N has specialty in Financial corruption, JUI-F is always running for power & money, MQM ghunda group, etc....
who to vote? PPP, PML-N,JUI,MQM,MMA, IK who? all looks same to me, just name changes specialty changes. e.g. PPP has specialty in corruption, breaking promises etc, PML-N has specialty in Financial corruption, JUI-F is always running for power & money, MQM ghunda group, etc....

Well my suggestion to our pakistani brothers is ..

That what our ppl have to learn if you DON'T like someone vote him out in elections !!!!

You can't pray for military cou over and over again .....

We need to now let him rule for 4 years, and next term vote for someone else if you have such an issue with his 10% tag ...

This is how democracy works

Look at USA every one knows they messed up in 2006 was it elections but they let Bush rule for 4 years to run down the country again but they followed their system and trusted their democracy and that is what we must do ...

Let things happen the way its meant to be.... we VOTED him in in few years we will have power to choose someone else ...

Vote for Imran Khan's party for a change we tried every one else lets give him a shot ??? what do we have to lose ??? :pop:


If that guy can FIX our stupid PCB , and rule with command over little girlie cricketers he can control anything in our country

This is closest to real democractic party in nation has a clear mandate and goals
it is a conform reporter that Zardari is Resigning because of C.J Iftekhar and Gellani and P.P.P is ready to give same place to Dr. Qadeer Khan on 29-02-2010

r u kidding me lol leech lyk Mr.20% will not resign untill and unless he will suck the last drop of this nation
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