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Zardari offers Pak warm waters to Chinese


Dec 3, 2007
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Zardari offers Pak warm waters to Chinese

* President tells Chinese corporate leaders to take advantage of geo-strategic location, trade and economic potential of Pakistan

GUANGZHOU: President Asif Ali Zardari on Saturday invited Chinese investors and entrepreneurs to benefit from Pakistan’s geo-strategic location as well as its trade and economic potential for a win-win situation for the two neighbourly nations.

“I invite you to take advantage of the geo-strategic location, trade and economic potential and the warm waters of Pakistan, which has all the ingredients to become a progressive and developed country,” the president said while addressing corporate leaders of the Guangdong province at the Pakistan-China Forum on Economic Reconstruction.

Besides Chinese business leaders, the forum held on the sidelines of the 16th Asian Games and jointly organised by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Pakistan Consulate in Guangzhou was also attended by Guangdong province Vice Governor Liu Kun and representatives of the Guangdong provincial government.

Zardari added that if China used Pakistan’s warm waters for mutual benefit, the country would facilitate by all means. He said the strong Pakistan-China bond, the seeds of which had been sown by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Chinese leader Mao Zedong could be further strengthened through united efforts and going together in economic development.

He said China was fast emerging as the world economic leader and could use the trade and economic potential of Pakistan as a multiplier force for its further development growth. Referring to close brotherly relations between Pakistan and China, the president recalled that “when the floods hit northern areas of Pakistan, the Chinese ambassador in Pakistan called me and offered all out assistance”.

About the recent devastating floods in Pakistan, he said the people and government of Pakistan had the will and resilience to convert this catastrophe into opportunity. He invited Chinese construction companies and entrepreneurs to help Pakistan in reconstruction of the infrastructure destroyed and damaged by the recent floods. Zardari urged the Chinese corporate leaders and entrepreneurs to help Pakistan in achieving the goal of enhanced economic development and prosperity by investing in various infrastructure and development projects. app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
i dont think inviting sumone for investment is like selling the country.If they invest they get the benefitof profit and we will get the benefit of infrastructure they madeand hundrerds of job openings ,more foriegn exchange coming in to our economy , whts so bad abt it.
^^ Plus, it's China. They are one of our allies, and in all honesty, they have the capital to help develop Pakistan.
Okay. Stop selling your country.

Just imagine free Naval port for China in Arabian sea.

Currently it's US navy or Indian Navy fighting for influence. Russia will never get that area from Pakistan, and Russian Ally, India cannot offer such a strategic location.

China can very easily access lots of market and control them.

Pakistan has Motorway network in large part up north. China can expand that to south and start a trade route.
Bro Atleast we'll develop at a faster pace under the hands of chinese lol :P
However At this time of need China is our only Ally :china::pakistan::cheers:

Yes, but very rapidly, your country is becoming totally irrelevant. It is far better for India if we have to deal with the Chinese instead of the Pakistanis when dealing with matters related to the Arabian Sea, Central Asia, Afghanistan or even Pakistan itself.
From defence point of view, Any advantages? :undecided:
Yes, but very rapidly, your country is becoming totally irrelevant. It is far better for India if we have to deal with the Chinese instead of the Pakistanis when dealing with matters related to the Arabian Sea, Central Asia, Afghanistan or even Pakistan itself.

I think your post was out of bigotry instead of ground facts. Anyways everyone has right to believe in his own delusions. Good thing is such delusions don't change the realities on ground. Even though I think you would be mature enough to know the baselessness of your post.


Good. I hope the cooperation between Pakistan and China would keep increasing in the same manner since both face the same challenges and enemies. :pakistan::china:
He is not selling our country (for once) he is inviting foreign investment, Chinese investment, China is brother, letting them invest and giving them access to our warm waters is a great decision! :china:

for the first time in my life, I am going to say; well done Zardari, you showed that your not as dumb as you look. :tup:
Okay. Stop selling your country.

China invested the most money on Gwadar Port and the Chinese are helping Pakistan build Gwadar from scratch.

China will get what it wants from Gwadar. Its only fair and dont worry, China's interests are same as Pakistan's interests. China's interests dont conflict with Pakistan's interests unlike the United States.
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I think your post was out of bigotry instead of ground facts. Anyways everyone has right to believe in his own delusions. Good thing is such delusions don't change the realities on ground. Even though I think you would be mature enough to know the baselessness of your post.


Good. I hope the cooperation between Pakistan and China would keep increasing in the same manner since both face the same challenges and enemies. :pakistan::china:

No my friend, there was no bigotry involved here. Permitting major powers like the USA or China such deeply intrusive influence on the national polity or psyche never really helps a nation to maintain its sovereignty or relevance. Yes in the short term, it may seem like the answer to all our problems, but gradually we lose out on our identity. No offense intended please.
No my friend, there was no bigotry involved here. Permitting major powers like the USA or China such deeply intrusive influence on the national polity or psyche never really helps a nation to maintain its sovereignty or relevance. Yes in the short term, it may seem like the answer to all our problems, but gradually we lose out on our identity. No offense intended please.

Nobody is allowing anyone to influence on the national sovereignty. It is an economic and strategic relationship that exists between the two allies Pakistan and China for past 60 years and it gets better and better for both important nations. The fact is it is a win win situation for the both. It is more about economic gains than handing the sovereignty to any nation. :china::pakistan:
No my friend, there was no bigotry involved here. Permitting major powers like the USA or China such deeply intrusive influence on the national polity or psyche never really helps a nation to maintain its sovereignty or relevance. Yes in the short term, it may seem like the answer to all our problems, but gradually we lose out on our identity. No offense intended please.

I just can say, China to see long-term cooperation, China and Pakistan are neighbors and will forever live together, we would not be so short-sighted. Pakistan people really friendly to China, it is not easy in such a interest world. You give China a "face", China also give you "face", we also feel the same to the friendly people of Pakistan, China cherishes this feeling. This is the most important foundation of our relationship.

You're right, no matter how, China must respect the sovereignty of Pakistan, adhere to the non-interference policy in internal affairs . We have not changed in the past 50 years, the future will not change.
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