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Zardari Buys $140m apartment complex

Woww Multi million Pounds Apt in London.
Zardari is sure a noble man, I really envy him.
It would be nice to see him in power for a loooong time.
God bless him:angel:

Pakistanis will kill you for what you said above.

Btw its sweet revenge I say. :D
Question here --

Zardari won the election because he was riding on the Benazir Bhutto assasination sympathy wave or did the Pakistanis actually believe that he was a capable leader?

Well, in my opinion, whatever said and done, Pervez Musharaff was a far more capable and honest leader. His patriotism towards his country was clearly visible. I'm sure that had he been in power, the flood relief efforts in Pakistan would have been more efficient and effective.
My aim is not to defend anybody, but this is how it all started. A mere rumour published as a email from former Dawn presenter Wajahat Khan. Rumours of course are taken as verified accounts by all. Followed by Shaheen Sehbai - The News's resident clairvoyant and fortune teller whose credibility is known to all - and taken up by a legislator.

Here is that post posted on August 27th:-

THIS JUST IN: “Confidential” Email Claiming Zardari’s “New Buy”

For those who obsessed with the information business, I’m sure you’ve received one of these…
from x@mobilink.blackberry.com
reply-to x@mobilink.blackberry.com
to Wajahat <x@x.com>
date x August 2010 x:x
subject Note
mailed-by srs.bis.eu.blackberry.com

&#8220;the source is considered reliable &#8230;. so far he has not given wrong news &#8230;&#8230;.but one cannot be 100&#37; certain

The media gossip in London and reverberating around the wire is that
the mystery buyer of 1 Hyde Park, Knightsbridge, London could be non
other than Asif Ali Zardari. A whopping 140 million pounds was paid
for this vast brand new penthouse property in the heart of fashionable

Collection of the sale proceeds of Surrey Mansion and participation in this auction and prior viewing was the main reason for his visit to London. The final bid was made by mobile phone from inside a bullet proof car parked outside the auction house.

This is a small reminder to the sick people in Pakistan, who were against the throwing of the shoe to a &#8220;Respected President of Pakistan abroad&#8221;!!!

They are purblind to the realities of the damage this man called Zardari has done to the nation.

Please read this assessment by Ayaz Amir. Declassify after checking your sources.&#8221;

*** This Message Has Been Sent Using BlackBerry Internet Service from Mobilink ***

THIS JUST IN: ?Confidential? Email Claiming Zardari?s ?New&#160;Buy? My Name is Khan

Pakistan Media Watch ripped apart the report:-

Waj S. Khan&#8217;s Real Estate Rumours

I love email. It makes communication fast and easy. No more standing around waiting for the post office to open if you only have a computer and an Internet account. Unfortunately, it&#8217;s the perfect way to spread all sorts of rumours and smears. &#8220;Hey, I was just forwarding an email!&#8221; That roughly translates to, &#8220;I want to gossip, but I don&#8217;t want to be responsible for whether or not its true!&#8221; In fact, it is such a problem that there are entire websites dedicated to debunking these &#8220;urban legends&#8221; that get circulated in emails. A good friend of mine often tells me that, &#8220;if it is in an email someone forwarded you, chances are it is not true!&#8221;

I also really like Wajahat S Khan. I think that, among the TV personalities out there, he is a pretty reliable guy. Of course, everybody makes mistakes. I think Waj made a pretty big mistake today with a post on his blog today about a &#8220;confidential email&#8221; claiming that Zardari bought a million pounds flat in London. Why is Waj spreading rumours and political propaganda?

This &#8220;confidential email&#8221; is simply another smear against Asif Zardari, as is clear from its closing lines:

This is a small reminder to the sick people in Pakistan, who were against the throwing of the shoe to a &#8220;Respected President of Pakistan abroad&#8221;!!!

They are purblind to the realities of the damage this man called Zardari has done to the nation.

But what damage would Zardari have done by buying a flat in London, if that is even the case? And why is Waj publishing a rumour that even declares that it doesn&#8217;t know the facts? The email itself says that &#8220;The final bid was made by mobile phone from inside a bullet proof car&#8221;. Is Asif Zardari the only man to own a mobile and a bullet proof car? What kind of proof is this?

Frankly, it&#8217;s quite disappointing that Waj saw fit to promote this sort of obvious political propaganda on his blog. As a respected journalist, he lends such obvious political smears an air of authority that they do not deserve. Why did he not exercise his investigative skills and do more research rather than simply repeating an obvious political rumour?

But let&#8217;s get to the meat of this email rumour, shall we? Actually, let&#8217;s see if there&#8217;s really any meat there, or if it&#8217;s just a mess of mashed pulses mixed with a handful of masala meant to fool the unsuspecting.

First, is it really newsworthy if Asif Zardari buys a flat in London? Look at other leaders. Pervez Musharraf owns a flat worth many millions of pounds. In fact, many Pakistani politicians own London flats.

The meeting took place at his apartment on the ninth floor of the Castleacre, Hyde Park Crescent.

The cost of the accommodation certainly runs into millions of pounds. Musharraf would not talk much about how he mobilised funds to purchase this because the money was &#8216;pooled&#8217; by his own lecturing resources, his US-based son, Bilal, and the assistance from a friend that was not named.

It is the same locale, a few meters from the picturesque Hyde Park, where fabulously rich Pakistani politicians like Nawaz Sharif, still have or had apartments. As I reached the high security multi-storey plaza twenty minutes before the appointed time, I was greeted by a well-built Pakistani, wearing the traditional Safari suit of the same colour, and was told that Sahib has just finished his physical exercise, spanning one and a half hours.
Actually, the Sharif family are quite the wealthy landowners in London, with several properties worth millions of pounds each.

Of these, the Sharif family residence, three flats at 17 Avenfield House, 118 Park Lane alone are worth around 12 million pounds (Rs1.6 billion). According to documents available, Flagship Investments Limited, one of the companies run by the Sharif family in London, owns property worth around 10 million pounds in Central London. This does not include the value of the company&#8217;s offices. Hasan Nawaz Sharif, the son of PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif, is listed as the director of company on official documents. According to its website Flagship Investments, the company refurbishes and redevelops luxury residential properties in top end Central London locations. Sought after properties in Mayfair, Knightsbridge, Kensington and Bayswater are their primary focus. The company&#8217;s address listed on the website is Stanhope House, Stanhope Place, Marble Arch &#8211; one of the city&#8217;s priciest neighbourhoods. However, according to documents, the company moved to Tower Bridge House on St Katherine&#8217;s Way in November 2007 &#8211; a much more upscale property located near the bank of the River Thames.

The company&#8217;s website lists several properties, which include Flat 8, Burwood Place &#8211; London W2, worth 700,000 pounds (Rs96.6 million); Flat 9, Burwood Place &#8211; London W2, worth 900,000 pounds (Rs124.2 million); 10 Duke Mansions, Duke Street, London W1, worth 1,495,000 pounds (Rs206.31 million); Flat 12a, 118 Park Lane, Mayfair &#8211; London SW1, worth 475,000 pounds (Rs65.55 million); Flat 2, 36 Green Street &#8211; London W1, worth 800,000 pounds (Rs110.4 million); and, 117 Gloucester Place, London W1 (value not listed). The website also features a piece of real estate near the Buckingham Palace, which is valued at around 4,450,000 pounds. In addition, one of the properties listed on the website &#8211; 841 Neil Gwynne House, Slone Avenue &#8211; is said to be the residence of one Waqar Ahmed, listed on the documents as the Company Secretary of Flagship Investments Limited.

MQM&#8217;s Altaf Hussain owns multiple million pound properties in the UK. Evan PTI&#8217;s Imran Khan&#8217;s massive property which includes a private cricket ground for his sons was paid for with the proceeds from a London real estate deal.

Like most world leaders, Asif Zardari is wealthy. This should not be any surprise. And while it is a popular for his political opponents to spread rumours about his wealth, it is also a fact that Asif Zardari was a very successful businessman long before he ever met Benazir Bhutto and got involved with politics.

While there is no evidence that Asif Zardari is the buyer of this flat, the buyer, however anonymous right now, will come to be known. All properties in the UK have to be registered, so even if it is bought in the name of a company, the owner will be easily traceable. Why not wait until the registration is complete to say who the buyer is? Is it because this is now political opportunity to undermine the credibility of the President? That&#8217;s fine for political operatives, but not for serious journalists. I expect better, Waj.

Waj S. Khan&#8217;s Real Estate Rumours | Pakistan Media Watch
Question here --

Zardari won the election because he was riding on the Benazir Bhutto assasination sympathy wave or did the Pakistanis actually believe that he was a capable leader?

The President is elected indirectly ( by the parliament) and PPP got BB sympathy votes in parliament
The President is elected indirectly ( by the parliament) and PPP got BB sympathy votes in parliament

OK. So, I believe that the President of Pakistan is a largely ceremonial post similar to the President of India.

That brings me to my next question --

How can one explain Zardari accumulating so much wealth given the fact that his powers are mostly ceremonial?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
By Our Correspondent
Parliamentary Secretary for Health Dr Saeed Elahi has termed the purchase of a flat, worth 140 million pounds, by President Asif Ali Zardari a condemnable act.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, Dr Saeed Elahi said that, on the one hand, more than half the country was inundated with massive floods and millions of affectees were looking for a temporary shelter but, on the other hand, the President was expanding his assets. He said the amount which had been spent to buy the flat could have been used for providing shelter to at least one million people of his country.
He went on to say that the shameless act would have hurt the soul of PPP founder Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who had vowed to provide Roti, Kapra and Makan to the poor.
Dr.Elahi urged the president to bridle his propensity to plunder the country and better spend money on the poor who had perished in the worst floods in the history of the country.
He said that the president, not contented with the Surrey Palace, had purchased another expensive flat at a time when he was extending begging bowl for the flood effectees, asking why the international donors give alms and aid to the Zardari-led government.

Asif flayed for ‘140m pounds flat’


This guy has no shame to such an end that one becomes lost for words to describe this guy. Ultimately, he deserves to be hanged. I mean $140m... probably all of it stolen money.

Aren't you guys fighting floods and asking for international aid???
Why ask for Aid when your Prez is so Damn rich???
^^ Infact we are asking to the Prez stop begging and bring back all looted money.

On real world if an individual like you and me can question this aspect than trust me foreign states know it quite well and as a result not only states refused to trust same Prez even the people of Pakistan has rejected the govt.'s call for aid.
^^ Infact we are asking to the Prez stop begging and bring back all looted money.

On real world if an individual like you and me can question this aspect than trust me foreign states know it quite well and as a result not only states refused to trust same Prez even the people of Pakistan has rejected the govt.'s call for aid.

Not gonna happen mate.

Even in India we have this talk of bringing back the illegal money stashed away in swiss banks every now and then but nothing concrete ever happens.

You know why?

1. We do not have as much clout as many other powerful nations have to force the swiss.

2. Our leaders actually do not want to bring back the money because it is, after all, their booty which they looted from the nation.

3. We as a people are ourselves spineless. We never force our politicians to make a sincere effort towards this. We forget about these things as and when it suits us.
May be Zardari is corrupt, but I do not find at least a prima facie evidence against Mr.Zardari. I know you guys are frustrated with him and it is more than often evident that he is corrupt, but that does not give you right to say, he bought this apartment.. there are no reasonable grounds .. at least from what I see.
Hiiii :wave:

Dont you guys want to see the house he bought???

One Hyde Park penthouse sells for record-breaking £140m

A penthouse in one of London’s most opulent developments has sold for a record-breaking £140 million, as the market for “trophy homes” bucks the wider property slump


Aerial of One Hyde Park. The penthouse has just been sold for £140m Photo: KNIGHT FRANK

The six-bedrooom apartment at One Hyde Park, Knightsbridge, stretches across two floors and boasts bullet-proof windows, a panic room and views across the Serpentine.
The new owners – who have already exchanged contracts – will also have access to 24-hour room service from the neighbouring Mandarin Oriental hotel, and protection from SAS-trained security guards.

The £140 million price tag makes the penthouse the most expensive property in Britain, passing the £115 million paid for a flat at the exclusive 8 St James's Square development in Westminster in 2008.

While the identity of the buyers remains a closely-guarded secret, estate agents specialising in high-end London properties have reported a recent wave of inquiries from the Middle East and Nigeria, on the back of rising oil prices.
One Hyde Park, which boasts 86 properties starting at around £20 million, is the brainchild of luxury property developers Christian and Nick Candy, whose bid to redevelop the Chelsea Barracks collapsed after the Prince of Wales raised architectural objections with their Qatari partners.
With the final touches to the four hexagonal tower blocks that comprise One Hyde Park due to be completed by December, The Daily Telegraph understands that 65 per cent of the flats and penthouses have now been purchased.
Sales had been suspended for 12 months because of the global downturn.
Trevor Abrahamson of Glentree Estates, one of the subagents for One Hyde Park, said that super-rich buyers had returned to the London market in droves over the past six months, sending “trophy” home prices to new highs.
Meanwhile, the overall housing market has begun to fall again after months of recovery, according to figures released yesterday by the Royal Institute of Chartered Sureveyors.
Mr Abrahamson said: “London is the capital of capitals. Even international businessmen with no interests in London want to have a home here.”
The Candy brothers and Savills, the lead selling agent for One Hyde Park, both declined to comment.

One Hyde Park penthouse sells for record-breaking £140m - Telegraph

Listen guyz....

Its whose money? = Mr Zardari
Is it his personal money? = Yes
Does becoming a president means you donate all your wealth in charity? = No
Is he not allowed to buy a house with the money we all know that he owns? = No

Then whats a problem? whether he buys a house or a steel industry........ its his personal money right? let him buy anything he wants. You want him to donate all his fortune in charity because he is a President of Pakistan? sorry none of the politicians are so kind hearted that they will donate money from their own pockets....Its officially his own money...let him do anything he wants

PS: If you think its peoples money that he gained after corruption....feel free to file a case against him and prove in the court

yes u r right...but if you r a president of those country ,who is not able to afford relief cost of massive flood and you have already lot of money but you are spending your money on personal interest instead of donating it to relief fund then you have no right to ask money from other countries..... and also you r not a right leader for president because leaders are not only known as leader, they are also known as social worker....
I don't believe hez the real buyer.This is just an accusation,It seems Pakistan wants to blame this fellow & bring a campaign to outst him,a perfect scape goat, what abt the ex president ruler in waiting.did he run away to UK toescape punishment,Dear Brothers these are all politicians who r professional thiefs:D perhaps ur country has only small time crooks..cross the border and see how rich they can be,thr r politicians and now offsprings and so on to carry the family legacy of looting.

on a lighter note 10% has grown to maybe 50%:D
He control election commission of Pakistan, he has recently appointed hundred of judges and employees in bureaucracy and state corporations.
Non of the appointment was transparent and employed following rules.
Millions of state finances are spent on his protocol and his tours, along with all the ministers.
If had bought the flat no surprise.
140 Million British pounds is bit exagerated , yes

I would imagine he bough the whole damn building property when I first read the article , 1 pent house can't go over 20 million USD max

For its posh location , ok I would say 30 million USD would be it as beckhem owns a home worth 40-50 million dollars but that is like a castle ... not just a appartment

But I suppose it would be intersting if you run out of sugar , you knock on your neighbour's door and out comes the Queen of england , and you borrow some sugar from her
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