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Zakir Naik: Pakistan should not have been created

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I dont really care about Indian Muslims.

I am with you on that one. I however do care about Chinese and Turkish people. I have the utmost respect and empathy for them. These 2 nations have done so much for us and always stood by us in our darkest hours. To hell with indian Muslims. They hate the Pakistani nation and race. If they're being oppressed, it's great!. Good for them. I couldn't care less. I care more about Eskimos than I do indian so called "Muslims".

What are his views now since he has been hounded and exiled by his own Hindu terrorist government in India.

Someone said that whoever bring harm, oppose and wish harm to Pakistan will die of dog death.

POTM...........But in this case, he'll die a chimpanzee's death because he looks like one. Always remember, bar religion & beliefs, the indian so called "Muslims" are identical to the hindus and sikhs. Including their obsessive hatred of Pakistan. In some cases even more so.
I am with you on that one. I however do care about Chinese and Turkish people. I have the utmost respect and empathy for them. These 2 nations have done so much for us and always stood by us in our darkest hours. To hell with indian Muslims. They hate the Pakistani nation and race. If they're being oppressed, it's great!. Good for them. I couldn't care less. I care more about Eskimos than I do indian so called "Muslims".

POTM...........But in this case, he'll die a chimpanzee's death because he looks like one. Always remember, bar religion & beliefs, the indian so called "Muslims" are identical to the hindus and sikhs. Including their obsessive hatred of Pakistan. In some cases even more so.

What annoy me about these so called Islamic indian scholars from Mullana Abul kalam to Zakir Naik that they don't even learn the history of Islam.

To liberate Mecca, Madina had to be established and strengthened first. It is the same model in sub continent which will eventually have global impact just like that state of Madina did.
What annoy me about these so called Islamic indian scholars from Mullana Abul kalam to Zakir Naik that they don't even learn the history of Islam.

To liberate Mecca, Madina had to be established and strengthened first. It is the same model in sub continent which will eventually have global impact just like that state of Madina did.

indian Muslims are in effect slaves of their oppressors, the hindus. They're not REAL Muslims. They are hindus who just happen to follow Islamic rituals and some beliefs of Islam. To hell with them. We need to concentrate on bigger and better things, after all Pakistan is the ONLY Muslim nuclear weapons state. And there is a REASON why it is us and not any other Muslim group or community.
indian Muslims are in effect slaves of their oppressors, the hindus. They're not REAL Muslims. They are hindus who just happen to follow Islamic rituals and some beliefs of Islam. To hell with them. We need to concentrate on bigger and better things, after all Pakistan is the ONLY Muslim nuclear weapons state. And there is a REASON why it is us and not any other Muslim group or community.

Cut your crap. Your racist posts against Indian muslims are nauseating, grow up.
indian Muslims are in effect slaves of their oppressors, the hindus. They're not REAL Muslims. They are hindus who just happen to follow Islamic rituals and some beliefs of Islam. To hell with them. We need to concentrate on bigger and better things, after all Pakistan is the ONLY Muslim nuclear weapons state. And there is a REASON why it is us and not any other Muslim group or community.

Its sad that their new generation is indoctrinated by their media and bollywood. Older generation however was more sensible and understood what Pakistan was/is about.
Indian muslims didn't think highly of people living in Pakistan region, frankly speaking they were good for nothing illiterate recruits for British army. Educated muslims ulemas from UP gave you deoband and barelvi form of sunni Islam which opposed Pakistan. But on the other hand Indian muslims also made Muslim League which created Pakistan.

One way or another Pakistanis need to thankful to Indian muslims. Remember your own native leaders were in bed with British raj till muslim league defeated them in elections.
I agree with people here who say making Pakistan was right decision, especially for Pakistanis. Believe me hindus would never have allowed you prosper and Pakistani muslims right now would look worst then Bihar. They have made most educated class of Indians aka muslims worst then dalits, and now they say that Indian muslims are this way by choice.
. .
The problem is that Pakistan became dominated by Punjabi feudalists and Pathan generals. It was the educated Urdu speakers who were the only hope of Pakistan becoming a successful nation. But now the Muhajirs and their descendants are treated like 2nd class citizens. Don't forget how the Biharis were denied repatriation to Pakistan because of Sindhi nationalism. Pakistan is a failed experiment, it cannot last without a military forcing it together with an iron fist and a steel boot.

Why remove ban on this false flagger? Please reinstate his ban.
@WAJsal @WebMaster
The problem is that Pakistan became dominated by Punjabi feudalists and Pathan generals. It was the educated Urdu speakers who were the only hope of Pakistan becoming a successful nation. But now the Muhajirs and their descendants are treated like 2nd class citizens. Don't forget how the Biharis were denied repatriation to Pakistan because of Sindhi nationalism. Pakistan is a failed experiment, it cannot last without a military forcing it together with an iron fist and a steel boot.

Islamic identity can only take you so far. But still believe religious identity is stronger then ethnicity with in same ethnic group. Sindhi may not want more Biharis but he hate sindhi hindu more then muhajirs. Expecting small minorty of muhajirs to rule Pakistan was unrealistic to begin with, others eventually catch up and then only numbers matter.
Then why was Pakistan created? Our ancestors were deceived. They supported Pakistan and moved to Pakistan because it was created as an ideological state. The Sindhi and Punjabi peasants were never fully Islamised and it was a blunder to empower them without first Islamising their outlook. In this respect the PPP of Mr. Bhutto is the greatest culprit for destroying the Pakistan dream. On the other hand, the policy of keeping power focused among the Muhajir community was the only hope for Pakistan to not only become Islamic but remain as a coherent nation that doesn't need the stomp of army boots to keep it in control. This should also remind you of why Sayyidina Umar (R.A) insisted that the Caliphate should remain among the Muhajireen and grabbed the hand of Sayyidina Abu Bakr (R.A) pledging allegiance to him at the Saqifa of Banu Sa'ida. This is because of the pre-eminent status of Muhajireen over non-Muhajireen. The Muhajirs are those who practically demonstrate their commitment to the vision of Islamic Pakistan by leaving their homes in order to settle into an Islamic state. The locals are uneducated and have no ideology. This is why they were fooled by such simple slogans as "roti, kapra, makaan" they have no ideology apart from "roti, kapra, makaan". They are simple minded and illiterate people who should never have been empowered so early in Pakistan's history.

Pakistan was created so high caste hindus could rule India without any threat. Congress played major role in making Pakistan. Its assumed that muhajir need to be thankful to their hosts because they run away from dangers of being killed or being discriminated by dominant group.

Mullahs are not respected in Pakistani society. Islamic parties never win any seats because they speak for all muslims.
The problem is that Pakistan became dominated by Punjabi feudalists and Pathan generals. It was the educated Urdu speakers who were the only hope of Pakistan becoming a successful nation. But now the Muhajirs and their descendants are treated like 2nd class citizens. Don't forget how the Biharis were denied repatriation to Pakistan because of Sindhi nationalism. Pakistan is a failed experiment, it cannot last without a military forcing it together with an iron fist and a steel boot.
We are happy in failed experiment . You should go and join Altaf Hussain in UK . He might be your last hope lol

Why remove ban on this false flagger? Please reinstate his ban.
@WAJsal @WebMaster
yes he is either bharti troll or anti Pakistan MQM troll
In the case of Pakistan the "hosts" deserve no gratitude, since it was the Urdu speaking Muhajirs who created the country not the so called "hosts". In this case the irony is that the "hosts" should be grateful to the emigrants for giving them a State in the first place.

Pakistani society is an un-Islamic society, in great part thanks to these "hosts".

Muslim League made mistake, country should have been in central India with Agra as capital. Then no need to become muhajirs which is derogatory term and status.
We are happy in failed experiment . You should go and join Altaf Hussain in UK . He might be your last hope lol

yes he is either bharti troll or anti Pakistan MQM troll

Bharti for sure. The other day he was justifying India's caste system and believes that the entire world follows caste system and that it's not unique to Hindus.
He probably doesn't understand that no matter what the Indian Muslims do they can never be Mujahit, or Shehit, or Gazi under Ayyildiz (Sitara ve Hilal)......

Have the Indian Muslims run out of folks in their ghettos????
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