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Zaid Hamid versus Marvi Sirmed on Najam Sethi's show

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1. Really!! I expect you have the decency to prove your above claim.

2. I just gave you an example above of a right that you enjoy and minority community does not ..so still claim that minority have equal rights!!

3. If TNT is valid then why don't you implement it in your country ..give your minorities another country out of yours ..afterall your TNT does claim that Hindu(minorities) and Muslims can not live together in single state..does it not?

some sources, others you find by yourself so that you never forget them again!

Hindu-Muslim Confrontation (712-1947)
Sachar Committee Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

your comment that "we should implement two nation theory" is rubbish as minorities in Pakistan are enjoying full rights and are not deprived. now don't come up with same stupid argument that non-Muslim cannot become PM, president etc..
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Our minorities have done well in Pakistan especially the Parsis - but we have had a Hindu Chief Justice, Christian Generals, Sikh Bankers, we have had no large scale pogroms like '84, Gujarat, anti-Christian riots etc.

The minorities in Pakistan stayed because they also believed in the two-nation theory - the Parsis and many Hindu's in Sindh and Punjab had the financial means to emigrate at Independence.
Because they didn't want Russia in their neighbourhood.But dont make it look like central asia and all.Osama Bin Laden organized his troops and some people.Most of the people fighting were still ethnic Afghans only and don go as far as Central Asia and all.

During the sametime you are talking about,Iraq-Iran were having a bloody war which involved the worst kind of gassing and inhuman things ever.Dont you think that is so contradictory to your ideology?

You cannot even give justice to your fellow Hindu's - forget about minorities. This is why the TNT is still alive today. I have actually met indian people of high caste, who actually believe that the untouchable's were bad people in a past life - that is why they were reincarnated as Sudra.
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You cannot even give justice to your fellow Hindu's - forget about minorities. This is why the TNT is still alive today. I have actually met indian people of high caste, who actually believe that the untouchable's were bad people in a past life - that is why they were reincarnated as Sudra.

LOL , this is about the two nation theory . From where did caste system come in between ?As it is , the caste system is gradually dying in India , especially urban India although i admit the process will take a long time to complete.

About discrimination , that is in plenty in your nation and not going anywhere so what did you achieve by separating ?:lol:
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i am really impressed by this lady , she sure shut up ZH . all he did was spew rhetoric.

---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ----------

Our minorities have done well in Pakistan especially the Parsis - but we have had a Hindu Chief Justice, Christian Generals, Sikh Bankers, we have had no large scale pogroms like '84, Gujarat, anti-Christian riots etc.

The minorities in Pakistan stayed because they also believed in the two-nation theory - the Parsis and many Hindu's in Sindh and Punjab had the financial means to emigrate at Independence.

you are right you did not attack minorities in your country , that is cuz your own people were killing each other on the basis of religious deferences , language and social ideas.
some sources, others you find by yourself so that you never forget them again!

Hindu-Muslim Confrontation (712-1947)
Sachar Committee Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

your comment that "we should implement two nation theory" is rubbish as minorities in Pakistan are enjoying full rights and are not deprived. now don't come up with same stupid argument that non-Muslim cannot become PM, president etc..

What trash have you produced to prove your point!!

You said that " Muslims of Indian subcontinenet decides for a separate country because their rights were abducted by Hindu majority from jobs till education!"
So you are talking about pre-partitioned India ie before 1947.

So was Shababna Azmi denied a house in 1940s or did Sachar Committee jot their report in 1940s ...such that your bringing her as source for your claims!!

Go ahead and prove that minorities in pre-partition India were deprived by the majority Hindu community

The most hilarious part of your entire narrative is that before 1947 India was still under British rule, who are Christians by religion and had all the powers ..so how could Hindu majority have abducted you rights ..especially considering they were not even power!!??
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You cannot even give justice to your fellow Hindu's - forget about minorities. This is why the TNT is still alive today. I have actually met indian people of high caste, who actually believe that the untouchable's were bad people in a past life - that is why they were reincarnated as Sudra.

I dont know about those idiots but these untouchables have the maximum reservation in India and the best chance to get ahead in life.As if there are no culutral conflicts in your country,i have seen so many instances of educated lahorias making fun of a KPK boy who was in europe for the first time and couldn't speak english very well.

TNT is some random excuse for the brits to divide the country and nothing more.Untouchability exists but it is going away with education.

---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

Our minorities have done well in Pakistan especially the Parsis - but we have had a Hindu Chief Justice, Christian Generals, Sikh Bankers, we have had no large scale pogroms like '84, Gujarat, anti-Christian riots etc.

The minorities in Pakistan stayed because they also believed in the two-nation theory - the Parsis and many Hindu's in Sindh and Punjab had the financial means to emigrate at Independence.

They stayed because they were high up in education and connected in power,that they felt they would be better off here than fighting it out in a new land,same thing with many Muslims who stayed back in India.

You cant do any harm to the minorities because they are so few of them and a simple rhetoric is enough to silence them.
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Thank God for our own nation and the freedom from the entity to the east, the Brits did everyone a favor here.
?Brits freed you from India and kept you in their own pockets for good.America in this case.How Naive you are man?
?Brits freed you from India and kept you in their own pockets for good.America in this case.How Naive you are man?

Brit's understood that the Muslims were a nation, and they had no choice but to give freedom to the people. :)
some sources, others you find by yourself so that you never forget them again!

Hindu-Muslim Confrontation (712-1947)
Sachar Committee Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

your comment that "we should implement two nation theory" is rubbish as minorities in Pakistan are enjoying full rights and are not deprived. now don't come up with same stupid argument that non-Muslim cannot become PM, president etc..

Man what are you dumb
look at the video ones more and tell me how is our muslim population are not enjoying rights
its completely true that there have been some major riots in our history with justice still pending but there condition is still far better what muslims are facing in west and not to mention our muslim population is a part of our democracy and there are many laws in our constitution sepecifically made to facilitate them . And yeah these are not my words but have been taken directly from the video you posted.
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