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Zaid Hamid Talks about Bangladesh!!!!!!!!!

People like you are bad. The real morans, Watch what the .... you are saying..... We as of muslims ruled you and enslaved you, Made you our b.....s for 1000 years, Fear from that day when you will be our B.....H again, But this time we will make sure iit's for 2000 years.. Go back to gutter you piece of junk :flame::angry: My this massage is just for this guy so please don't think iam talking to other Indian members, I respect you all but stupid like him doesn't need respect

Dude, that guy is from Fiji. There are many hindus living in fiji, as a matter of fact they have hindi as one of their national language. His response was gullible but so is yours :toast_sign:
Dude, that guy is from Fiji. There are many hindus living in fiji, as a matter of fact they have hindi as one of their national language. His response was gullible but so is yours :toast_sign:
I guess i was not talking to you by any mean and it stated on my post that my reply was just directed to that guy so please head streight thanks. As far as my response being good or bad or harsh no one has asked you and kindly mindly read my post over his post. Stick to the post now :mod::police:
Can you provide an english transcript so we can follow what he is saying, as the video does not have any subtitles?

And how do you like the misery curved by the corruption of your politicians? What about the misery lane curved by the sword of Pakistan in 1947, when your precious Bharat Mata lost an arm in the East and another in the West while also getting half of its head severed?

Ohhhhhh....so much so for the Ummat e Muslima tht you cant follow Urdu ??? Your bro Zakir speaks fluent Urdu
Dude, that guy is from Fiji. There are many hindus living in fiji, as a matter of fact they have hindi as one of their national language. His response was gullible but so is yours :toast_sign:

Hey I am fascinated by the Fiji Indians and also those who had to endure the indenture system of the british ....thnx
Ohhhhhh....so much so for the Ummat e Muslima tht you cant follow Urdu ???

May I know your fascination toward Mummat-e-Muslimah or you having any doubt about the existence of Muslim brotherhood?

Your bro Zakir speaks fluent Urdu

You are absolutely correct and I am proud of my extra linguistic skill Mash'allah.........:tup:
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People like you are bad. The real morans, Watch what the .... you are saying..... We as of muslims ruled you and enslaved you, Made you our b.....s for 1000 years, Fear from that day when you will be our B.....H again, But this time we will make sure iit's for 2000 years.. Go back to gutter you piece of junk :flame::angry: My this massage is just for this guy so please don't think iam talking to other Indian members, I respect you all but stupid like him doesn't need respect

Who's we? are you an Afghan or Irani? if not, then you are simply a convert, your ancestors were converted by force or otherwise. Those people ruled you too.

And who is going to make India their ******? Iran? Afghanistan? Pakistan?

massage, lol.
May I know your fascination toward Mummat-e-Muslimah or you having any doubt about the existence of Muslim brotherhood?

You are absolutely correct and I am proud of my extra linguistic skill Mash'allah.........:tup:

Yes I doubt the existence of Muslim brotherhood. Not going to get into though. It'll take forever.

and Masha'allah is Arabic, not Urdu, but I know how you like to throw Arabic words around without actually knowing the language. You don't have to be an Arab to be Muslim so why not stick to your language and culture and stop throwing around words you couldn't even spell if it came down to it. Why do you do such things?
Yes I doubt the existence of Muslim brotherhood. Not going to get into though. It'll take forever.

No one really care because aren't part of it so take a hike to wasteland.....:wave:

and Masha'allah is Arabic, not Urdu, but I know how you like to throw Arabic words around without actually knowing the language. You don't have to be an Arab to be Muslim so why not stick to your language and culture and stop throwing around words you couldn't even spell if it came down to it.

'A total Ignorant" is the word that I can find to label you....Clueless Moran you are?

Why do you do such things?

Who the **** are you tell me what to do or not to do? last time I checked, we Muslim don't even give a **** about anything related Hinduism yet you Hindus obsessed about Islam and Islamic life style. Pathetic I tell you....
No one really care because aren't part of it so take a hike to wasteland.....:wave:

'A total Ignorant" is the word that I can find to label you....Clueless Moran you are?

Who the **** are you tell me what to do or not to do? last time I checked, we Muslim don't even give a **** about anything related Hinduism yet you Hindus obsessed about Islam and Islamic life style. Pathetic I tell you....

I like how you keep throwing around the 'we' every time you talk about Muslims. Time for a few eye openers my Bangladeshi friend. And stop cussing, you sound like a frustrated 12 year old. Calm down, try some yogic deep breathing exercises.

Now look at this map,


and tell me why there are a bunch of countries instead of just one? If there ever was such a thing as Islamic brotherhood, then the Middle East would be the first to unite given how Arabs have the same language (bar accents and regional linguistics) same culture, and the same race.

Now lets talk about Pakistan and BD, what happened? you should have been living the dream, one country, one religion? yet there was discrimination and genocide.

and whats this? what ever happened to the 'brotherhood'?

Bangladeshis banned in Bahrain - Politics & Economics - ArabianBusiness.com

Bangladeshis banned from Bahrain? What about the brotherhood?

Generally speaking, and after having lived in the Middle East, I can tell you that Arabs could care less about South Asians, the Arabs limit their interactions with all types of Asians. Filipinos, Chinese, Indians, Sri Lankans, BD's, Pakistanis, Afghans, it doesn't seem to matter. The laborers who are mainly from India, BD and Pakistan work in sub human conditions and no one gives a hoot. Muslim or not, they treat all of them like slave labor. They also tend to think they are the 'ideal Muslim' (and therefore ideal human) because the prophet was an Arab. I have heard this time and again and there actually is a thread on this very subject. I can direct you to it.

Try talking to an immigrant living in the ME.

What about Iraq and Iran? I never hear you talk about the plight of the millions of Somalians whose lives have been torn apart by decades of civil war, yet you are more than happy to bash the Israelis. Where's the love for your African brothers? What's with your Arab centric POV? are you an Arab?

Do you speak Arabic by the way? ya hal enta majnoon? can you spell Masha Allah in Arabic? I sure hope so, because you tend to throw around a lot of Arabic in your posts, yet I'm sure that you don't speak it.

You may not care much for Hinduism but why do you assume I'm Hindu? you do realize that India has more than one religion right?

and why make such broad sweeping statements? Why don't you speak for yourself? Why do you do such things?
I like how you keep throwing around the 'we' every time you talk about Muslims. Time for a few eye openers my Bangladeshi friend. And stop cussing, you sound like a frustrated 12 year old. Calm down, try some yogic deep breathing exercises.

Now look at this map,


and tell me why there are a bunch of countries instead of just one? If there ever was such a thing as Islamic brotherhood, then the Middle East would be the first to unite given how Arabs have the same language (bar accents and regional linguistics) same culture, and the same race.

Now lets talk about Pakistan and BD, what happened? you should have been living the dream, one country, one religion? yet there was discrimination and genocide.

and whats this? what ever happened to the 'brotherhood'?

Bangladeshis banned in Bahrain - Politics & Economics - ArabianBusiness.com

Bangladeshis banned from Bahrain? What about the brotherhood?

Generally speaking, and after having lived in the Middle East, I can tell you that Arabs could care less about South Asians, the Arabs limit their interactions with all types of Asians. Filipinos, Chinese, Indians, Sri Lankans, BD's, Pakistanis, Afghans, it doesn't seem to matter. The laborers who are mainly from India, BD and Pakistan work in sub human conditions and no one gives a hoot. Muslim or not, they treat all of them like slave labor. They also tend to think they are the 'ideal Muslim' (and therefore ideal human) because the prophet was an Arab. I have heard this time and again and there actually is a thread on this very subject. I can direct you to it.

Try talking to an immigrant living in the ME.

What about Iraq and Iran? I never hear you talk about the plight of the millions of Somalians whose lives have been torn apart by decades of civil war, yet you are more than happy to bash the Israelis. Where's the love for your African brothers? What's with your Arab centric POV? are you an Arab?

I have head all this form Indian before though I have different experience in life with my fellow Muslim brothers. I have not encounter such yet thus your word don't mean nothing to me.

As a Muslim we are bound to believe and try to implement Muslim brotherhood because our beloved prophet (S.W.A) said so thus why should I be concern about those who doesn't even understand the real fabric of Islamic Ummah. If all Muslim were genuine about their brothers than we would not have facing the injustice today but that doesn't mean we should stop trying to reestablish our brotherhood.

Do you speak Arabic by the way? can you spell Masha Allah in Arabic? I sure hope so, because you tend to throw around a lot of Arabic in your posts, yet I'm sure that you don't speak it.

Leave that to me. None is your concern. Don't you think? Why are you paranoid about me using arabic?

ya hal enta majnoon?
La :disagree:

I am not crazy my friend however I am straight forward and said what I believe regardless the consequence. :smokin:

You may not care much for Hinduism but why do you assume I'm Hindu? you do realize that India has more than one religion right?

Yes I do know there are Muslim living in India however if you have a doubt about Muslim brotherhood than may, just may not a Muslim anymore because you literally ignroing the teaching of Nabi karim (S.W.A) ...:undecided:
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Who's we? are you an Afghan or Irani? if not, then you are simply a convert, your ancestors were converted by force or otherwise. Those people ruled you too.

And who is going to make India their ******? Iran? Afghanistan? Pakistan?

massage, lol.
Listen Kido you are acting up a little i don't think you will last long here for long. If you read my post it says that my post was directed to that person no one else! It's better for you to stick to the topic, Its a warning #1 by a senior member. Stick to the topic :police::mod:
^^ Dear 'senior member'.

First, your seniority is based solely on the number of your posts not least on the quality, I have already seen your thread on 'the real India', so I know that you actually believe what you have said and I know how much you respect Indians.

Second, you are not a moderator.

Third, what you have said applies to every Indian, your argument itself is baseless and in bad taste, you cannot insult someone based on their history/race/ethnicity and then direct the insult only to that person and not expect anyone else that shares the same heritage to not reply in kind.

Fourth, instead of telling me to pipe down, why don't you refrain from making such nonsensical posts? or defend your argument, but I know that that is beyond you. Furthermore, I'm simply replying to what the other members have said, so of course the discussion can move in different directions.

Fifth, Zaid Hamid is an insult to my intelligence and hopefully is to yours too. I really should stay away from his useless garbage, but some inexplicable force draws me to his videos. I think it might be boredom. India did not have the resources to plan and execute something of that magnitude at the time, we simply got lucky because of Pakistan's own misguided policies and because we were at the right place at the right time. We woke up in time and took advantage of a situation that resulted solely from Pakistan's actions. Yet he goes on spewing garbage about how India had already made up its mind to break up Pakistan back when we didn't even have anything to fight about (47) No evidence what so ever, no mention of any sources, just useless conspiracy theories.
Fifth, Zaid Hamid is an insult to my intelligence and hopefully is to yours too.

I happen to like his analytical views and have some truth to it. He isn't 100% truth proof so are everyone else. If you don't like him, simply could have stay away from this thread but decided to join us with same propaganda like rest of your home bros.

As Lincoln said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." :cool:

I really should stay away from his useless garbage, but some inexplicable force draws me to his videos. I think it might be boredom. India did not have the resources to plan and execute something of that magnitude at the time, we simply got lucky because of Pakistan's own misguided policies and because we were at the right place at the right time. We woke up in time and took advantage of a situation that resulted solely from Pakistan's actions. Yet he goes on spewing garbage about how India had already made up its mind to break up Pakistan back when we didn't even have anything to fight about (47) No evidence what so ever, no mention of any sources, just useless conspiracy theories.

Fact of the matter is India did intervene in to a sovereign territory of another notion thus it cross international norms and law. It also finance and train traitor element that wanted to break up united Pakistan for it's own interest and strategic advantage. You have started this dirty game so expect the similar payback. I don't like to have debt for too long.......:D

lets face it, India could not not effort have a strong deceive military with nuke on both both side of it's venerable border thus we know the motive behind it. India still intervening in Bangladesh internal politics and pursuing a plan to prevent a strong military alliance between Pak-bangla but point is how long will you able to deceive people? Not for long my friend.:smokin:
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I happen to like his analytical views and have some truth to it. He isn't 100% truth proof so are everyone else. If you don't like him, simply could have stay away from this thread but decided to join us with same propaganda like rest of your home bros.

As Lincoln said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." :cool:

Fact of the matter is India did intervene in to a sovereign territory of another notion thus it cross international norms and law. It also finance and train traitor element that wanted to break up united Pakistan for it's own interest and strategic advantage. You have started this dirty game so expect the similar payback. I don't like to have debt for too long.......:D

lets face it, India could not not effort have a strong deceive military with nuke on both both side of it's venerable border thus we know the motive behind it. India still intervening in Bangladesh internal politics and pursuing a plan to prevent a strong military alliance between Pak-bangla but point is how long will you able to deceive people? Not for long my friend.:smokin:

With regard to Senor' Zaid Hamid, to each his own I guess, if you appreciate his 'analytical' views, then chalo, jaisa theek samjho.

Now about India intervening in 1971, here's the part you missed, 10 million Bangladeshis crossed the IB first. Why should India have to suffer the consequences of Pakistan's political miscalculations?

Here's the other part you missed,

Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I want you to read and understand the grievances specifically, Why didn't your 'brothers' give you due political representation? Why was your language suppressed? How many people died in operation search light?

Don't be so quick to blame India. Yes, India had something in it for itself, there are no free lunches my friend, but the fact of the matter is that we saved millions and helped BD gain its indp'.

If BD's concerns were addressed in 1971, then millions of your countrymen would not have revolted, you are in the minority my friend, today you will be regarded as the traitor for not supporting BD'shi independence.

It was Pakistan that started the 'dirty game', both the '47 and '65 wars were started by the Pakistanis, west Pakistanis to be specific, East Pakistan hardly had an army to defend itself. We ended the game in '71.

The way forward now is peace, India stands to gain nothing by oppressing its neighbors, why have an enemy at the doorstep? We need peace and development. India knows better than to provoke a conflict.

We do have some issues with BD, but they are not insurmountable I'm sure we will come to a mutually beneficial agreement in the future, there is much we can gain from working with each other.

All this 'hisab baki hai' talk is BS, its to make insecure people feel better, the promise of 'revenge', what utter garbage. In that case India should nuke Iran, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Greece and most of all the UK.

Get over it, and start thinking with your head not your heart.
^^ Dear 'senior member'.

First, your seniority is based solely on the number of your posts not least on the quality, I have already seen your thread on 'the real India', so I know that you actually believe what you have said and I know how much you respect Indians.

Second, you are not a moderator.

Third, what you have said applies to every Indian, your argument itself is baseless and in bad taste, you cannot insult someone based on their history/race/ethnicity and then direct the insult only to that person and not expect anyone else that shares the same heritage to not reply in kind.

Fourth, instead of telling me to pipe down, why don't you refrain from making such nonsensical posts? or defend your argument, but I know that that is beyond you. Furthermore, I'm simply replying to what the other members have said, so of course the discussion can move in different directions.

Fifth, Zaid Hamid is an insult to my intelligence and hopefully is to yours too. I really should stay away from his useless garbage, but some inexplicable force draws me to his videos. I think it might be boredom. India did not have the resources to plan and execute something of that magnitude at the time, we simply got lucky because of Pakistan's own misguided policies and because we were at the right place at the right time. We woke up in time and took advantage of a situation that resulted solely from Pakistan's actions. Yet he goes on spewing garbage about how India had already made up its mind to break up Pakistan back when we didn't even have anything to fight about (47) No evidence what so ever, no mention of any sources, just useless conspiracy theories.

Look buddy you are just making me laugh, every time you post regarding this i go back to his post and read what he said, and i go back to every single of his post and see the same! :crazy: I am wondering that did you even read his post that i replied to? See When you are a teacher for example, You yell at student and you tell that all those who are not doing good will be treated this way but then only those students take his words serious who are bad not the good ones so i just answered your again. I tried telling this guy couple of times but all he was throwing here was hate and after i said whatever i did he stopped so it worked, What is the matter with you........:angry: You are talk about my seniorority by post but no i have been here for a while and i have seen many like that kid comming and go so please stop... I have seen you comming into replys and posts its funny. I have foundyou so biased on times so lets drop it, See what good about think tanks is that you bring your thoughts about problems but not chat! this is Pakistani defence forum, You would not see a single Pakistani to agitate indian fellows but you will see alot of Indian fellows butting into something where they shouldn't belong or say their things. We talk about Pakistan and Bangladesh relations indians come back and talk about how Pakistan did what and Bangalis did what back in 71, " this is what you call spilling oild on fire" its too getto and kids stuff.... You talk about Pakistan's air power, next ting you will se Indian kid comes in and say oh indian air power is much better then Pakistan haha when thread was about pakistani air power not the Pakistani vs Indian air power etc What is this? This isn't a chat room!!! What the hell is the matter with you guys sometimes. You are comming at me that how i shouldn't say whatever i said but i have never seen an indian telling his fellow brother not to act stupid, Why? Dude grow up and then pick on people, I have seen you talking to that Bangali user in previous posts and you were getting personal. Today you are getting personal with me over that how my argument is bad and bad tasted :blah: This is what you call getting personal if you don't like it then leave it. Did i talk to you or did i refer you? The answer is NO so i would suggest you again get back to the thread and stick to it now on. Which applies to everyone. If you want to be credible then tell your fellows not to act dumb so we don't have to. If any Pakistani acts dumb we tell him/ her to knock it off so take some responsibility now on. Thanks i am having no hard feeling for you right now so please don't make me have hard feeling aginst you since i am just a human being thanks and good night :pakistan::china::usflag::police::mod:
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