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Zaid Hamid Sentenced to 8 years in Jail and 1200 Lashes

He will receive true love of Ummah. ...Nobody even raised voice for him... In prison, may be he is thinking about ghazwa Ummah with his horse including white flag!
that happens when a bihari muslim in over anthosiasm of ummah abuses his own history and cultuar and when gets attention goes on to mock the real custodians of Ummah and the same custodians show there hazza miskin ghulam his true aukat :haha:

ye to hona hi tha.jpg
Are there any updates on this fierce and noble warrior's predicament?
Are there any updates on this fierce and noble warrior's predicament?
Shame! He is left like that without any help from his country . No one knows why he was even arrested in the first place !This clearly shows Pakistan is not a nation but just a crowd of people,just jhund.
The 'real news' is that the Saudi despots have not yet produced any concrete evidence of his wrong doing. In other words, he has not committed any serious crime other than criticizing the Saudi despots.

Evidence and Saudi Arab? That is a jewish conspiracy to get the criminals out which is exactly why Riyadh (and well most of GCC) doesn't rely on any such thing! Their words against yours are enough to sentence you to the punishment of lashes and at worst decapitation Lol

Its not like I care for the delusional old fraud but still no charge-sheet and no evidence whatsoever against this Pakistani, imagine only if the westerns would have done it, all ghairat would have broken loose!
You sure that he wasn't involved in any activity there in Saudi Arabia? If not, then this is outrageous, however, no problem...... we can catch a random saudi and do him as well, and mind you, much better than them!
Dear Friends, your govt have not said a single word or not take any help to come back Zaid,and you said that you catch saudis.
The soft tissues on Zaid Hamid's backside are currently bearing the fruits of ummah brotherhood. A 1000 or 1200 such fruits would be planted on his fertile backyard.:partay::partay:
Saudi clan deported the hasmi clan of prophet of Makkah from power , what is red topi wall for them
Pakistani commentator Zaid Hamid sentenced to prison, lashing in Saudi Arabia | GulfNews.com


Islamabad/ Pakistan: A controversial Pakistani commentator has been jailed in Saudi Arabia and reportedly sentenced to receive 1,000 lashes for allegedly criticizing the Saudi government and its military campaign in Yemen while on a religious pilgrimage.

Saudi authorities have so far denied consular access to Zaid Hamid, who was arrested last month in the holy city of Madinah while traveling with his wife.

A spokesman for Pakistan’s foreign ministry, Qazi Khalilullah, confirmed Hamid’s arrest but said Saudi officials had not disclosed his sentence. Pakistani diplomats in Riyadh were in touch with Hamid’s family, including his wife, who was able to visit him in the prison at Madinah, Khalilullah said.

This year, a Saudi blogger who ran a website that was seen to be ridiculing the kingdom’s religious police was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes spread over 20 weeks. Hamid is believed to be close to Pakistan’s military establishment and despises the country’s civilian leadership. He has also been openly critical of US policies in the region, accusing the CIA of trying to “demolish Pakistan.”

About one-third of the kingdom’s population of 30 million are foreign nationals, according to government statistics. Saudi press reports estimate that more than 1.5 million Pakistanis live in the country.

Quite disgraceful that Pakistani Citizen is captured by Arab GOON country
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Evil you............. :D

The soft tissues on Zaid Hamid's backside are currently bearing the fruits of ummah brotherhood. A 1000 or 1200 such fruits would be planted on his fertile backyard.:partay::partay:
He was big fan of lashes punishment . Now, its time to receive the taste. Not 10, not 100, this is 1000+.... lashes
He was expecting that Allah is with him, and nobody can do anything against him, Now it's time to face the reality and taste of delusional life. 1200 lashes is enough to wake him up.

That is so ironic. He used to bray like a donkey 'Pakistan mein Sharia Nazif karni chahiye!' and now he's gonna learn 1st hand what that feels like! :lol:
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