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Zaid Hamid on Baluchistan Issue

say what u want torpedo u absoultely dispise this guy don't u.....Amar singh theory u ask me still stands.......and what happened to indian media theory of inzimam killing his coach because he wasnot converting to islam...and indian media theory of everything that happens in india is DONE BY ISI....so please keep ur "VALUE OF TRUTH" to urself because india's biggest lie is its claims to SECULARISM..... so please torpedo stop your nonesense about you ENJOY zaid hamid....... and yes this i think still backs my story about Ajmal kasab missing

A Pakistani lawyer C M Farooque claimed that many people, including Ajmal Kasab, were arrested before 2006 from Kathmandu by the Indian agencies with the help of Nepalese forces.

He said Ajmal Kasab went to the Napalese capital on a business tour. His application regarding his arrest was lying pending in the Nepalese Supreme Court in which a reply was sought from Nepalese forces and Indian High Commission.

While talking to the Geo News, C M Farooque Advocate said the Nepalese forces arrested almost 200 people including Ajmal Kasab before 2006 and his application in this regard was lying pending in the Nepalese Supreme Court in which Nepalese forces and Indian High Commission were made respondents.

The advocate said he wrote letters to Pakistan and Indian governments in this regard. He said that he had also addressed a press conference in Nepal highlighting the issue in which he revealed that the Nepalese forces arrested Ajmal Kasab and many others and held them at an unknown place and that these people would be used for their ulterior designs at some later stage. He said that he had no contact with Ajmal Kasab ever since he disappeared.

The lawyer said he was still pleading the case of Kasab and was to visit Nepal towards the end of this month. The Nepalese Supreme Court had repeatedly issued notices to the respondents to furnish their reply but they did not submit any reply.

Advocate Farooque said he had filed the petition in the Nepalese Supreme Court in February 2008. He said he was running an NGO, ‘Voice of Human and Prisoners Rights’ and the parents of Ajmal Kasab contacted him for help in this regard after appealing to the Pakistan Government for help.

The people arrested in Nepal had gone there on legal visa for business but Indian agencies were in the habit of capturing Pakistanis from Nepal and afterwards implicated them in the Mumbai-like incidents to malign Pakistan.

good story right....???? stop watching zaid hamid if u don't believe him its that simple!!!
Someone pointed out the Indian channels such as India TV , Star TV etc - for us (and I mean any sane person) these are just comedy channels which we watch to have fun when getting bored. They enjoy no credibility and spew garbage all the time.

The difference with zaid Hamid is that as I see on the board he actually has serious followers , those who believe that all he is saying is the truth and support and back up his thinking . This is just outright dangerous.

This man is on record saying that 9/11 was a US conspiracy !!!!

3000 innocent people dead , humiliation to Internal security and a useless war which is bleeding America no end.

Do you guys believe Zaid Hamid too when he said 9/11 was planned and executed by US itself or is it just his straight faced and no non-sense style which attracts people who wish the Govt. had a straight talking leader like that too.
^^^ Are you going to promote your Pro-MQM and Anti-ANP stance in every thread now?

I only want to tell u people truth!!
And i have said several times on other thread that dont bring MQM every where!!
And i dont care u vote MQM, NS, Musharrraf, PPP!!
But if if u support talibans!!
Its matter to me!!
Someone pointed out the Indian channels such as India TV , Star TV etc - for us (and I mean any sane person) these are just comedy channels which we watch to have fun when getting bored. They enjoy no credibility and spew garbage all the time.

The difference with zaid Hamid is that as I see on the board he actually has serious followers , those who believe that all he is saying is the truth and support and back up his thinking . This is just outright dangerous.

This man is on record saying that 9/11 was a US conspiracy !!!!

3000 innocent people dead , humiliation to Internal security and a useless war which is bleeding America no end.

Do you guys believe Zaid Hamid too when he said 9/11 was planned and executed by US itself or is it just his straight faced and no non-sense style which attracts people who wish the Govt. had a straight talking leader like that too.

which world you are really living in???
zaid hamid is not the single person claiming this, many researchers (even some Americans ) themselves are saying that 9/11 was an inside job.
which world you are really living in???
zaid hamid is not the single person claiming this, many researchers (even some Americans ) themselves are saying that 9/11 was an inside job.

Who are these researchers and what is their credibility , I don't think there is a reputed or credible analyst out there who thinks like that.
Who are these researchers and what is their credibility , I don't think there is a reputed or credible analyst out there who thinks like that.

Well actually some of the most reputable! Not to mention that there exists a lot of evidence!
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