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Zaid Hamid not coming slow...posted some really hard and awe tweets

Seems like Pakistan has walked in between a rock and a hard place,lockdown means destruction of economy and by not doing so means mass public health crisis,out of both Pakistan can afford none.
Solid arguments. A total lockdown would have been effective a week ago or maybe earlier. Now, it will slow the spread but we will reach the same end point, which is 60% of the population infected in order to establish herd immunity. That is the only end game available, barring locking everyone in their bedrooms and waiting for a vaccine.

Minimal economic functionality by young, fit (ideally silently infected and now recovered) individuals is needed. Secondly, complete transition of available space and resources to intensive care units, ventilators and training of personnel is the best approach to mitigate the impact of infectious spread. A near-total lockdown is still beneficial I hasten to add - as this will slow the spread and so, buy time to treat cases intensively and discharge them so maintain capacity over the coming months.
Solid arguments. A total lockdown would have been effective a week ago or maybe earlier. Now, it will slow the spread but we will reach the same end point, which is 60% of the population infected in order to establish herd immunity. That is the only end game available, barring locking everyone in their bedrooms and waiting for a vaccine.

Minimal economic functionality by young, fit (ideally silently infected and now recovered) individuals is needed. Secondly, complete transition of available space and resources to intensive care units, ventilators and training of personnel is the best approach to mitigate the impact of infectious spread. A near-total lockdown is still beneficial I hasten to add - as this will slow the spread and so, buy time to treat cases intensively and discharge them so maintain capacity over the coming months.
Seems we are getting ready to lose many people.. May Allah protect everyone.

Which organization is supplying the food to people in Pakistan? I don't want to give money to whatsapp groups..
zaid Hamid is overexaggerating turkish people,yesterday I send proposal to turkish client for freelance work and requested him to provide me a chance to complete required work as here in Pakistan our earning is halted due to corona outbreak but he declined my request and awarded work to some other member from india or other nation
freelance work
That is business and professionalism.. If some member has not good rating then the customer won't risk time..

Also, we need a ban on large public gathering, jumma prayers, if not curfew..
The people who are not following quarantine restrictions should be awarded with 1 bullet between their eyes. Because currently they are living bio bomb with a brain.
I agree with many of his points but why is he trying to establish his "credentials"?? Does that mean a common pakistani who has no links in military or govt jobs have no credentials to disagree with anyone. If credentials is what he is trying to establish for himself then do we need to bring up his past and how he was khalifa of yousaf kazzab? All his credentials will be down the drain.
So according to this Khalifa of Kazzab, only his son and daughter are important and are serving Pakistan. This psycho have gone nuts. Let's no forget his affiliation with the fake Mahdi lol. Now he's being the most righteous
It's Imran Khan.

And Zulfi Bukhari and other Iranian pitthus who brought the ziareens without any proper precautions

@Taimoor Khan @Crusher @Safriz @Fox_hound @Genghis khan1

So according to this Khalifa of Kazzab, only his son and daughter are important and are serving Pakistan. This psycho have gone nuts. Let's no forget his affiliation with the fake Mahdi lol. Now he's being the most righteous

Not even a single point he made had any fault....I am not his follower but he is absolutely RIGHT...

I can expect this from you....Being Iranian pithu, you can laugh at him/situation but die hard Pakistanis, loyal to their land are very worried regarding the situation.

I hope Iranians and their pitthus pay for this sooner or later...
"This country is generally divided into 5 camps.

Die hard patriots who would give everything for it.
Hard core traitors & snakes.
Opportunists who only follow the wind..
Decent aware good people but weak & powerless.
Just the ignorant crowd.

Where do you stand ?"

Damn I like that, pretty accurate.
Unfortunately there are a bit too many of the ignorant crowd.
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