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Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

Lol, no offical sources ? The radars were not even delivered during the war. Your claims are laughable. Bring up the sources. Talking like an agent of PDM and Pakistani Generals

india has made it clear that it will not involve itself in the war materially

80% ? Where did you pull up the stars from ,your arse ? Pakistan is toiletless , we know that

India is over a billion 800 million translates to around 80%. Live with it.

India's weapons are a joke and would only contribute to failures in Ukraine. That's why nobody buys them. They were probably advised by Pakistani generals. :enjoy:

A country with 800 million in poverty definitely is poor than subsaharan Africa.
Compare the data for india and Pak. Your're even worse than afghanistan, let alone sub saharan africa
Compare the data for india and Pak. Your're even worse than afghanistan, let alone sub saharan africa

LOL the desperation you pajeets have. Right now you'd get a great job with the Pakistani immigration ministry to repatriate Afghan refugees from Pakistan who number in millions.
India is over a billion 800 million translates to a around 80%. Live with it.
Work on your maths too. 80% of 1.4 billion is 1.12 billion, not 800 million
What's the source of your data ?
reality paints a different picture

India's weapons are a joke and would only contribute to failures in Ukraine. That's why nobody buys them. They were probably advised by Pakistani generals. :enjoy:
Great so Pakistani Generals are doing consultancy to earn money ? Is that how they're giving you your pocket money ?
LOL the desperation you pajeets have. Right now you'd get a great job with the Pakistani immigration ministry to repatriate Afghan refugees from Pakistan who number in millions.
We have our own problems with the rohingyas and millions of Bangladeshi and Nepali migrants but we're still way better off than your blackhole of a nation

Wow, then I was rather generous in my previous statement.
Nothing generous. It just shows the quality of the education you've been recieving
I laughed at him all this time but this is a fairly intellectual response from even the stupidest Pakistani conspiracy theorist. A country living in mass poverty is sending rockets to the moon.

Even a country like Brazil which is not even quarter as poor as them didn't bother with this tosh, the poorest country on Earth is busy sending rockets to the moon.

Only thing is Vedic people did not practice modern Brahmanistic traditions. There is no mention of "Hindu" in the Vedas. The Vedic culture is derived from burial cultures and not cremation.

They were also beef eaters. So why celebrate a culture that had little to do with them?
You mean govt of India should buy atta like pakistan , instead of sending moon mission because India is poor?

Anyone finds it strange that Indians are more focus in getting validation from their Pakistani neighbors than they are about the success of their moon street sh*tter rover?

The Indians are truly a sad people. They are weirdly obsessed with Pakistan in unimaginable ways. One of the Indian posters here said he himself, Indians on their side of the wagah border crossing run to the fence to catch a glimpse of a land that they are obsessed with. It’s a mythical obsession for them.

What drives this obsession and validation seeking? Congrats, you put a dothead machine on the moon that can now leave a trail shit trail there across so 700mn of your absolute poor living in filth can feel proud. Severely mentally retarded nation if I ever saw one with so much misguided policies. They must really hate each other to rather waste money on their space program instead of getting their people out of poverty.
Can you lock down and close your office (suparco) which sends sounding rockets in atmosphere?
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You mean govt of India should buy atta instead of sending moon mission because India is poor?

No buy contraceptives instead and work on regulating food production to save the country from enviable catastrophe. Same should be done on the Pakistani side:

Controlled food suppply could stop overpopulation.png
We have our own problems with the rohingyas and millions of Bangladeshi and Nepali migrants but we're still way better off than your blackhole of a nation

Is it? Could it explain why they come to our country in the millions? In the meantime no Pakistani ever wants to immigrate to Bangladesh. You see that's why your government cheat-sheet numbers don't make any sense because they are fraudulent. All those BS stats from the Bangladeshi government don't discourage their people from coming to Pak nor do they encourage Pakistanis from going to that shithole.

Here's an example of what I mean about your cheet-sheet made-up numbers https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-46400678
More of your BS stats.

So 15% of your people live below the poverty line? Yet over 80% don't have access to toilets. Do India's rich & middle class also urinate in the open?

As individual countries, I can agree a number of African countries have higher IPC than Pakistan but as a combined subsaharan Africa, no.

And no they are no outdated articles. What do you mean by "data?" A bunch of cheet-sheet numbers officially published by the Bangladeshi & Indian governments? That's not evidence.

A country with 800 million in poverty definitely is poorer than subsaharan Africa.

Yeah combined Sub-Saharan Africa has a higher per capita income than Pakistan

Data is data, your fantasies and the noise inside your head is not called data.

800 million poor is the noise inside your head, it doesn't exist, get yourself diagnosed.
You mean your guns made in darra adam khel ?

No I mean Iranian & North Korean weapons. Nothing which one of the largest economies can match with. The irony. That's why they didn't buy your junk.
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Yeah combined Sub-Saharan Africa has a higher per capita income than Pakistan

Data is data, your fantasies and the noise inside your head is not called data.

800 million poor is the noise inside your head, it doesn't exist, get yourself diagnosed.

These five countries combined have half the world's entire poverty, with India having the most. And it's soruced to World Bank Blogs https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/half-the-worlds-poor-live-in-five-countries/
Failed nations and people hope others fail so they don’t suffer in misery alone. Successful societies and people emulate other successful people and nations so they can attain similar success.

It’s no wonder Pakistanis and Pakistan hope India’s space program fails because they have failed beyond repair to compete and emulate anything positive.
No one wishes that you coksucker. I’m fact all I see is Pakistani congratulating the dotheads. It’s the dotheads seeking validation and a pat on their backs.

We have the money to do it along with the brains, something which you will never have even in the wettest of your dreams. 415 million people got out of poverty in the last 17 years. That's twice the population of your entire country.
What has Pakistan achieved even after not spending on space programmes ? China which in 2003 which was super poor sent a man to space. Did china waste its money by doing that ?
Bullshit dothead. You ppl are still fleeing to Canada and US in droves. Ask me how I know? One of the highest illegal immigration to western countries is dotheads. Have some shame but I’m asking for too much.
Work on your maths too. 80% of 1.4 billion is 1.12 billion, not 800 million
What's the source of your data ?
reality paints a different picture

Great so Pakistani Generals are doing consultancy to earn money ? Is that how they're giving you your pocket money ?
I have encountered numerous Pakistanis who consistently mention that 80% of India's population lives below the poverty line, lacking access to basic amenities such as toilets, electricity, education, and healthcare. However, when I inquire about the source of their information, they often respond with "the world knows it."
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