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Yuanwang 4 Sunk by Carrier killer missle DF21 in One test?

Assuming this report is true, then of course the threat is significant. We consider any ballistic weapon significant.

And what make you think the US remained static all these years? Still...China has to obey those annoying things called the laws of physics. There is a limit to internal space. The more you take away of this volume for things that does not go ka-boom, the less ka-boom force you will have. These laws do not take sides.

In a real war scenario, it is highly unlikely that an aircraft carrier would be the ONLY thing coming at China.

I wasn't implying that US remained static since 50 years ago. Instead I was trying to let you know that the technological gap between China and the US is closing, and it is closing fast! China already have the world's fastest super computer and they are also spitting out engineers at a rate of 20:1 compared to the US. So you can go figure what will happen in the coming years :azn:

Yes it would be stupid to imagine that a carrier would sail to China unprotected. It would not be the only thing coming and that is for sure, however do not think all we have coming for the carrier group is just the DF-21D either. Only fanboys of that missile would like to think otherwise.

Anyone with a straight mind would play a sensible game, US wouldn't dare risk war with China by putting its carrier in Chinese waters to begin with as China can effortlessly crash the entire US economy should they wish to. Yes they will suffer from crashing the US economy as they are both economically closely linked, but US will have the worser end of the stick when that happens. I am sure America has enough brains to see that and would act rationally.

I am pretty sure US don't want to have long queues outside Walmart for loaf of bread that would cost thousands of dollar each. :cheers:
I am pretty sure US don't want to have long queues outside Walmart for loaf of bread that would cost thousands of dollar each.

You need to read up a bit more on world economics. If the U.S. had a total collapse so would the rest of the world. China's economy is driven by exports more then it likes to admit. And it has invested far more of it's reserves into other countries then it should. This makes it co-dependent on the U.S. to a certian degree. It can't afford to have the dollar lose to much value becuase that makes it's exports more expensive and drives up inflation.
I wasn't implying that US remained static since 50 years ago. Instead I was trying to let you know that the technological gap between China and the US is closing, and it is closing fast! China already have the world's fastest super computer and they are also spitting out engineers at a rate of 20:1 compared to the US. So you can go figure what will happen in the coming years :azn:
That one supercomputer is commendable, but then your behaviors upon it is no different than those of the fanboys' upon the still speculative J-20.

Yes it would be stupid to imagine that a carrier would sail to China unprotected. It would not be the only thing coming and that is for sure, however do not think all we have coming for the carrier group is just the DF-21D either. Only fanboys of that missile would like to think otherwise.
Before a carrier group sail towards China in a war, all US offensive measures will have already been in place and assuming the DF-21 is operational, its support will have been under assault.

Anyone with a straight mind would play a sensible game, US wouldn't dare risk war with China by putting its carrier in Chinese waters to begin with as China can effortlessly crash the entire US economy should they wish to. Yes they will suffer from crashing the US economy as they are both economically closely linked, but US will have the worser end of the stick when that happens. I am sure America has enough brains to see that and would act rationally.

I am pretty sure US don't want to have long queues outside Walmart for loaf of bread that would cost thousands of dollar each. :cheers:
That is a laugh. Anyone with a straight mind would see that China would not risk a war with the US no matter what the economic ties may be because in a war, those ties would not matter. China want to collect on those notes? Μολών λαβέ !!! But in case China lost the war, when the PLAN is pushed back to being a coastal navy, when the PLAAF is reduced to crop dusters status, those long lines for ordinary household items will be in Beijing.
You need to read up a bit more on world economics. If the U.S. had a total collapse so would the rest of the world. China's economy is driven by exports more then it likes to admit. And it has invested far more of it's reserves into other countries then it should. This makes it co-dependent on the U.S. to a certian degree. It can't afford to have the dollar lose to much value becuase that makes it's exports more expensive and drives up inflation.
Already happening.
You need to read up a bit more on world economics. If the U.S. had a total collapse so would the rest of the world. China's economy is driven by exports more then it likes to admit. And it has invested far more of it's reserves into other countries then it should. This makes it co-dependent on the U.S. to a certian degree. It can't afford to have the dollar lose to much value becuase that makes it's exports more expensive and drives up inflation.

Yes inflation is an on going problem and it's not a problem which China has to face alone. China, however, has the funds to ease the problem and other foriegn investments to back it up should they cease trades with the US.
America only have themselves to blame for getting themselves into this situation. The QE2 didn't just hurt China it also hurt its own allies in the EU. I wondered why no one bothered to say anything in the G20 sumit and instead pointed fingers at the US? I think the rest of the world knows for a fact that you simply cannot talk tough with your banker, it doesn't work that way I am affraid :coffee:

What does US have to keep their heads above the water this time? They've already abolished their industry and all they have left is their service sector. The US should be thankful that they are getting cheaper goods. Without this I wonder what will happen to all your low and middle class citizens. China of course is the easier target to blame, I doubt by solving the so called "money manipulation" problem will bring jobs back to the US, they can only dream on.
Nooo...The reason why we have a crater is because the Earth itself offers sufficient resistance to the meteor's impact force. If the DF-21's warhead is solid and its speed is fast enough, it will punch holes all the way through the ship.

and the kinetic energy transferred by this solid warhead will completely blow the carrier up.

have you seen what a piercing round does to an MBT ???
Whats a deal even Brahmos II is a carrier killer...


Its more acurate and Aegis cannot even detect it.

Its highy maneuverable at sea it can fly just 4 meter above the water and it can hit the Bulls eye(Communication and control tower).

300 kg of CL-20’ with real time guidence from RISAT 2

Senior Pls comments is it possible
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That one supercomputer is commendable, but then your behaviors upon it is no different than those of the fanboys' upon the still speculative J-20.

Before a carrier group sail towards China in a war, all US offensive measures will have already been in place and assuming the DF-21 is operational, its support will have been under assault.

That is a laugh. Anyone with a straight mind would see that China would not risk a war with the US no matter what the economic ties may be because in a war, those ties would not matter. China want to collect on those notes? Μολών λαβέ !!! But in case China lost the war, when the PLAN is pushed back to being a coastal navy, when the PLAAF is reduced to crop dusters status, those long lines for ordinary household items will be in Beijing.

I also would like to take this opportunity to commend you for having 11 carriers. However with your constant talk about how your carriers can do this and that makes you no different to the abundance of fanboys out there.

Any actions taken before your carrier groups set sail towards China would have been picked up by Chinese and Russian satellites anyway. Not to mention when meassure were taken against the mobile DF-21D. What makes you think China only relies on just the missile to send it's enemy packing their bags and running back home? I am sure America had all the tools at their disposal in the Vietnam and Korean wars, but did they actually win it? Now that's definitely up for debate.

Yes that would be a laugh, but it will be from China to the US. Anyone with a straight mind would have already known that the US would not dare wage war on China. The course of history says a lot about the US. Despite how much you are trying to throw your weights around they can only muscle up enough strength to fight small third world countries :rofl:

Yes we anticipate that one day the US navy will send the Chinese navy back to becoming a coastal navy. For the mean time have fun maintaining your abundance of soon to be obsolete aircrafts and also the idling F-22 and carriers. I am sure your government has the cash to pay for those without breaking a sweat :wave:
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The U.S. isn't going to declare war on China. But it will honor it's treaty obligations with South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. So actually the ball is in China's court.

There's no treaty obligation with Taiwan.

If Japan continues to test our patience for its severe and repeating violations of international law and the Potsdam Declaration by incursions into our marine territory, there may be severe consequences. Likewise, we have treaty obligations with North Korea.

US carriers are stationed within 500 km of China, enough to reach with your carrier aircraft. However, we have many tools to discourage US aggression, both military and non-military, conventional and nuclear. We hope that your Wall Street regime is not crazy enough to have any irrational actions.
You need to read up a bit more on world economics. If the U.S. had a total collapse so would the rest of the world. China's economy is driven by exports more then it likes to admit. And it has invested far more of it's reserves into other countries then it should. This makes it co-dependent on the U.S. to a certian degree. It can't afford to have the dollar lose to much value becuase that makes it's exports more expensive and drives up inflation.

The problem is always more severe with undersupply than oversupply. Our economy is far less export oriented than Germany, South Korea, Japan and other US "allies". A US collapse would hurt us, but the US would be completely gone, and so would its attack dogs.
Yes inflation is an on going problem and it's not a problem which China has to face alone. China, however, has the funds to ease the problem and other foriegn investments to back it up should they cease trades with the US.
America only have themselves to blame for getting themselves into this situation. The QE2 didn't just hurt China it also hurt its own allies in the EU. I wondered why no one bothered to say anything in the G20 sumit and instead pointed fingers at the US? I think the rest of the world knows for a fact that you simply cannot talk tough with your banker, it doesn't work that way I am affraid :coffee:

What does US have to keep their heads above the water this time? They've already abolished their industry and all they have left is their service sector. The US should be thankful that they are getting cheaper goods. Without this I wonder what will happen to all your low and middle class citizens. China of course is the easier target to blame, I doubt by solving the so called "money manipulation" problem will bring jobs back to the US, they can only dream on.
Whenever I read something like this I can only shake my head and feel somewhat sorry for the comment...:rolleyes:...What was 'abolished'? The man does not know.
Whenever I read something like this I can only shake my head and feel somewhat sorry for the comment...:rolleyes:...What was 'abolished'? The man does not know.

So what industry does the US have? Now that would be something the world would like to know. Stuff that walmart sell obviously doesn't count. :wave:
Let us see how can this be true...

Does this mean the ship was too crippled to move under its own power? If necessary, the ship can be towed to the testing area and anchored to serve as a static target. But there is no reason to doubt the PLAN's technical ability to repair and re-equip the ship with only minimum propulsion capability to serve as a dynamic target. Verdict: Feasible.

Nothing technically in error here. Target enhancement in the appropriate medium, ie radar or infrared, is common practice. This falls under the controlled environment criteria.

This is a corner reflector...



Radar signals will have multiple reflections inside these ideal 90deg corners. These passive reflectors are often used by small crafts to enhance their radar returns for larger ships for safety reasons.

Verdict: Feasible.

So if it is technically feasible to equip a ship to serve as an expendable target, the next questions should be about the testing conditions themselves:

- Was the test for radar targeting only, meaning was there an airborne DF-21 radar set installed in an aircraft or even in an expendable test warhead, intended to test the detection and tracking capability of this radar set?

- Was the target ship static or dynamic?

- Was the target ship's radar enhancement reduced in anyway? This is important because if the ship's enhanced RCS was gradually reduced, it will give the designers evidences as to the radar's true capability depending at which reduced level did the target ship was lost. This could mean the warhead could target ships smaller than an aircraft carrier hence a better weapon.

- Were there any countermeasures? It would be foolish to assume an adversary would not deployed passive/seduction/distraction defenses.

So if the report is true that the ship was sunk, it would be safe to assume that all questions have been satisfied.

Oh the FanBoy Killer now himself descends and giving us the licence to be a FanBoy of 21D

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