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YT allows zionist woman in US to encourage sexualization of Iranian children


Dec 29, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Concretely, this zionist female with Iranian roots sitting in the USA by the name of Aazitaa Saa'iaan, who poses as a "psychological counsellor", operates a YouTube channel focusing on "partnership and sexuality" directed at Iranian and Persian-speaking audiences, in which she not only promotes all manner of devious perversions threatening the integrity of Iranian families, in line with the agenda of the globalist, zionist and bankster-corporatist mafias, namely infedility among married couples, the unfettered consumption of pornography, homosexuality, prostitution but even more disturbingly, sexualization of Iranian children, given that she encourages parents to teach their under-age offspring how to masturbate and to show them "films" to that effect.

In another video not discussed by Omid Dana above, she equated the breastfeeding of babies (!) with adult sexuality, claiming that human sexuality begins shortly after birth.

Of course, the oligarchic- and zionist-controlled "YouTube" refrains from censoring these abusive productions.

Goes to show to what lowly criminal means the global oligarchy and zionism will resort in order to destroy Iran's social fabric, culture and civilization, not even shying away from causing serious harm to Iranian children and compromising their future.

Also highlights the urgent necessity for Iran to disconnect from the global internet and introduce a national equivalent, a long talked-about project that liberals (reformists + centrists) are hampering, since these anti-human, life destroying globalist agendas are hardly bothering said liberals.
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Concretely, this zionist female with Iranian roots sitting in California, USA by the name of Aazitaa Saa'iaan, who poses as a "psychological counsellor", operates a YouTube channel focusing on "partnership and sexuality" directed at Iranian and Persian-speaking audiences, in which she not only promotes all manner of devious perversions threatening the integrity of Iranian families, in line with the agenda of the globalist, zionist and bankster-corporatist mafias, namely infedility among married couples, the unfettered consumption of pornography, homosexuality, prostitution and even more disturbingly, paedocriminal abuse of Iranian children, given that she encourages parents to teach their under-age offspring how to masturbate and to show them "films" to that effect.

In another video not discussed by Omid Dana above, she equated the breastfeeding of babies (!) with adult sexuality, claiming that human sexuality begins shortly after birth.

Of course, the oligarchic- and zionist-controlled "YouTube" refrains from censoring these abusive productions.

Goes to show to what lowly criminal means the global oligarchy and zionism will resort in order to destroy Iran's social fabric, culture and civilization, not even shying away from causing serious harm to Iranian children and compromising their future.

Also highlights the urgent necessity for Iran to disconnect from the global internet and introduce a national equivalent, a long talked-about project that liberals (reformists + centrists) are hampering, since these anti-human, life destroying globalist agendas are hardly bothering said liberals.
So shes basically telling parents to show their underage children pornography and to then sexually abuse them...!?:blink:
How have her vids and account not been taken down?:police:
I imagine if her vids were in english she would`ve been swiftly banned and likely reported to the relevant us law enforcement agencies as well.:tsk:
Recently in Germany, the authrities admitted to putting children to live with known pedophiles for decades......now they are going to "investigate".

The more zioscum have controle, the more things like this happen.

Jews themselves are the biggest victims, because in the "religion" it is not wrong to have sex with children above 2 years old.
Zionists and the "neo liberal" agenda puts a HEAVY emphasis on the "destruction of the nuclear family"

"old fashioned" married father/mother with kids are actually frowned upon in western culture.

they promote virtually any mentally ill trash or radical movement that aims to destroy that.

like radical feminists, LGBT, Trans movement where men and women no longer exist and there are 200+ genders, single mothers are encouraged and absolutely worshipped by media and have a holy place. sexualization of children to the point where "sex ed" class has turned into state sponsored lessons normalizing childhood sexual behaviour.

which in turn has lead to extreme rates of teenage single mothers, and the massive social problems that come with it(uneducated kids that turn to crime, drugs, and generally become the scum of society)

It is a disgusting perverted culture that absolutely destroys natural human culture that has existed for thousands of years. it has absolutely destroyed the social fabric in the west, and has created these indoctrinated zombies coming out of School propaganda systems.

anybody who wants to bring this trash into Iran is an enemy of the Iranian people , the IRanian nation, Iranian culture and Iranian way of life. An enemy far more dangerous then any foreign army in my opinion. Iran is very lucky to have had a Islamic revolution preserve their identity in these times of absolute madness driven by trash perverted "western culture"
So shes basically telling parents to show their underage children pornography and to then sexually abuse them...!?:blink:
How have her vids and account not been taken down?:police:
I imagine if her vids were in english she would`ve been swiftly banned and likely reported to the relevant us law enforcement agencies as well.:tsk:

To be exact, she does not tell them to abuse their children as in sleeping with them. But she counsels to tell children under 18 that they can "touch" and "pleasure" themselves, and that if they want, they could be shown "films" to that end - she does not explicitly mention that those have to be pornographic ones. However, imagine the average, semi-cultured parent in Iran... chances are they will naively resort to presenting their children just that sort of material.

In short, it's all about sexualizing children and teenagers. And to me, teaching children acts of sexuality is already abusive by itself. In any case it goes against every principle of Iranian culture and Muslim family values.

As you can see, she is moving on the edge of legality, meaning that she knows full well how to operate to shield herself as much as possible from legal consequences. No doubt some zionist lawyers must be coordinating her action.

Recently in Germany, the authrities admitted to putting children to live with known pedophiles for decades......now they are going to "investigate".

The more zioscum have controle, the more things like this happen.

Jews themselves are the biggest victims, because in the "religion" it is not wrong to have sex with children above 2 years old.

Major lesson to be drawn from all this: don't let criminal zionists take over the levers of power and dominate Iranian institutions, economy or society like they did before 1979 ever again.

Stick to the Islamic Revolution and those true to its values. Neutralize liberal Iranian in-house fifth-columnists.

Else Iran's children, among others, will have to pay the price.
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Zionists and the "neo liberal" agenda puts a HEAVY emphasis on the "destruction of the nuclear family"

"old fashioned" married father/mother with kids are actually frowned upon in western culture.

they promote virtually any mentally ill trash or radical movement that aims to destroy that.

like radical feminists, LGBT, Trans movement where men and women no longer exist and there are 200+ genders, single mothers are encouraged and absolutely worshipped by media and have a holy place. sexualization of children to the point where "sex ed" class has turned into state sponsored lessons normalizing childhood sexual behaviour.

which in turn has lead to extreme rates of teenage single mothers, and the massive social problems that come with it(uneducated kids that turn to crime, drugs, and generally become the scum of society)

It is a disgusting perverted culture that absolutely destroys natural human culture that has existed for thousands of years. it has absolutely destroyed the social fabric in the west, and has created these indoctrinated zombies coming out of School propaganda systems.

anybody who wants to bring this trash into Iran is an enemy of the Iranian people , the IRanian nation, Iranian culture and Iranian way of life. An enemy far more dangerous then any foreign army in my opinion. Iran is very lucky to have had a Islamic revolution preserve their identity in these times of absolute madness driven by trash perverted "western culture"

Truth be told. If the revolution never happened the Shah would've been powerless to prevent neoliberal social values from penetrating and uprooting Iranian society, it's the side effect of kowtowing to the neoliberal world order and being close to the west. Sure Iranians would've been better off "fiscally" but they would also cease to benefit from the intricate conservative Iranian values that have maintained their society for millennia. As such they would soon go the way of Germany, France, UK and perish.
Truth be told. If the revolution never happened the Shah would've been powerless to prevent neoliberal social values from penetrating and uprooting Iranian society, it's the side effect of kowtowing to the neoliberal world order and being close to the west. Sure Iranians would've been better off "fiscally" but they would also cease to benefit from the intricate conservative Iranian values that have maintained their society for millennia. As such they would soon go the way of Germany, France, UK and perish.

Exactly, and many fail to completely grasp that, unfortunately.

Every now and then - especially after temporary, small-scale setbacks in the herculean struggle against the US and Isra"el"i regimes, one encounters comments from Iranian members here questioning the whole purpose of the Revolution, imagining that Iran would have been "more powerful" had the shah remained in power and so... Suddenly they forget that Iran enjoyed no sovereignty under the shah, making any notion of national strength a mere illusion, the shiny outwardly facade surrounding a hollow, empty reality. Suddenly they stop realizing that had the Revolution not occurred, Iran's submission to the liberal world order would have uprooted Iranian civilization and its particularity, leaving a multicultural, amorphous cultural molass far removed from anything Iranian to falsely "pride" themselves in.

Unfortunately, some of our Iranian friends lack patience and are quick to react violently and radically on a whim, while the massive underlying, 24/7 propaganda beamed towards Iranians by the likes of BBC Faarsi / Manoto / Saudi International and "social media" is making sure that whenever there is a bump in the road, disappointed patriots who are usually supportive of the IRI, will automatically fall-back on the counter-revolutionary (including shahi) tropism which in normal times, they merely perceive as a murmured background noise and which they do not pay a lot of attention to but which nonetheless, owing to its sheer volume and omnipresence (visit a relative and you might find them watching BBC Faarsi), always leaves behind minimal traces in people's minds.
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guys if you want to scientifcally educate your children ,BBC have a fantastic documentary on sex education for youngesters .
please don't teach it to them by empoying a hooker or let him watch ****

My Iranian brothers and sisters, please beware: neither listen to maniacs like Saa'iaan, nor to BBC Faarsi, which are really two sides of the same coin.

There is nothing "fantastic" about what the BBC produces in this area, which prepares the ground and is the first stage for all the deviations currently encountered in the western, so-called "free" world. It starts out with the liberal, non-Islamic model of sexuality publicized by the BBC Faarsi, which is what they taught westerners some 30 to 40 years ago, and then, once you engage on that slippery path, down the road you will end up with child sexualization, mass pornography, utter destruction of the family nucleus, LGBTism and gender confusion.

Stick loyally to your Islamic and Iranian traditions, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them contrary to what the BBC and pro-western fifth-columnists inside Iran want to make you believe, including when it comes to sexuality. Your local Iranian traditions are in line with natural law and have helped preserve your beautiful civilization for thousands of years in a healthy way. Don't destroy it and the lives of your children by watching BBC and other such media controlled by your sworn enemies.

I repeat, do not rely under any circumstances on the BBC Faarsi, a subversive media outlawed in Iran, whose documentaries on sexuality, by promoting extra-marital sexual relations, multiple partnerships, unstable hedonist sexuality, and above all a consumerist market-oriented outlook on sexuality, fully take aim at the Iranian nuclear family structure.

These BBC Faarsi documentaries directly follow the principles of the so-called "sexual liberation" initially triggered in the west by one Alfred Kinsey, a mentally ill pervert and swindler who not only published fake "scientific" findings - he falsified statistical studies to make it seem as if the sexuality of Americans was far less conservative than it really was, but Kinsey himself was a paedocriminal of far worse caliber than the likes of Saa'iaan.

In his studies, backed by the zionist publisher of the erotic "Playboy" magazine Hugh Hefner, Kinsey reported having submitted babies - yes, few months old babies!, to tests so as to find out whether they would be "responsive" to sexual stimulation, and he concluded that babies can have orgasms!

Sick perverts such as these are the fathers of "modern sexual education", the likes of which is spread into Iranian households by BBC Faarsi and Manoto.

The above cited user, a liberal and purportedly a practicing medic, advocates that Iranians watch a banned foreign-funded broadcasting channel controlled by the Haifaite Baahaai organization, i. e. by a subversive zionist sect, which is hostile not only to the institutional order of the Islamic Republic, but also to Iran's national integrity and sovereignty, in other words to the continued existence of Iran. Anything produced by the BBC directly serves that goal!

Stay away from the BBC documentaries on sexuality, what they promote constitutes a serious threat to your children's well-being ad psychological health.
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