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Youth being recruited for use in Syrian war: Seraiki party

Jul 4, 2010
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MULTAN: The National Seraiki Party (NSP) on Friday demanded the government to take immediate notice of recruitment of security guards for Saudi Arabia on a very large scale from remote and poverty-stricken areas of southern Punjab.

It asked the government and the Parliament to guarantee that Pakistan would not be part of war in Syria or involved in dispatching recruits in the name of jihad.The NSP National Rehbar Committee in meeting chaired by Chairperson Sajida Langah adopted a resolution that called for stopping hiring of youth from southern Punjab in the name of security guards to fight for Saudi Arabia.

Conspiracies were being hatched to destroy peaceful environment in the Seraiki region in the name of recruiting youth under the lucrative packages, Sajida told media after the meeting. She added that the Seraiki nationalists would not tolerate plots.

The NSP says some companies are recruiting youth as security guards on lucrative terms for Saudi Arabia and it is feared that they will be dispatched to Syria to participate in the ongoing conflict.

Sajida said recruitment was also going on in the tribal areas and the government should clarify its policy on the issue and the Parliament must guarantee that the recruited youth would not use as foot soldiers in Syria.

The NSP committee also criticised the Centre and Punjab for discriminating the Seraiki region. It demanded the government to enact laws on resource distribution among the provinces and the different nationalities.

The committee also demanded execution of work on all pending development projects, including Nishtarghat Bridge, and asked the government to release necessary funds. It called for adoption of Seraiki language as a compulsory subject at metric level.

The committee paid great tribute to Barrister Taj Langah for his untiring struggle for the cause of Seraiki people.Delegates from Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan and Bahawalpur divisions attended the meeting. NSP President Haider Javed Syed, Senior Vice-President Ahmed Raza Khan, Secretary General Akbar Malkani, Hamad Khan and others attended the meeting.

Youth being recruited for use in Syrian war: Seraiki party - thenews.com.pk
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