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Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore


Jun 2, 2011
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**LAHORE: Two members of the Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) and a policeman were killed during a clash between PAT protesters and policemen in Lahore on Tuesday.

According to initial reports, one of the deceased PAT supporters was a 16-year-old. The two PAT members have not been identified.

Straight shots were reportedly fired when elite force personnel showed up to counter PAT supporters outside the Lahore residence of PAT chief Dr Tahirul Qadri.

Supporters of PAT were being rounded up by the police and being taken to a nearby station in Model Town.

Earlier, 55 people had been arrested. In fresh arrests, 12 more were detained. Supporters were reportedly hiding in the PAT secretariat.

As police baton-charged the protestors they in turn hurl rocks at them.

The elite forces had been firing straight shots on the protestors.

Injured were shifted to a nearby hospital.

Over 35 people were injured during violent clashes between members of the Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) and police personnel outside the Lahore residence of PAT chief Dr Tahirul Qadri.

The injured included 11 policemen as well.

Fifteen people were also arrested and several cars parked in the vicinity suffered minor damages.

Police personnel from at least 12 police stations had been called to control the clash.

There were almost 1,000 police personnel on the site of the protest, according to latest reports. Due to the blockage of roads, commuters were also facing trouble.

PAT members and police are still locked in a clash outside Qadri's residence and panic had gripped the area.

Earlier, several area residents had overnight protested outside Qadri’s house in the presence of a large contingent of police personnel.

The residents have been demanding the immediate removal of the barrier outside Qadri’s house in Model Town.

PAT members were sprayed with tear gas and whipped by police personnel during the clash.

Qadri condemned police action on PAT members calling it cowardly. He added that the government could not stop his arrival nor could they stop the revolution that his party would be bringing in the country.

Meanwhile, Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain condemned police action on PAT members and demanded instant clearance outside what he called Qadri’s besieged residence.

Youth among three killed as PAT supporters clash with police in Lahore - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

WTF these people are trying to do, they should realize the threat level by terrorists and should stop topi dramas for time being.





restrain must be shown from both side.......

Govt has to enforce writ of state, if jokers like TuQ are allowed to instigate the public against an elected govt and are allowed to threaten Parliament and Judiciary in broad daylight then why get shocked when groups like Taliban gain legitimacy and sympathy in public. TuQ is Taliban lite, the only difference being that Taliban are using guns and TuQ expects that by putting a thousand brain dead zombie followers of his on roads he will be able to topple the govt.

I completely support the government on this issue, it would have been wrong if TuQ was heading a political party and agitating which is not the case. TuQ has declared the parliament and judiciary as dysfunctional and now wants to derail the whole system, he doesn't want to get elected to power he wants to vandalize his way to absolute power. Ban PAT and all religious seminaries working under TuQ, make severe legal cases against all important organizational members and start cases against TuQ in Canada.

Its high time that a strict message is given to professional Fitna-gars like TuQ, NO ONE will be allowed to threaten and blackmail the government. Not Taliban and certainly not TuQ.

(My post in another forum)


Here are the 'peaceful' goons of PAT throwing rocks at police because police dared to remove barriers in-front of Qadri's house (at a time when Qadri has taken residency in Canada). Govt must not be blackmailed by thugs like Qadri, its shenanigans like these which at the end result in groups like Taliban who think that they can get away with anything.
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No big fan of TAQ, infact i cant stand this guy, but the GOV should have avoided all this during ZarbEAzb, i wonder which party opened fire 1st..... we cant rule out 3rd party taking advantage of this police vs pat

If you see something put by Law Enforcement Agencies for some security measurement? will you go and try to remove those barriers by force?

PAT put a trap against Government, and Police fall for it. Now TuQ will used blackmailing tactics with People of Pakistan and will try to gather sympathy on (so called) brutal regime. Really Pathetic Political Tactis
Just came home and WHAT THE FCK is going on?

A person already held by 2 policemen is being beaten up the whole way while going to the police mobile. I could count at least 7 policemen beating him up.

It's just like two guys in a mob holding a person and others beating him up. Then an assho!e was firing straight at people, another idiot was destroying a motorbike FFS!

Jahil police.
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