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Your favorite drink in pakistan?


Nov 10, 2012
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United Kingdom

i just bought it today for 2.50gbp buht mengha but tasty. in pakistan i drank lots of sting very addictive.
Sharbat e Faulaad
Its not what you think. It is just for iron deficiency people.
Mine is: Lassi, then falsa, roh afza, then sattu. But if there is badam shebet then it tops. Then there are others likfe squash of sandal, ilaechi, mango, etc.

In soft drinks I like lemon malt, shezan barley, then sprite mint.
Sharbat e bazoori

But shezan mango juice is best…..or nestle chaunsa nectar

7up/sprite/mountain dew/cola/pepsi
Not fussed about sugary cold drinks although the murrey brewery malt ones mentioned above seem worth a try.

Might sound trivial but when i'm in Pakistan, I always look forward to boiled buffalo milk sweetened with honey.
Doodh Pati Chai with Saunf and Elaichi.
Pakola (once a year, don't drink sodas usually)
Slice Mango juice (throughout the year except summer as mangoes are available)
Mango milk shake (alot of it as I have family member owning mango farm)
Fruita Vitals (orange+ pomegranate + guava)
Shezan Fruit Punch
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  • Sattu in Summer
  • Kahwah ( I don't drink milky teas)
  • Kashmiri Chai (as a summer luxury)
You are very similar to me.
Being a Punjabi sattu and lassi is my summer drink.
Kahwah in winters mostly with peshawari gur.
Proud to drink which represents our culture and country. Big no to all foreign brands selling artificial unhealthy stuff.
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