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You must change, Chinese general tells USA

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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You must change, Chinese general tells USA

Beijing's top generals has told the US that it is up to Washington to change its policies if it wants better ties with China's military.

Chinese Defence Minister Liang Guanglie made the comments after two hours of talks with US Defence Secretary Robert Gates, who is on his first trip to China since 2007.

Mr Gates is on a mission to restore high-level military contacts with the People's Liberation Army after Beijing's decision to cut those ties a year ago, when the United States announced a $US6.4 billion arms sale to Taiwan.

Mr Gates met China's President Hu Jintao after the earlier Chinese commitments for stabilising military relations fell short of setting specific timelines.

In Mr Gates's first day of discussions in Beijing on Monday, General Liang agreed to consider a proposal to begin regular strategic security talks, a year after China cut military links. General Liang didn't commit to a time frame for starting such talks nor for reaching agreement on a structure for more regular contacts.

Links between the two countries' armed forces shouldn't be ''subject to shifting political winds'', Mr Gates said after meeting General Liang in Beijing.

General Liang also denied that China's military modernisation - and its development of systems such as an aircraft-carrier-killing ballistic missile, anti-satellite weapons and a new stealth fighter - posed a threat to the US.

''We cannot call ourselves an advanced military country,'' General Liang said. ''The gap between us and advanced countries is at least two to three decades.''

General Liang reacted tepidly to Mr Gates's proposal that the US and Chinese militaries engage in a wide-ranging strategic dialogue on nuclear posture, cyberwarfare and North Korea, saying the PLA was ''studying it''.

He did announce that one of China's most senior generals, Chen Bingde, the chief of the PLA's general staff, would travel to the US during the first half of this year.

But, contrary to the wishes of his American counterparts, he did not specify a date for the trip.

General Liang also reiterated the PLA's commitment to pursuing joint work with the US military on counterterrorism, counterpiracy, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. But those issues had been agreed upon already during the last high-level meeting between the two sides in October 2009.

Despite General Liang's responses, Mr Gates pronounced himself pleased with the talks.

''I am confident,'' Mr Gates said, ''that we are on the road to fulfilling the mandate that our two presidents have given us to strengthen the military-to-military relationship.''

General Liang's lukewarm reaction to Mr Gates's proposals reflects a continued uncertainty within the PLA about whether to embrace better ties with the US; it also underscores the sense that the PLA was strong-armed by China's political leadership into welcoming Mr Gates on this trip.

Mr Gates was rebuffed by the PLA in June when he tried to come to Beijing.

But President Hu travels to Washington next week for his second - and probably last - summit with President Barack Obama and, as part of his legacy, needs to have military ties restored. Mr Hu is expected to step down next year, making way for a new generation of leaders.

Mr Gates has long argued that the US and China need to improve military ties to lessen the possibility that miscalculation or misunderstanding could lead to war.

Meanwhile, a leading expert on the Chinese military says the country's prototype stealth fighter has made its first known test flight.

Kanwa Asian Defence magazine editor Andrei Chang said yesterday the J-20 flew for about 15 minutes over an airfield in the south-western city of Chengdu where it was spotted carrying out runway tests last week.

You must change, Chinese general tells US
Not underestimating the US of course! If they do not change we should make them change to comply to modern civilization! It's not the 19th century anymore!
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