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Yoga classes are secular, says US court

Yoga IS the example of what Religion can teach one, you freaking Moron :lol:

Yoga IS designed to help one benefit health, both mental and physical. It is one of the MOST common path of Hinduism. All Temple worship is part of Yoga tantra.

Doing yoga DOES make one HINDU you fool. It is one of the most common aspect of Hinduism. Only now they are divesting Hinduism of this very powerful tool and calling it "secular" or in other words, "non Hindu".

It is you who is demonstrating a mindless "religion hating" mindset :lol: ......... the inglorious ignominy of hearing you say that to me is priceless.

It is a decision that is designed to help christian practice Hinduism and still call it Christianity. It is digestion of Hinduism. How is that something to celebrate ?

Then doing/using everything invented by the Christians must make one a Christian, no?

If people find these exercises helpful, then I say promote in every school. Yoga is a vast subject and these kids need not be subjected to religious dogmas. Let them get the benefits from these stretching exercises and if they are curious they will study up on Hinduism and Yoga's origin when they grow up.

Yoga asanas is a 5000 year old practice passed from teacher to student and was codified only recently. How can we claim intellectual property rights to an ancient spiritual discipline?

If you want acknowledgement about its origin then you get plenty of it in media. Nobody is in denial about Yoga's origin and its roots in hinduism.

Only it is NOT taught in INDIAN Schools because it is considered "non secular" and "Hindu". See the Irony here ?

Yoga, like Hinduism is designed to help people. It has it own dogmas. Read Patanjali Yoga Sutra to understand that. It was codified by Patnajali in his Yoga Sutra. Vivekananda called Yoga sutra the supreme path to self realization.

Read the Bhagwat Gita to understand what Sri. Krishana has said about Yoga.

vyasa-prasadac chrutavan, etad guhyam aham param,
yogam yogesvarat krsnat, saksat kathayatah svayam,

IT was Veda vyasa prasad which gave the secrete of the supreme Me,
From the eternal supreme Yogi Krishna, who himself told this to Arjuna.

The entire Bhagwat Gita teaches the practice of Yoga and its benefit. The god is called the supreme Yogi (one who practices Yoga).

IT is the very essence of Hinduism. Let them practice it by all means, let them also proudly say its Hinduism and its practice. They are divesting it of the "stigma" of being called "Hindu", because popular Christian propaganda has linked "caste" to Hinduism, not "yoga".

Now they want to reap the benefit of that propaganda. To allow such injustice to go scott free is cowardice, not "secularism".

Then doing/using everything invented by the Christians must make one a Christian, no?

You mean if I pray to christ and believe in "jesus" as god then I am not a christian ? :cheesy:
Yoga IS the example of what Religion can teach one, you freaking Moron :lol:

Yoga IS designed to help one benefit health, both mental and physical. It is one of the MOST common path of Hinduism. All Temple worship is part of Yoga tantra.

Doing yoga DOES make one HINDU you fool. It is one of the most common aspect of Hinduism. Only now they are divesting Hinduism of this very powerful tool and calling it "secular" or in other words, "non Hindu".

It is you who is demonstrating a mindless "religion hating" mindset :lol: ......... the inglorious ignominy of hearing you say that to me is priceless.

It is a decision that is designed to help christian practice Hinduism and still call it Christianity. It is digestion of Hinduism. How is that something to celebrate ?
I would eagerly accept any goodies from any religion if it benefits me.You are shouting here "Hinduism bla bla,non Hindu bla bla" .You are a clueless stupid or a religious moron without a doubt as most of the people find it helpful:yes4: & people don't need court's permission to project their beliefs...:lol:
Only it is NOT taught in INDIAN Schools because it is considered "non secular" and "Hindu". See the Irony here ?

Another ignorant comment, I told you long back that schools under WBBSE (WB state board) do teach yoga by the 'Physical Training' (sports) teacher as part of 'Physical Education' class, there could be many other state boards also.
So now all Adarsh Liberals will agree with US court . But no one question the people who filed ccomplaints about yoga being radical. But allowing Christian conversion in India is very secular. Lord of Secularism Christians said so
It is really funny to see people blame Hinduism for sati,dowry and female foeticide ( which in reality are a cultural stigma brought to the society after years of invasions and foreign rule)
But they are quick to disengage hinduism from "Yoga" !
Yoga is an important part of hinduism/Sanatan Dharma.But then again,everybody can follow sanatan dharma ,without even converting to it.Thats the real beauty which separates it from modern "conventional" religions today.
That is why i say Dharma != Religion...It is something much more vast and inclusive.

You have hit the Nail on the head :tup:

Christians are quick to assign, caste dowry etc to Hinduism and now equally quick to divest Hinduism of Yoga.

I detest the "secular" fools who are dim witted enough to rejoice in this.

To say Yoga is not Hindu, is the most absurd of all arguments.
You mean if I pray to christ and believe in "jesus" as god then I am not a christian ? :cheesy:

One doesn't need to pray to any Hindu god for doing 'asanas'.
Another ignorant comment, I told you long back that schools under WBBSE (WB state board) do teach yoga by the 'Physical Training' (sports) teacher as part of 'Physical Education' class, there could be many other state boards also.

Ya, again divest of Hinduism to make it "secular" :tdown:

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LOL first of all its not Ghar Wapsi they will be new followers of Hinduism :lol:

Kahi ulti ganga naa beh pade...HHindus converting to Christianity. :lol: Rehne do tumse na hoo payega. :p:
One doesn't need to pray to any Hindu god for doing 'asanas'.

Heard of "aham brahmasmi"? :coffee:

Yoga is practiced to discover God in self. That is what the asanas are for. Not all Hinduims is about praying to "god". If you are ignorant, make an attempt to educate yourself. Don't go around spreading ignorance out of spite or self hate.
You have hit the Nail on the head :tup:

Christians are quick to assign, caste dowry etc to Hinduism and now equally quick to divest Hinduism of Yoga.

I detest the "secular" fools who are dim witted enough to rejoice in this.

To say Yoga is not Hindu, is the most absurd of all arguments.
Wait for some more time..
They will soon realise that while doing yoga,they chant "Aum" or simply "OM"
And then "OM" will cease to be a part of hinduism too :rofl:
It is one thing to be ignorant and stupid. Its totally different to share that ignorance with the rest of the world. Its the classic definition of a fool.

No one cares a Fcuk, about you or what you think you fool. You are important only in you own mind. Not to the rest of us.

Now if you have nothing meaningful to say STFU. If people did not want courts permission, there would have been no court case you retard :lol:
LOL There are too many similar mindset of myself you can find,that is why it is on the news:lol:.Since long before today people have been following this thing you dumbf$k & I hardly intend to talk about religion to a religious moron.Your opinion means less than a squat to me.You have lost screw or you are just a kid & not worthy to have a reply..:omghaha:.
Wait for some more time..
They will soon realise that while doing yoga,they chant "Aum" or simply "OM"
And then "OM" will cease to be a part of hinduism too :rofl:

No doubt about it. To see seemingly intelligent Hindus falling into this Christian trap is just too infuriating.

I mean, how blind can one be ? No wonder the british could rule us with ease. If this simple minded existence continues, we will soon revert back to being lap dogs.

LOL There are too many similar mindset of myself you can find,that is why it is on the news:lol:.Since long before today people have been following this thing you dumbf$k & I hardly intend to talk about religion to you.Your opinion means less than a squat to me.You have lost screw or you are just a kid & not worthy to have a reply..:omghaha:.

Sadly Hindus have massive Inferiority complex and me and a few other cannot help the majority out of this. Centuries of slavery has done its bit. So no doubt you will see more "secular" retards rejoicing in the streets.

Only that does not make you right, only demonstrates the sad state of affairs.

I am not "discussing" Hinduism with you, I am "teaching" it to you. There is a BIG difference. Only you are too stupid to get it. That is why Yogis designed "temples" for simpletons like you.
No doubt about it. To see seemingly intelligent Hindus falling into this Christian trap is just too infuriating.

I mean, how blind can one be ? No wonder the british could rule us with ease. If this simple minded existence continues, we will soon revert back to being lap dogs.
The main problem is the perception of religion
People find it hard to believe that Yoga can be a "religious thing".For centuries they have believed that reigion is "worshipping the unseen" ,this feeling has been percolated into hinduism too.
But we are lot more scientific than we believe.Every hindu tradition has a scientific value,and not merely "worship"
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