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'Yeti footprints': Indian army mocked over claim


Aug 24, 2015
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The jury is still out on whether Yetis indeed exist or if they are part of a legend.


In a first, the Indian Army has said that a massive footprint of a 'Yeti' was sighted near the Makalu base camp earlier this month.

In a tweet, the Indian Army informed that a Mountaineering Expedition team had spotted the giant footprint - measuring 35X15 inches - in the snow on April 9. It also informed that the 'elusive snowman has only been sighted at Makalu-Barun National Park in the past.' The tweet was accompanied by several photos showing the massive footprint.
The jury is still out, however, on whether Yetis exist indeed or if they are part of a legend. While many claim to have spotted the snow giants which reportedly have an ape-like structure and a massive body frame, others say that there is no undeniable proof that has ever been presented.

Footprints in the Himalayan snow have been observed by mountaineers and scientists over the past several decades, and it is believed they belong to the rare mystical creature. Several expeditions with the specific aim to spot a Yeti and prover its existence have been undertaken since the 1950s. Concrete proof backed with scientific evidence, however, remains missing despite the use of modern DNA technologies and high-end recording devices.
And Indian army mocked over claim

'Yeti footprints': Indian army mocked over claim

The Indian army has claimed to have found footprints of the yeti, sparking jokes and disbelief on social media.

The army tweeted to its nearly six million followers on Monday that it had discovered "mysterious footprints of mythical beast 'Yeti' at the Makalu Base Camp [in the Himalayas]".

The yeti - a giant ape-like creature - often figures in South Asian folklore.

There is no evidence proving yeti exist but the myth retains a strong appeal in the region.

And the army has now added to the legend by sharing pictures of "footprints" in the snow on an official Twitter account.


Although the footprints were discovered on 9 April, the army made the discovery public only after deciding that it matched earlier theories about the yeti, according to a report in the Times of India.

Reacting to the disbelief on social media, the army said the "evidence" about the yeti had been "photographed " and "handed over to subject matter experts".

"So, we thought it prudent [to go public] to excite scientific temper and rekindle the interest."

The yeti, also known as the Abominable Snowman, is a legendary creature that is said to inhabit the upper reaches of the Himalayas. Stories of people seeing the yeti or its footprints are common in parts of India, Nepal and Bhutan.

In 2013, research by a British scientist concluded that the legendary Himalayan yeti may in fact be a sub-species of brown bear.

Twitter users reacted with disbelief that the Indian army would make such a bold claim about the footprints of a "mythical beast".

Twitter post by @deven_sailor


Replying to @deven_sailor and 7 others

This must be vetted thoroughly before the decision to declare something as ridiculous as this is made.

Twitter post by @theharit

Replying to @adgpi and 6 others

Seriously disappointing to see Army propagating such foolish myths into reality. Expected better from you guys
Twitter post by @nktpnd
"); background-position: 16px 13px; border: 0px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 4px; font-weight: initial; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px; visibility: visible; display: block; position: static; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 500px; min-width: 220px;">

Ankit Panda

Either I’m missing the joke, or the Indian Army is claiming that it’s found what it believes is evidence of a literal yeti.

The claim also inspired humour in good measure.

Twitter post by @KanishkSamota
View image on Twitter

Kanishk Samota@KanishkSamota

Replying to @adgpi and 6 others

And I spotted Bigfoot's footprints in Singapore last Sunday. What a coincidence!
Twitter post by @asif_karjikar
View image on Twitter

He entered in city for voting
There have been numerous attempts in recent years to solve the mystery of the yeti.
The jury is still out on whether Yetis indeed exist or if they are part of a legend.


In a first, the Indian Army has said that a massive footprint of a 'Yeti' was sighted near the Makalu base camp earlier this month.

In a tweet, the Indian Army informed that a Mountaineering Expedition team had spotted the giant footprint - measuring 35X15 inches - in the snow on April 9. It also informed that the 'elusive snowman has only been sighted at Makalu-Barun National Park in the past.' The tweet was accompanied by several photos showing the massive footprint.
The jury is still out, however, on whether Yetis exist indeed or if they are part of a legend. While many claim to have spotted the snow giants which reportedly have an ape-like structure and a massive body frame, others say that there is no undeniable proof that has ever been presented.

Footprints in the Himalayan snow have been observed by mountaineers and scientists over the past several decades, and it is believed they belong to the rare mystical creature. Several expeditions with the specific aim to spot a Yeti and prover its existence have been undertaken since the 1950s. Concrete proof backed with scientific evidence, however, remains missing despite the use of modern DNA technologies and high-end recording devices.
This can be true. No need to laugh.
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