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YDA hunger strike for the rights of patients !!


Sep 7, 2010
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its been 3-4 days since YDA has gone on hunger strike to secure the rights of Patients...

in protest to providing expired medicine, young doctors are on hunger strike against the punjab government...

oh the evil doctors, why care for the patients who are provided expired medicine by health department, government of punjab !!! :disagree:
its been 3-4 days since YDA has gone on hunger strike to secure the rights of Patients...

in protest to providing expired medicine, young doctors are on hunger strike against the punjab government...

oh the evil doctors, why care for the patients who are provided expired medicine by health department, government of punjab !!! :disagree:
They are not protesting for their patients they are doing it because the have become a mafia and are blackmailing government Shabaz should do only one thing arrest them and beat the hell out of them only than they will have lesson of their life
They are not protesting for their patients they are doing it because the have become a mafia and are blackmailing government Shabaz should do only one thing arrest them and beat the hell out of them only than they will have lesson of their life

one know what is a mafia, second you are wrong... the government supplies fake medicine, expired medicine and when the patient dies an FIR is launched against the doctors for criminal negligence...

is it fair? they have stood up for their rights and are deemed as wrong, shame on you !!
one know what is a mafia, second you are wrong... the government supplies fake medicine, expired medicine and when the patient dies an FIR is launched against the doctors for criminal negligence...

is it fair? they have stood up for their rights and are deemed as wrong, shame on you !!
Their demands they are blackmailing government for past few years they give a dam about patients they are the biggest mafia in fact most new medical students are fed up of it they are the snakes and if PTI wins they will even not spare them stop supporting them because Shabaz is in government other wise you will cry the day you supported them they are the curse and a mafia and they showed themselves in Gujranwala

Fourth day of hunger strike by doctors for the rights of patients to get real and un expired medicine by government for the patients.....

Fourth day of hunger strike by doctors for the rights of patients to get real and un expired medicine by government for the patients.....
Fourth day of strike by mafia known as YDA to blackmail government and soon they will bite PTI too and that will be too late for PTI to realize

no wonder the only revolution day would be when her head is hanged outside punjab assembly !!
freaking monkeys... go save the girl who is longing for a doctor in the hospital, idiots.

personally, i dont care if the punjab police start beating them up...

then they will realize the pain of not having a doctor
Don't go so far while criticizing these Young Doctors. We should give them more respect and they should also realize the status of their profession.
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freaking monkeys... go save the girl who is longing for a doctor in the hospital, idiots.

personally, i dont care if the punjab police start beating them up...

then they will realize the pain of not having a doctor

if since you dont know, and havent read, therefore let me tell you that health department has stopped giving free treatment to patients, no free tests, the machines are out of order in many cases...therefore doctors have gone on hunger strike that these facilities must continue to be provided by govt...

anything wrong, yes the tyranny of this government who arent doing anything !!

YOU try to be in a HOSPITAL WITHOUT doctors.

YOU try to RUSH into a hospital with one of your family members in critical condition, only to find out there are NO DOCTORS.

Think about it.

read before commenting, the civil society is not suppose to back "No free treatment" policy by government...
if since you dont know, and havent read, therefore let me tell you that health department has stopped giving free treatment to patients, no free tests, the machines are out of order in many cases...therefore doctors have gone on hunger strike that these facilities must continue to be provided by govt...

anything wrong, yes the tyranny of this government who arent doing anything !!

all propoganda by media wing of these monkeys
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