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Yakub Memon being hanged because he's Muslim: Asaduddin Owaisie

nahi bhaijan....owaisi is not wrong here, pl do watch his complete statement......he is not objecting on death sentence,neither he is supporting him, only he raise question on system ? one rule one policy for all
most of the time media doesn't show his complete statement,only on small clip they run their entire prim time

only the biggest negative about him is , while addressing audience his expression and voice is very loud ,which really leave very bad impression

he is always been question because he is advocating for Muslim only ,but i strongly believe Muslim also required their political representation, Muslim youth also required political leader,for political solution why Indian youth should look at imam of jam masjid , in India all community has their political representative weather schedule cast ,tribe or samajwadi ,backward cast than why not Muslim

he is hardcore nationalist too, many people may have different definition for nationalism ,but for me it is enough that he believe in constitution ,believing in one India, and fighting for their right in constitutional way
some time i chat with him on FB , so i do understand him
I agree on many things above but why do you think every community should have a leader. Do you know who is the leader of muslims in UP? its mulayam singh yadav. Its good to have leaders from all communities but it is not necessary that only the leaders from a community should represent the community. Can you tell me who is the leader of brahmins or kshatriyas or christians, jains or sikhs?

H was neither poor nor an uneducated who can not understand what he does. These are the people who are brain behind the crimes. They use others to plant the bomb and kill people. Their crime is much more serious than the crime of others who planted the bomb and hence they deserve greater punishment. His crime fits into the judicial criterion of the rarest of rare crime to be qualified for capital punishment. Though I am sad with this punishment, you have to set some example. you must take into the account the feeling of relatives of those 400 people who lost their lives.
Yakub is paying price for what he did. But if Rajiv Gandhi or Beant Singh's killers can be spared then people will raise fingers. We must not only do justice in letter and spirit but also appear to be doing justice. People who want Yakub Memon shd not hang are not asking for his acquital, they want him to die in jail and not by hanging. Sessions court had awarded death sentence to about a dozen people but only he is hanging. Hang him but then hang others also who have done similar crimes.
Yakub is paying price for what he did. But if Rajiv Gandhi or Beant Singh's killers can be spared then people will raise fingers.

You are confused. They are not hanged not because they are from any particular community beu because of Supreme court judgement that if you do not hang any culprit for a long time and keep him in in jail awaiting for long time, he suffers enormous amount of pain because of fear of being hanged. This in itself is s great punishment. So ther can not be 2 punishment for 2 crimes and hence they ca not be hanged. The judgement has nothing to do with any cast community. Only idiots and who want to play cast card tosses up such issues. Had Afzal guru not been hanged for some time till the delivery of that judgement, He too would not have been hanged. The killer of rajiv were not hanged for almost a decade so Supreme court said that now they can not be hanged because you did not do that for a long time.Have you heared the news that our government asked the supreme court not to show any leniency for the rajiv's killer?
Hang him but then hang others also who have done similar crimes.

Name some one who was involved in same crime and not hanged.

What can i say ? there are idiots everywhere!!!!

You once agin came here with a balancing remark rather than posting truth.
You are confused. They are not hanged not because they are from any particular community beu because of Supreme court judgement that if you do not hang any culprit for a long time and keep him in in jail awaiting for long time, he suffers enormous amount of pain because of fear of being hanged. This in itself is s great punishment. So ther can not be 2 punishment for 2 crimes and hence they ca not be hanged. The judgement has nothing to do with any cast community. Only idiots and who want to play cast card tosses up such issues. Had Afzal guru not been hanged for some time till the delivery of that judgement, He too would not have been hanged. The killer of rajiv were not hanged for almost a decade so Supreme court said that now they can not be hanged because you did not do that for a long time.

Name some one who was involved in same crime and not hanged.

You once agin came here with a balancing remark rather than posting truth.
What exactly are you talking about kid?
I think the SC has taken the right decision , i said so in another thread. we sitting in armchairs can hardly second guess the SC . as for owaisie he is an idiot .
So where exactly did i ignore the truth?
What exactly are you talking about kid?
I think the SC has taken the right decision , i said so in another thread. we sitting in armchairs can hardly second guess the SC . as for owaisie he is an idiot .

Hey what do you want to say uncle (Since I am a kid)?

How and where did i questioned the supreme court's judgement?

Do you know that when somebody makes an extremely unacceptable and offensive statement and you react by saying that idots are everywhere than you are defending him by underming his offense by generalizing it and you are reluctant to take a stand where it is required. Your statement remind me the incident of junior owesi. When he said that all Hindus in ndia should be killed and his lawyer defended in court saying that he is a lunatic. Your stand on the issue is that of a pseudo secular who cries a lot quoting Muzzaffar nagar riot and Msulims being there in refugee camp but never utter a single word on kashmiri pundits living in refugee camps.
You are confused. They are not hanged not because they are from any particular community beu because of Supreme court judgement that if you do not hang any culprit for a long time and keep him in in jail awaiting for long time, he suffers enormous amount of pain because of fear of being hanged. This in itself is s great punishment. So ther can not be 2 punishment for 2 crimes and hence they ca not be hanged. The judgement has nothing to do with any cast community. Only idiots and who want to play cast card tosses up such issues. Had Afzal guru not been hanged for some time till the delivery of that judgement, He too would not have been hanged. The killer of rajiv were not hanged for almost a decade so Supreme court said that now they can not be hanged because you did not do that for a long time.Have you heared the news that our government asked the supreme court not to show any leniency for the rajiv's killer?

Name some one who was involved in same crime and not hanged.

You once agin came here with a balancing remark rather than posting truth.
Listen, first of all i believe our courts specially SC wont do any injustice. So when they say hang, the culprit should be hanged. period. Its politics afterwards to keep the culprits waiting for ages for mercy and selective presidential pardons that compromises the justice.
Also govt can never ask SC for any favours but they can do it by going soft like not opposing bail or not strongly pleading for a case. The system of justice also includes how the case is fought in courts.

As you asked the name, its the Beant Singh and Rajiv Gandhi killers... they were part of a bigger conspiracy and carried out their operations thru bomb blasts killing many innocent people.

I am here to express my thoughts and feelings and I am not scared of any one. What is truth is final in SC verdict. Lets make an example of it and not fool around with the verdicts of SC.

I only mentioned that "SOME" muslims are not very happy about him hanging but they are fine with his life in jail until his death. Many who are opposed to death penalty are also unhappy about his hanging.
I agree on many things above but why do you think every community should have a leader. Do you know who is the leader of muslims in UP? its mulayam singh yadav. Its good to have leaders from all communities but it is not necessary that only the leaders from a community should represent the community. Can you tell me who is the leader of brahmins or kshatriyas or christians, jains or sikhs?

technically you are right , i agree with you ,many constitution doesn't recognize different group ,division or ethnic group ,but brutality is it exist very strongly , and Indian politics is very different ,and entire politics is vote bank eccentric.......

when you say democratic way or constitutional way it meas power of negotiation with government, with in system, without any violence....in short power of vote ......only danger is ,in case of vacuum in political leadership ,youth may started looking at religious leader for guidance ,which simply they can provide ....or religious leader may not have that much negotiation ability ,

mulayam sing and nitish kumar can be leader of Muslim in their respective state ,it may only because of their political interest ( % vote) only , for example in BIHAR and UP pasmanda Muslim has reservation ,but Maharashtra state doesn't recognize it ,being Andra guy if owaisis is fighting for reservation for pasmanda Muslim in Maharashtra ,than why not mulayam and nitish is supporting him ,why owaisis is fighting alone ?

when i am saying political representation, it means on national level

sikh has their own representation in Punjab although they are less in % , but strong political existence than Muslim
can you still dream that Muslim can be prime minister of India ?

and just for you information , BJP is nothing than hard core manage by forward ,just do deep analysis and cross check % representation of barhmin in their key portfolio...... and it is reality .....
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Hey what do you want to say uncle (Since I am a kid)?

How and where did i questioned the supreme court's judgement?

Do you know that when somebody makes an extremely unacceptable and offensive statement and you react by saying that idots are everywhere than you are defending him by underming his offense by generalizing it and you are reluctant to take a stand where it is required. Your statement remind me the incident of junior owesi. When he said that all Hindus in ndia should be killed and his lawyer defended in court saying that he is a lunatic. Your stand on the issue is that of a pseudo secular who cries a lot quoting Muzzaffar nagar riot and Msulims being there in refugee camp but never utter a single word on kashmiri pundits living in refugee camps.
Boy you need to calm down even i hate owaisi and i am sure Razia also hates owaisi but @Razia Sultana is just stating some facts right.
AFAIT everyone should be hanged let that from any caste or religion.
So along with Yakub Memon, the sikh terrorists should also be hanged immediately.
As you asked the name, its the Beant Singh and Rajiv Gandhi killers... they were part of a bigger conspiracy and carried out their operations thru bomb blasts killing many innocent people.

Still the crime you quotted is no where near the crime of D & CO as it was aimed at inoocent masses and not any individual. It was an act of war as it was aimed to kill innocent people with whom they had no enmity. Bombs were planted at multiple places and a huge amount of people were killed.

In both the cases you quoted got the capital punishment as like yakub memon. Their punishments were cancelled because of the failure of government to execute them for an unacceptably long period of time. In Yakub's case, if government doesn't hang him in time, He too will be releaved from the capital punishment.
Boy you need to calm down even i hate owaisi and i am sure Razia also hates owaisi but @Razia Sultana is just stating some facts right.
AFAIT everyone should be hanged let that from any caste or religion.
So along with Yakub Memon, the sikh terrorists should also be hanged immediately.

right that is point
I am here to express my thoughts and feelings and I am not scared of any one. What is truth is final in SC verdict. Lets make an example of it and not fool around with the verdicts of SC.

Whatis the need to specify it. Everybody know that and i never questioned that.
Raising questions over 1993 Mumbai serial blasts convict Yakub Memon's expected hanging, All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) chief Asaduddin Owaisi on Thursday said Memon is being punished because of his religion.

Addressing a public gathering in Hyderabad, Owaisi said Memon, who is likely to be hanged on July 30, accused the Centre of indulging in religious discrimination and said the government should execute all death row convicts.

Owaisi said killers of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh are not being executed because of political pressure.

"The killers of Rajiv Gandhi and Beant Singh have the backing of political parties in Tamil Nadu and Punjab. Which political party is backing Yakub Memon? Shiromani Akali Dal in Punjab has gone to the extent of pardoning Balwant Singh Rajoana," Owaisi said.

Raking up the Babri Masjid issue, the Hyderabab MP said thousands of people were killed in communal riots following the demolition of Babri Majid, many officers were booked under serious chanrges but none were convicted.

Later, talking to India Today TV, Owaisi said he is not against the court's verdict in Memon's case but the circumstances leading to his death penalty can not be ignored.

Earlier, in a last-ditch effort to avoid execution of his death sentence, Yakub Memon, the lone death row convict in the 1993 Bombay serial blasts that left 257 dead and over 700 injured, filed mercy petition to Maharashtra Governor Ch Vidyasagar Rao. The move came after the Supreme Court rejected his curative petition, the last legal remedy available to avoid execution of death sentence.

A three judge bench headed by Chief Justice HL Dattu rejected Memon's plea, saying that the grounds raised by him do not fall within the principles laid down by the apex court in 2002 for deciding curative petitions.

Memon, in his plea, had claimed he was suffering from schizophrenia since 1996 and remained behind the bars for nearly 20 years. He had sought commutation of death penalty contending that a convict cannot be awarded life term and the extreme penalty simultaneously for the same offence.

The apex court said, "The petitioner has raised certain grounds in the curative petition which would not fall within the principles laid down in the case of Rupa Ashok Hurra vs Ashok Hurra.

The apex court had on April 9 this year dismissed Memon's petition seeking review of his death sentence which was upheld on March 21, 2013. President Pranab Mukherjee had earlier rejected his mercy petition in May 2014.

The Supreme Court, while upholding the death sentence to Memon, a chartered accountant by profession, on March 21, 2013, described him as the "driving spirit" behind the carnage that followed the communal riots of 1992.

The Supreme Court had also upheld the life sentence awarded to 23 others, including Yakub brother Essa, who was found guilty of conspiracy and allowing the use of his flat at Al-Hussaini building at Mahim for meetings to plan the blasts and storing arms and ammunition, and sister-in-law Rubina, who arranged finances and allowed her car to be used by terrorists for carrying co-conspirators, arms, ammunition and explosives.

Yakub was arrested on August 6, 1994 when he arrived at Delhi Airport from Kathmandu. He had claimed he felt remorse and wanted to surrender.

Yakub Memon being hanged because he's a Muslim: Asaduddin Owaisi : India, News - India Today
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I only mentioned that "SOME" muslims are not very happy about him hanging but they are fine with his life in jail until his death. Many who are opposed to death penalty are also unhappy about his hanging.

Judicial system do not work on the feelings of community. If muslims are not happy with his capital punishment,or whosoever is not happy is highly communal. I am a hindu and i wold like all hindus involved in the killing of rajiv gandhi's assignation to be hanged. If i think otherwise purely on the religious ground, I am communal. It is as simple as that.
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Mumbai 1993 blast was an attack on India, its people, its economy. All the perpetrators including the so-called poor bomb planters and memon family should have been hanged a decade and half ago. Owaisi says Yakub is being hanged because he is Muslim, the bomb planters who have been saved from the noose, are they buddhists?

Some Muslim say that even after waging and war against the country and killing 270+ innocent people including wome and children these people should not be hanged and then they say why our loyalty to the nation is questioned? :hitwall::hitwall:

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