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Ya’alon (Isreali Defence Minister) : I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in Syria

That wasn't what the minister said, he was comparing ISIS to the Iranian mullahs. Israel is a proportional representation democracy where the politicians make the decisions so you have to expect some public discussion of these matters:


"in Israel, there are three million prime ministers"
- Golda Meir, Israel PM, 1969-74​

Perhaps because you trust my reasoning and judgment, even if you hate it?

Isn't it a principle of Islamic jurisprudence that no one can be blamed and punished because of the crime of another?

America is not imperialist. If you want to embrace one, you know can pick up the phone and call Britain, they might take Pakistan back on Dominion status.

And yet it's Pakistanis, not Americans, who made the decisions, and they could have chosen otherwise.

Oh, is this one of those posts where readers are supposed to know to substitute the name of some other country or entity for "America" because to write against it openly would be too dangerous? Sorry, I didn't realize.
It is pointless arguing any further. An American is a strange phenomenon. He cannot look within and blames the world for hating it even though he caused the situation today. Only perhaps when America comes down it will dawn on you. Till then continue advocating American version of jihad 101 on the world. A father nation for Pacha Khan Zadran and Abdullah Mehsud is expected to behave this way. I will leave it at the point that we Pakistanis have severe reservations with America and Americans and how they have used us and our leaders for their twisted goals.
I will leave it at the point that we Pakistanis have severe reservations with America and Americans and how they have used us and our leaders for their twisted goals.
Aren't you leaving at this point because you realize that your position is morally, logically, and perhaps even Islamically (is that a word?) unsupportable yet to admit that would deprive you of its emotional satisfaction? Why else would you bother to repeat the statements I challenged as conclusions? So you can depart and still feel good about keeping the hate you have for America and Israel, yes?

And by your logic, if you now go out and choose to kill an American or someone you consider a "used" Pakistani that's also America's fault, yes? Yet you are the one making the choices, haviZsultan. I write this to point out how close even you, a man who appears to hate terrorists who plague Pakistan, are in heart to them. Know and expose yourself and you'll be that much closer to defeating them.
The Americans, almost completely withdrawn from the area, were just looking for a stable government; they had little or no idea of what the Taliban were outside of information provided by Pakistan or perhaps the KSA.

Mate it isnt as simple as that. Americans wanted Unocol to construct oil/gas pipeline from central asia to south asia going through Afghanistan. That was the reason for support initially.
When Talibs started negotiating with Argentinians, they became antagonists in the eyes of Americans. The hand picked president of Afghanistan, Mr Karzai, who was inserted into Afghanistan by Green Berets (US special forces) was a former employee of Unocol , do you think this is all coincidence ?

Realpolitik governs international relations my friend, yes realpolitik.

An old man in Madaya starved by Hezbollah. Again how they are better than ISIS?
Mate it isnt as simple as that. Americans wanted Unocol to construct oil/gas pipeline from central asia to south asia going through Afghanistan. That was the reason for support initially.
When Talibs started negotiating with Argentinians, they became antagonists in the eyes of Americans. The hand picked president of Afghanistan, Mr Karzai, who was inserted into Afghanistan by Green Berets (US special forces) was a former employee of Unocol , do you think this is all coincidence ?

Realpolitik governs international relations my friend, yes realpolitik.
These arguments have an effect on those who can critically look at themselves and their problems. Americans like Solomon are incapable of doing this. Will he improve the system in US? Will he look within? Or will he keep blaming us?

I say this clearly. Americans got everything they deserved for arming the Jihadis-infact they deserve far worse as we have been taking the losses with 60,000+ killed and 100 billion $+ of losses.

If we are mere pawns even now then we will be pawns forever for America-our people are dying because of what these Americans created. This is a parasitic relationship with America the parasite. As far as we go we should have known the damage mullahs and their terroristic ilk could cause us from the beginning. Mullahs are only capable of biting the hand that feeds them. They did this with every country that supported them in 80's except the biggest sponsor America which was safe and far away and they could not touch.

An old man in Madaya starved by Hezbollah. Again how they are better than ISIS?
This is horrible. Human rights violations have constantly occured in Syria. The problem with Arab and Iranian sponsored groups is that they do not vouch for liberalism and give rights to their people. Hezbollah is respected for its defense of Lebanon during the last war but this is where we draw the line. Injustices committed against the indigenous people by power hungry leaders of such regimes.
Mate it isnt as simple as that. Americans wanted Unocol to construct oil/gas pipeline from central asia to south asia going through Afghanistan. That was the reason for support initially.
Any stable gov't would have done for that purpose.

The hand picked president of Afghanistan, Mr Karzai, who was inserted into Afghanistan by Green Berets (US special forces) was a former employee of Unocol , do you think this is all coincidence ?
See "911 Myths: Karzai and Unocal": link

Realpolitik governs international relations my friend, yes realpolitik.
Didn't Al Qaeda teach the world otherwise? What was Realpolitik about them?

These arguments have an effect on those who can critically look at themselves and their problems. Americans like Solomon are incapable of doing this. Will he improve the system in US? Will he look within? Or will he keep blaming us?
By your logic America can be blamed for all ills, right?

If America does nothing it's "abandonment."
If America supports the Pakistani government it is America that is blamed from any evil that results.
If America opposes the Pakistani government it is to be blamed for any anger expressed by the government or violence from the populace.

Have I got that right? That there is not any course of action America can take now, nor could have taken in the past, that would result in you not pinning the blame on America and proclaiming that America "got everything it deserved"?
Here Come another ISIS sympathizer :disagree:.
Seems like ISIS activities are being taken as Role Model in Israel.

BTW ISIS is working for Israeli Interests. ISIS want to turn every Middle Eastern country to ruins to appease THEM. I am not shocked to hear this statement by Zionist Psychopath. Their obsession with Middle Eastern countries is not new.

An old man in Madaya starved by Hezbollah. Again how they are better than ISIS?
Hezbollah is not Iran BTW :crazy:
If virtue be the spring of a popular government in times of peace, the spring of that government during a revolution is virtue combined with terror: virtue, without which terror is destructive; terror, without which virtue is impotent. Terror is only justice prompt, severe and inflexible; it is then an emanation of virtue; it is less a distinct principle than a natural consequence of the general principle of democracy, applied to the most pressing wants of the country ... The government in a revolution is the despotism of liberty against tyranny.

So much examples, so much ........
If America does nothing it's "abandonment."
If America supports the Pakistani government it is America that is blamed from any evil that results.
If America opposes the Pakistani government it is to be blamed for any anger expressed by the government or violence from the populace.
In that case it would be very Good step if you can convince your President to Just take Pakistan out from American foreign Policy. America wouldn't be blamed for anything When America will seize to interfere in Pakistan's internal matters.
Simple and Easy!!
Any stable gov't would have done for that purpose.

See "911 Myths: Karzai and Unocal": link

Didn't Al Qaeda teach the world otherwise? What was Realpolitik about them?

By your logic America can be blamed for all ills, right?

If America does nothing it's "abandonment."
If America supports the Pakistani government it is America that is blamed from any evil that results.
If America opposes the Pakistani government it is to be blamed for any anger expressed by the government or violence from the populace.

Have I got that right? That there is not any course of action America can take now, nor could have taken in the past, that would result in you not pinning the blame on America and proclaiming that America "got everything it deserved"?
You will always shift blame. This is a common characteristic of people like you. America is a bully and has been involved in all recent senseless conflict. This you will not understand until US disappears from the world map.
this is amazing to see how Israelis supporting ISIS by not acknowledging other stuff :D
surely children starves in ISIS but do become forced militants and no they don't barrel bombs, they do suicide bombs, girls become sex slaves and so on
this is amazing to see how Israelis supporting ISIS by not acknowledging other stuff :D
surely children starves in ISIS but do become forced militants and no they don't barrel bombs, they do suicide bombs, girls become sex slaves and so on
Thanks for reminding. IRI used suicide bombers and child soldiers when al-Baghdadi still was in kindergarten.
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