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Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions

full production 2017 is a long way to go for Y20
but if china looks like made a fine plane maybe Bangladesh Pakistan and other countries will also buy

I don't think so Pakistan would go so soon for Y-20 but perhaps after a good numbers are operational with Chinese Air Force.
4 IL-78/4 CN-235/18 C-130s are more than enough for the next 12 years atleast but C-130s and particularly the oldest would be the first to go if ever replacement is considered and the only replacement PAF would want is non stretched variant C-130J as we have infrastructure in place perhaps the replacement might not be plane by plane and a room for 3-4 Y-20s could be considered by then knowing it carries 2 times more load than Super Hercules.
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I don't think so Pakistan would go so soon for Y-20 but perhaps after a good numbers are operational with Chinese Air Force.
4 IL-78/4 CN-235/18 C-130s are more than enough for the next 12 years atleast but C-130s and particularly the oldest would be the first to go if ever replacement is considered and the only replacement PAF would want is non stretched variant C-130J as we have infrastructure in place perhaps the replacement might not be place by plane and a room for 3-4 Y-20s are considered knowing it carries 2 times more load than Super Hercules.

We are personally considering an average of 20-30 over 10 years, though to reach, 200-300 it would most likely take some 15 years, due to the fact, production goes up, as time goes by, it's not linear.

But Pakistan won't go for the Y-20 so soon I don't think, but here's the difficult part of guessing, I'm not sure what the Pakistan strategy is.

IS Pakistan on the defensive? Going on the offensive? Waiting for China then go on the offensive? Going on the offensive, and drag China in? Or just peace.

Each requires different strategies and different equipments. The terrain, the distance, the weapons needed, the enemy faces, all different.

What do you personally think it is? What's Pakistan's strategy?
We are personally considering an average of 20-30 over 10 years, though to reach, 200-300 it would most likely take some 15 years, due to the fact, production goes up, as time goes by, it's not linear.

But Pakistan won't go for the Y-20 so soon I don't think, but here's the difficult part of guessing, I'm not sure what the Pakistan strategy is.

IS Pakistan on the defensive? Going on the offensive? Waiting for China then go on the offensive? Going on the offensive, and drag China in? Or just peace.

Each requires different strategies and different equipments. The terrain, the distance, the weapons needed, the enemy faces, all different.

What do you personally think it is? What's Pakistan's strategy?

Pakistan is both defensive and offensive since the last 14 years, its not about dragging anyone. C-130J is ideal with Hercules infrastructure in place for the past 51 Years I highly doubt PAF would let go this particular platform in favor of any other.

One thing is certain oldest C-130s will be replaced by non stretched variant C-130Js but it depends on funds, in future by that time the price would come down even further through most likely FMS foreign military sales...but Pakistan might not go out replacing all C-130s with all newer C-130s perhaps this is my view instead of 18 in future only 10-12 are replaced the rest could be either some medium transport such as Brazil KC-390 with unit cost around 50-55m or Y-20 that around 2026-27 timeframe well enough 13-14 years not sure 80s, 90s production era C-130s would live that longer by 2025+. Than there is one reality IL-78 of PAF needs modernization like Engine upgrades, glass cockpit so my opinon again it could be better to go for something newer like Y-20 or KC-390 in limited number in joint roles like Tanker/Transport.
Pakistan is both defensive and offensive since the last 14 years, its not about dragging anyone. C-130J is ideal with Hercules infrastructure in place for the past 51 Years I highly doubt PAF would let go this particular platform in favor of any other.

One thing is certain oldest C-130s will be replaced by non stretched variant C-130Js but it depends on funds, in future by that time the price would come down even further through most likely FMS foreign military sales...but Pakistan might not go out replacing all C-130s with all newer C-130s perhaps this is my view instead of 18 in future only 10-12 are replaced the rest could be either some medium transport such as Brazil KC-390 with unit cost around 50-55m or Y-20 that around 2026-27 timeframe well enough 13-14 years not sure 80s, 90s production era C-130s would live that longer by 2025+. Than there is one reality IL-78 of PAF needs modernization like Engine upgrades, glass cockpit so my opinon again it could be better to go for something newer like Y-20 or KC-390 in limited number in joint roles like Tanker/Transport.
KC-390 is too small compared to IL-78 and Y-20
KC-390 is too small compared to IL-78 and Y-20

Just possibilities along with C-130s, KC-390 can carry max load of 23ish tons while C-130J stretch version 20 tons. From the price point as well KC-390 is 50m and could go as much as $60m compared to Y-20 which would cost around around 100m+ depending on configuration similar to the price point of re-engineered redeveloped Il-76MD90A what is it "il-470?". While both KC-390 and Y-20 have VTOL capabilities and a plus point. I don't think if PAF ever picks Y-20 it would not be in large numbers but maybe around 4-5.

The crux later in future...C-130s new variants would come in unknown numbers, along side either some medium airlift transport like KC-390 or heavy lift Y-20 seems to be the only possibilities other than that Pakistan can't afford A-400/C-17/unlikely to get any russian new transport...another point is Y-9 would never be considered since it is understood that C-130 infrastructure is in place for the last 50 years PAF is not abandoning it. Y-9 could be the only possible platform for AEW&C.
the third prototype (20003? S/N 783) made its maiden flight on December 16, 2013
We are personally considering an average of 20-30 over 10 years, though to reach, 200-300 it would most likely take some 15 years, due to the fact, production goes up, as time goes by, it's not linear.

But Pakistan won't go for the Y-20 so soon I don't think, but here's the difficult part of guessing, I'm not sure what the Pakistan strategy is.

IS Pakistan on the defensive? Going on the offensive? Waiting for China then go on the offensive? Going on the offensive, and drag China in? Or just peace.

Each requires different strategies and different equipments. The terrain, the distance, the weapons needed, the enemy faces, all different.

What do you personally think it is? What's Pakistan's strategy?

Why does Pakistan even needs such large Aircraft
Why does Pakistan even needs such large Aircraft

Why not, it has STOL Capabilities, carries more cargo for operations may it be war or humanitarian crisis.

Although it is too early eventually it would be a good additional in the coming years, if you look most Nations ordered 2-6 C-17 III so here Pakistan is not going to add some 10+ merely 4 would be sufficient. PAF will always operated C-130s and newer variants would be opted in coming years no doubt about it.
Why not, it has STOL Capabilities, carries more cargo for operations may it be war or humanitarian crisis.

Although it is too early eventually it would be a good additional in the coming years, if you look most Nations ordered 2-6 C-17 III so here Pakistan is not going to add some 10+ merely 4 would be sufficient. PAF will always operated C-130s and newer variants would be opted in coming years no doubt about it.

Well at the cost of a Y-20 you can afford 2 Y-10 & the range of Y-20 aircraft is to large where will you use it,better to go for more short range aircraft
Well at the cost of a Y-20 you can afford 2 Y-10 & the range of Y-20 aircraft is to large where will you use it,better to go for more short range aircraft

What makes you think Y-20 costs would be higher, it is not C-17 an over priced product, lets suppose the price 120mX4 is fair price for the Capabilities it provides. Our C-130s and IL-78 regularly goes to Europe.

The question can be put to you C-17 inside India don't make sense when IL-76/AN series can do the Job No?
What makes you think Y-20 costs would be higher, it is not C-17 an over priced product, lets suppose the price 120mX4 is fair price for the Capabilities it provides. Our C-130s and IL-78 regularly goes to Europe.

The question can be put to you C-17 inside India don't make sense when IL-76/AN series can do the Job No?

C-17 is far more capable than IL-76/AN series has far better availability rates the IL-76/AN series & we are getting the bang for the buck
C-17 is far more capable than IL-76/AN series has far better availability rates the IL-76/AN series & we are getting the bang for the buck

You answered it, that is what PAF could be looking for in the future "capabilities and price".

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